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Scientific and technical journal established by OSTU. Media registration number: ПИ № ФС77-75780 dated May 23, 2019. ISSN: 2220-4245. Subscription index in the online catalog «Subscription Press» (www.akc.ru): E28002. Subscription to the electronic version is available on the «Rucont» platform.
The journal is included in the Russian Science Citation Index and in the List of Russian Scientific Journals .

Search results

  • V.1(13), 2013

    Estimation of quality of the current collection on monorail transport

    In paper results researches of interacting of devices of a current collection of monorail transport are resulted. Negative aftereffects of a current collection are analyzed: acoustical noise, radio interferences and light irradiation at a sparking, deterioration of contact elements.
  • V.2(34), 2018

    Analysis of the current and limited stressed-deformedstates of the rolling stock of railways withelastic-plastic conduct of material

    Annotaion. The relevance of carrying out research works on improving the regulatory and methodological base in the development of promising railroad rolling stock structures with the use of new structural materials with nonlinear properties during deformation (physical nonlinearity) is substantiated in the work. The possibility of using the finite element method (FEM) procedure for creating such constructions is considered. Dependence of stresses on deformations is approximated by a cubic parabola. This made it possible to obtain generalizations of the well-known relations and algorithms of the classical theory of FEM with a nonlinear relationship between stresses and deformations. The proposed technique was tested in the evaluation of the stress-strain state (SSS) of an aluminum gondola car under various standard loads according to the 1st design mode. The effect of physical nonlinearity on the SSS of a spiral beam of a freight gondola car of aluminum alloy AMg6 was estimated. The calculation of the stresses generated by the action of a longitudinal force with eccentricity shows that the stresses in the nonlinear approximation are 13% lower than the corresponding stress values obtained by calculation in the linear theory. The results obtained can be recommended for the development of pilot projects of new structures optimized for weight and strength characteristics.
  • V.4(16), 2013

    The practice of using ultrasound technologies in repairs of the rolling stock

    The article deals with theoretical and applied problems of ultrasonic cleaning of parts of rolling stock during the repair. Marked by features of ultrasonic influences in the bath with the limited sizes and the results of the simulation with the use of package Mathcad. Given the results of specific applications.
  • V.1(33), 2018

    Improvement of the method of calculating the lengthof the braking path of railway rolling stock

    Features of the methods of calculation of a braking distance of the train applied now are considered. The main shortcomings of the most widespread method of definition of a braking distance on speed intervals are shown. Authors offered the new method of calculation allowing to consider critical parameters of process of braking (speed of a brake wave; character of an indicator diagram of the brake cylinder and mode of a brake; the actual initial speed for calculation of a way of action of brakes of the train). For verification of the offered method computer modeling is executed and the analysis of results of the different methods of calculation of braking length received at application is carried out. The new method allows to make calculation of braking length of the rolling stock more precisely.
  • V.3(23), 2015

    Features of feedback ties at oscillations of systems with lever ties

    Method of construction of mathematical models is offered for mechanical systems with additional feedback ties which formed of lever mechanisms of different kinds. It shown that mathematical models can be get by simplifying more complicated system in which lever ties are realized of rigid body with fixed pivot point. Lever ties at the preparation of a model formally appear at decrease inertial moment of intermediate rigid body to very small values. It shown that mechanical oscillation system can be reduced to equivalent scheme which matches estimation scheme of chain type. Equivalent estimation schemes can to differ of various kinds of between-partial ties. Possibilities of using quasi-springs in equivalent estimation schemes are offered and justified. These complicated compositions consist of elastical elements which interconnected of lever mechanisms. Coerced stiffness’s of quasi-springs defined on rules of transformation of structural mathematical models. Base of mathematical modeling is using method of transformation of Laplas with following construction of equivalent in dynamical attitude of structural schemes of automation control systems. Analytical ratios are given. They characterize possibilities of special dynamical regimes.
  • V.1(17), 2014

    Research of effectiveness of convection and methods thermoradiative capsulating winding insulation for repair of electric machines tpn

    The article studies comparing the effectiveness of using thermoradiation and convective drying methods insulation windings of electrical machines of traction rolling stock, impregnated with various modern varnishes and compounds at their factory and depot repair. Objective factors in the comparison methods are parameters such as temperature class, electric strength and cementing capacity. The author substantiates advantage thermoradiation method over convective.
  • V.1(25), 2016

    Vibrational prognostication of operating conditions of the locomotive traction electric machines

    The reasons of a case-type vibration in the frictionless bearings in the assembled machine are studied. The method of identification of the radial clearances in the bearings without disassembling is suggested on the basis of the conducted measurements and analysis. The algorithm of vibrational prognostication of operating conditions of the frictionless bearings in the locomotive traction motors is suggested and grounded
  • V.2(14), 2013

