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V.2(34), 2018
106-112The article deals with the modeling of the electric rolling stock and traction power supply system with the aim of solving the problem of reducing the electric power consumption for the traction of trains in the conditions of changing the schedule of freight trains. Simulation modeling is performed for the conditions of changing the mass of the train and the load on the axis. The description of the results obtained is based on regression models, the order of application of models in practice is given. -
V.4(36), 2018
106-112The paper discusses the main limiting factors limiting the volume of transportation of high-volume freight trains. Designated approaches to solving the problems presented by the use of compensating devices. The paper presents the method of selecting installation sites and the power of compensating devices in the traction network, taking into account the growth in traffic volumes, allowing to evaluate the positive effect of the installation of compensating devices on the prospect of increasing traffic volumes. Determination of perspective power consumption is proposed to carry out using power consumption forecasting. To assess the effect of the installation of compensating devices in the traction network, three criteria have been proposed: unloading traction transformers, increasing the voltage level at the consumer, and unloading the power transmission lines. -
V.4(40), 2019
106-114Coal is one of the main sources of energy of the 21st century. New plasma-energy technologies are being developed to improve the efficiency of coal combustion. Today, pulverized coal CHP plants worldwide generate more than 50% of electric and thermal energy, the share of coal in the fuel balance of the CHP is growing. At the same time, the quality of coal is reduced. Traditional methods of reducing fuel oil consumption at thermal power plants (increasing the dispersion of the grinding dust, high preheating of the air mixture and secondary air, etc.) used to improve fuel ignition and burning stabilization, have exhausted themselves, therefore a radical increase in fuel efficiency can only be associated with the development and development of completely new technologies. Plasma technology seems to be the most promising among the alternative technologies available to solve the above problems. This technology provides a significant increase in economic efficiency and environmental performance of power plants operating on solid fuel. -
V.2(26), 2016
107-112The actual process of interaction of pantograph with catenary associated with random processes. The main factors affecting the pantograph are vibrations of the rolling stock, aerodynamic, the instability of the dynamic properties of the pantograph and overhead catenary, etc. In view of the plurality of influencing the current collection of factors theoretically investigate the dynamical system "Pantograph - catenary" in full It is a complex task. A more rational to theoretical studies and sufficient for practical use is to consider deterministic processes. In the numerical simulation of the current collectors are the most common types of the following design schemes (models): lumped mass pantograph model; pantograph multibody schematics; pantograph multibody schematics in CAD-systems, which describe in detail the geometric dimensions and physical properties of each element of the pantograph. In the design of the pantographs is an integral part of the calculation of interaction of pantograph with contact suspension. Contact suspension counted in the calculations in the form of a concentrated mass interacting with the pantograph skid or a spatial system composed of resilient elements of finite length (catenary with distributed parameters). The second type of catenary model is used in the interaction with the first two types of models considered by the current collectors. Based on the features of each of the presented kinds of models, present the technique of the pantograph model selection, depending on the purpose of the simulation. -
V.4(28), 2016
108-115The article describes the design features of the current collection system of the Moscow monorail and revealed its shortcomings, limiting the possibility of increasing the speed of electric rolling stock. The features of a promising new generation of monorail transport system with increasing speed (up to 150 km / h), the message "city - the airport," which is proposed to use the contact current collection system with flat working surfaces of the current collector and the current lead. The aim of the work was to develop measures and technical solutions for improving the current collectors to provide reliable, cost-effective and environmentally-friendly electric power transmission on board the electric rolling monorail transport systems. The proposed technical solutions have allowed to increase the average life of the contact elements of the current collectors of electric rolling on the active sites of the Moscow monorail from 30 days to 5 months. A preliminary design and manufactured model sample collector rolling device for the new generation of monorail transport system with increased speed. A basic model of the pantograph, which allows to unify all the major components and spare parts for the current collectors of options for different speeds, load current, and other operating conditions and choose the appropriate model, taking into account technical and economic feasibility. The results can be used for the improvement of existing and development of new designs for current collectors of electric rolling monorail transport systems for the high speeds. -
V.3(15), 2013
108-114In this article made a scan of a current situation in electric power measuring on the rolling stock, proposed a concept of Global automatic electric power measuring system for rolling stock, stated technical requirements for modern electric power measuring systems for rolling stock. -
V.1(33), 2018
109-117The article deals with the analysis of the modes of operation of shunting locomotives; characteristics of the setting characteristics of the traction generators when performing resistance tests of locomotives. The statistical average values of the load parameters of diesel generator sets of shunting locomotives TЭM2 in the process of performing shunting work on marshalling and precinct stations. When monitoring the external characteristics of the locomotive when performing resistance tests with the ASKI "CYPRESS" was observed of the external characteristics of a normal ("classical") and "convex" shape. Normal (classical) external characteristics of the locomotive TЭM2 No. 1 equidistant removed from the borders of the tolerance field; and "convex" external characteristics of the locomotive TЭM2 No. 2 , in the field of tolerance, support of the constancy of the power diesel generator sets, due to the imperfection of the machinery of the regulatory system, particularly the Electromechanical characteristics of the pathogen. -