    Wheels and rails adhesion mode determination for locomotives with induction traction motors

    The method of wheels and rails adhesion mode determination for locomotives based on Fisher statistical criteria is designed. Freight DC electric locomotive 2ES10 experimental trips on Sverdlovsk railway data processing results are presented.
  • V.4(32), 2017

    Evaluation of dynamic qualities of a freight car with a bogie 18-9855

    A study of the influence of non-linear parameters spring of a freight car suspension (stiffness spring, length base of a bogie, roughnesses railway) on the amplitude and phase fluctuations bouncing body is completed. Defined own vibrational frequency jumps car body as a function of the parameters.
  • V.1(37), 2019

    Improving of controlling indexes on dc railway stock

    In the article the possibilities of improving the adjustment properties and technical characteristics of electric rolling stock with collector traction motors are considered. Semiconductor devices can improve the smoothness of the traction motors start-up due to a more even voltage increase, smooth regulation of the field current in the traction and braking modes. Variants of simplified power circuits of eight-axis direct current electric locomotives with a minimum number of switching electrical devices have been developed, allowing to reduce weight and size of the equipment, increase the reliability of power circuits operations. Circuit solutions for protecting the wheelset of an electric locomotive from boxing and skidding by enhancing the traction motors field are considered. The role of semiconductor converters in the improvement of rolling stock with a combined and dual power is noted. The ways to improve the efficiency of electric braking by collector traction motors are listed. The necessity of using adaptive microprocessor control systems for semiconductor converters for expanding their functional capabilities and realizing optimal parameters of direct current rolling stock is noted.
  • V.3(27), 2016

    Classification of dynamic phenomena in the traction drive locomotive

    The analysis of the causes of low efficiency of existing knowledge about the dynamics of the locomotive traction drive. It was found that the use of scientific information is difficult because of its inconsistency and lack of systematization. The classification of dynamic phenomena in the locomotive traction drive to facilitate the search for new technical solutions. Classification is used to create a new design rubber-cord coupling protected by a patent.
  • V.4(24), 2015

    Improvement of safety devices of high-speed current collectors

    Now the problem of development of the high-speed and high-speed movement on the main railway transport that is connected by increase of traffic safety of trains and ensuring reliable work of contact suspension brackets and current collectors of an electrorolling stock is actual. For increase of reliable work of current collectors there are some ways one of which is creation of the safety devices which are built in a design of current collectors and providing their automatic lowering in emergencies. In Omsk State Transport University the current collector equipped with safety devices of new generation on the basis of the operated pneumatic devices and providing protection at failure or the increased wear of contact elements, and also breakages of a runner is developed; at rise on height of more admissible at departure of an electrorolling stock for the sign «End of a Contact Suspension Bracket» or break of contact wires; at blows and arrivals on obstacles in a contact suspension bracket. For control and management of operation of safety devices the protective pneumatic contour located on the basis of a current collector in the special case is used. At operation of one of safety devices there is a depressurization of the pneumohighway of a protective contour therefore pressure of compressed air the drive of a current collector decreases and it falls under the influence of own gravity. Restoration of a current collector possibly only in the conditions of depot or point of maintenance of locomotives. Calculation of characteristics and parameters of the device of protection at blows and arrivals on obstacles in a contact suspension bracket needs to be carried out by the given technique for zones of normal, dangerous and emergency work. For an assessment of operability of safety devices and definition of their main technical indicators and parameters in laboratory of OSTU the shock and oscillatory complex is developed for research of interaction of a current collector with a contact network.
  • V.3(15), 2013

    Calculation of contact pressing of a current collector the «aist» taking into account change of aerodynamic carrying power at various climatic conditions and working height

    In article it is made a calculation contact pressing taking into account change of aerodynamic carrying power depending on climatic conditions (in one and a two-phase stream), and as at change of working height of a current collector. Comparison of the received results with experimental data is executed.
  • V.1(29), 2017

    Evaluation of the influence of the parameters of the spring suspension of freight wagon on its dynamic qualities and traffic safety

    The influence of parameters of the spring suspension of freight wagon and axial load on its dynamic qualities and traffic safety. Showing the flaws of the standard three-piece bogie, influencing the dynamics and traffic safety. Investigated the horizontal dynamics of the of freight vechicle and the value of horizontal stiffness of spring suspension bogie for unoaden vechicle .
  • V.2(30), 2017

    The reasons of spontaneous operation of autobrakes in freight trains

    Traffic safety of trains is a priority task of JSC «Russian Railways». In article the reasons of spontaneous operation of brakes of freight trains are investigated and their statistics depending on density of brake network of the train is given. Calculation of pressure in the camera under the equalization piston of the crane of the driver is made. Inertial characteristics of the equalization piston and its static characteristics are defined. Process of spontaneous operation of autobrakes on the basis of fundamental laws of a hydraulic gas dynamics is simulated.
  • V.2(18), 2014

    Failure analysis of mechanical equipment electric locomotives 2es6

    This article provides an analysis of the failure of mechanical equipment freight electric loco-motive 2ES6 "Sinara". The aim is to analyze the main failure of the mechanical part, the causes of failure . Using statistical methods for estimating and accounting data form TU -29 "Book of dam-age or malfunction of locomotives and multiple units and their equipment" locomotive repair depot «Мoskovka» investigated. Mechanical equipment failures make up 8.72% of all failures locomotive. Mean operating time to failure of the mechanical part locomotive is L2=156221km. Failure analy-sis of mechanical equipment showed that about 50% of all faults related to the deterioration of the rolling surface of the wheelset . More than a third of all failures associated with unilateral wheel flange wear. Mean time to failure due to a unilateral wheelset wear bandage is L1=279874 km. One reason is the incorrect distribution the load on the wheelsets at the factory and in the process of the attendance, maintenance. About 20% of mechanical equipment failures account for the fail-ure ventilation pipes. Analysis showed that the problem appears in the winter season. The main reason is a design defect ventilation pipes. Other types of mechanical equipment failures have less statistical significance. For comparison, the paper analyzes the distribution of electric locomotives VL10 mechanical failures. The obtained dependences can be a source of information for the system repair locomotives 2ES6 "Sinara" on-condition maintenance.
  • V.4(16), 2013

    Systems of vibroprotection of equipment on basis of using transformation of relative movements of links

    Possibilities of expansion of settle of typical elementary links of mechanical oscillation systems are considered. As examples of links for transformation of movement the screw and level mechanisms are offered. Introduction of new links is equivalent of elementary links with transfer function of differential of second order. The method for definition of parameters of dynamical absorbtions of oscillation are offered.
  • V.3(19), 2014

    Evaluation of the possibility of using thermal method for leakage testing of the boilerof a railroad tank car

    The article presents the results of experimental studies to assess the possibility of using thermal methods of controlling the leakage of the boiler of a railroad tank car. This paper reflects the research of formation of the thermal field on the outer surface of the tank in the area of end-to-end defect such as a crack, by throttling through the gas medium due to the pressure differential. Presented thermograms show the localization of the defect with a detailed description of the anomalies of the thermal fields, recorded by the imager. Also confirmed the experiments described in the work on Joule and Thomson for throttling gas through local obstacle.
  • V.1(13), 2013

    Fluid flow modeling at the uv-sterilizer for railway transport passenger cars modernized water system

    In article there are fluid flow mathematical models at the UV-sterilizer with concentric pipes installed in modernized water supply system of passenger car allowing to determine the velocity field of the rotational velocity component and assess the degree of attenuation depending on the chamber disinfection geometry, the inlet pressure in the water system, and fluid properties. There are exact solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations for a rotating fluid between fixed cylinder of infinite length and limited fictitious determined rotating lids provided Poiseuille axisymmetric flow. The decision explicitly contains the product of cylindrical Bessel functions and hyperbolic functions.
  • V.4(20), 2014

    Development of an approximate mathematical model of communication processes of injection and combustion of fuel in diesel power plants locomotives

    The subject of the study were made of the injection and combustion in diesel locomotives and ships, which are the most difficult to analyze, operate and forecasting facility management (processes in the cylinder of a diesel engine), where the conversion of thermal energy released during the combustion of fuel into mechanical work takes place through a series of successive physico-chemical, thermal, mass transfer and thermodynamic transformations which together constitute the circular irreversible and unlocked the duty cycle. However, the direct study of the operating cycle is still difficult complexity of the totality of the factors influencing the course of the process as a whole. The aim of the work was to establish an empirical connection laws fuel supply and combustion process in diesel cylinder it, ie the creation of methods of calculating these processes together. One approach to establishing formal relations and the possibility of subsequent numerical modeling of combustion processes and communication of the law the fuel in a diesel engine is the use of the theory of automatic control, which developed methods of identification, taking into account the processes of management system in the form of a model of a cybernetic system. It is concluded that the numerous experimental and computational studies suggest that the dynamics of the fuel significantly affects the combustion process in a diesel engine, and, consequently, its power and economic performance. Then to establish a formal link (model) combustion processes and the law the fuel used machine control theory (TAU), which uses and develops methods for the identification, considering processes management system in the form of a cybernetic circuit. Assumed that the full range of processes in the combustion chamber since the start of the fuel supply to the end of its combustion is a complex dynamic system of self-governing. The formulation was based on statistical methods for solving the problem of identification, where the input variable and its response (the law of supply and indicator diagram - experimental curves) are stationary random functions, and object management (combustion) is classified as a one-dimensional linear lumped. As a criterion of proximity to the object used criterion of the minimum of the expectation of a given function of the difference of the input signals and the object model. It is noted that there is currently no accurate method for calculating the finished analytically binding processes fuel supply, mixture formation and combustion in a diesel engine. Therefore, there is not yet calculated optimum injection characteristics suitable for the calculation and simulation processes in diesel engines of various types. It was found that, other things being equal, the law determined by the rate of injection of fuel injected. Striving to achieve injection with increasing speed in order to reduce the cycle dynamics, as well as more efficient use of the air charge in a distant "corners" of the combustion chamber (the latter portion of fuel, with a maximum speed to penetrate into the remotest corners). It is shown that in most cases it is necessary for the administration of the mathematical description of establishing the relationship between input and output variables, based on which can be worked out such a control object, which would ensure achievement of the intended target operation of the facility. With regard to the solution of a specific problem the most common case is when and exposure and response will be functions of the same argument. Thus, determining the experimental data of the conditional expectation of the output variable with respect to the input, we obtain the optimal (in the sense of the criterion of minimum mean square deviation) Estimates of the object. Given the accepted method of identification and characteristics of the problem, the best operator in the class of linear operators, and not among all possible random variables. This study was based on the principle of superposition, which is performed for a linear operator. Using the hypothesis that the investigated signals have the property of ergodicity with respect to the correlation functions. The adoption of the hypothesis of ergodicity possible to determine the correlation functions centered on the realization of a random process, ie, combustion process, as successive cycles. Noted that most fully identifiable objects are described in terms of the state space. Under the state of the object understood set of values, fully define its position at any given time. Proposed a model of the considered dynamic objects to choose a system of differential equations. In view of the above, the proposed approximation algorithm to determine the dynamic characteristics of the combustion process, ie, the agent object in the class of linear operators, which was presented as a system of differential equations representing the desired mathematical model.
  • V.2(26), 2016

    Justification of scheduler slopes the ballast technological process modernization railway track

    The design of the working body planner slopes for liner-tamping-finishing machine VPO-3000. Based on the analysis of existing designs of planners ball-fin track machines (VPO-3000,SZP-600R,PB-01,SS-3,ELB-3MK,ELB-4K),finding to operate on a network of West-Siberian Railway selected under the most-walked analogue - plow machine SZP-600r.The proposed project design of all structural elements of the plow SZP-600R has been changed in view of the desired trajectories scheduler slopes and its geometrical layout on the machine VPO-3000,as well as taking into account the requirements of the design and of top-Story-of way,in particular gravel ballast,after work on her cleaning ballast cleaner MF-600. The selection of geometric parameters and the calculation of design elements scheduler slopes are made using APM WinMashin programs according to the real conditionscess of the load operation and,in particular: arrow with the plow is in working position and performs cutting and Zdzvizhkou crude ballast for support of contact network; arrow disclosed at the maximum angle ?; plows are not disclosed and are located along the axis of the boom. The developed design planner slopes allows removal of contaminated ballast portion of the railway line,as well as other operators,radio planning prism slopes. The proposed project will improve the machine VPO-3000 allows the excluded-tained from the technological process of modernization of railroad tracks Add-tional machine to remove the contaminated site ballast,which reduces the cost of performing the work.
  • V.2(22), 2015

    Dynamic model for research longitudinal oscillations of electric locomotives main frame including installation dampens absorbing devices in the coupler

    This article presents dynamic model for numerical researches of oscillations of the main frame of an electric locomotive taking into account the impact of longitudinal efforts arising in the automatic coupler.
  • V.1(17), 2014

    Modeling of heating material of the wheel in braking mode of locomotive

    The results of mathematical modeling of the heating process of the wheel material during braking mode of the locomotive are presented in article. The results can be used to calculate the temperature change for any point of the wheel during the braking operation.
  • V.3(35), 2018

    Investigation of anti-slip system with equipment

    The development of traction rolling stock is closely associated with an increase in the maximum traction force for adhesion the wheels to the rails. The negative factor in this aspect of development is slipping. The article proposes a new method of protection against slipping of wheel sets of electric locomotives 2(3)ES5K «Ermak». The method implies redistribution of tractive forces between wheel sets and minimization of sanding. The paper discusses the principle of operation of the anti-slip system and the principle circuit of the power section, and simulates some modes of wheel sets in the Multisim software package.
  • V.1(21), 2015

    Application of statistical methods through dpu diagnistics

    Modern locomotive on board microprocessor-based control systems (MSU) can be used for not only controlling locomotive equipment, but for analyzing the process of their functioning too by means of mathematical statistics. It is confirmed by authors of this article. Through the article is offered method of nearby-failure condition diagnostic by the means of MSU data correlation analysis.