V.3(35), 2018
111-125The paper deals with the influence of stray currents on underground metal structures located near the traction rail network. The paper presents a system consisting of a traction rail network, a grounding grid and two isolated underground conductors located under the stray currents influence caused by electrified railway transport. Analytical expressions for the calculation of the distribution of electrical quantities in underground structures with their mutual influence were obtained. The expressions were obtained using Hartley integral transform, which in contrast to the Fourier transform allows carrying out integral transformations only with real-valued functions. The obtained expressions allow determining the zone of dangerous influence of stray current and can be used in the design of underground structure protection. -
V.1(49), 2022
111-122The article describes three variants of the mathematical model of the sensitivity function of the magnetoinduction sensor for assessing the influence of various sensor parameters in the electromechanical system «wheel - rail - magnetoinduction sensor» for diagnosing the technical condition of the rolling surface of the rolling wheels of rolling stock in the process of its movement over the sensor. An example of an algorithm for identifying defects located on the surface of the wheel rolling circle is described. The proposed multi-vector mathematical model allows simulating various defects on the rolling surface of the wheel, developing and testing new algorithms for processing the output signal of the sensor on the basis of modern hardware and software. The implemented defect identification algorithm is based on the property of the centrally symmetric form of the sensitivity function of the magnetoinduction sensor and the allocation of a useful signal corresponding to a certain type of defect, based on the application of a mutual correlation function and the assessment of its maximum and minimum values in comparison with the specified thresholds and confidence intervals. The main requirement for the implementation of the model is the uniform movement of the train above the sensor along a straight section of the rail track. This article discusses only one of the possible digital signal processing algorithms, but the proposed model allows us to compare the efficiency of other possible algorithms identification of defects in the rolling surface of wheelsets. The developed model confirms the prospects of using magnetic induction sensors for identification of not only visible, but also hidden defects on the rolling surface of the wheel in the process of movement of the train. -
V.2(26), 2016
112-118The most important task of the Russian Federation's energy strategy is the efficient use of energy resources. Rail transport is a one of the major consumers of diesel fuel and electricity, where the major energy consumption is used for traction. Traction energy consumption depends on a number of operational factors, including the characteristics of high-speed trains. The article is devoted to the designation of ways to assess the impact of changes in the coefficient of the precinct speed of freight trains on the change in specific energy consumption of locomotives. It is concluded that the calculation influence coefficient use indicators of locomotives, including the coefficient of the precinct speed must be performed for each of the structural units and analyzed the calendar period. Proposed by the authors for this formula is included in the methods of analysis and forecasting of energy resources consumption for traction trains introduced on the Russian train system in 2015. -
V.2(34), 2018
113-124The introduction of digital technologies in electrical networks and substations allows the introduction of new technologies and promising methods for managing transportation and distribution of electricity in intelligent electric networks of railways based on multi-agent control. These methods should provide improved performance, adaptive definition of restrictions on the use of electric power equipment, control of mode parameters, partitioning and power flow modes in distribution networks, restoration of power supply after emergency events. A method of adaptive control of transport and distribution of electrical energy in the power supply system of stationary consumers of railways has been developed, based on the hierarchical structure of IEC 61850, taking int o account the coordination of control and local controllers in the data exchange environment, a variable area of responsibility of control controllers multi-agent approach. It presents approaches to managing power flows to reduce energy losses, increase the capacity of transport channels and ensure restoration of the normal mode of the electrical network by reconfiguring it and managing active elements based on graph theory, taking into account the projected hourly load schedule, limiting the demand for power to active consumers and closed mode electrical network operation through controlled sections. The presented simulation results of voltage control in the test circuit showed the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed approaches. -
V.3(31), 2017
114-123The article deals with the introduction of a twenty - four pulse rectifiers with various rectification circuits on direct current traction substations. The results of the operation of a twenty-four-pulse rectifier installed at one of the traction substations prove the expediency of using such a converter. The variants of the existing equipment modernization, which is a part of the six- and twelve-pulse rectifiers in order to use it in the creation of twenty-four-pulse rectifiers, as well as the requirements for the creation of such rectifiers in industrial design are given. -
V.4(40), 2019
114-120The results of mathematical modeling of the optimization of maintenance cable lines are presented in article. The results can be used to calculate the optimal frequency and number of major repairs and substitutions of cable lines. -
V.2(42), 2020
114-130Using the example of operating gas fields in the Western Siberia, the issue of the correct choice of voltage class, considering all the periods of gas fields life cycle, appears. Wrong choice of the voltage class leads to braking development of a gas field. Gas field technological scheme during the each period of the life cycle is considered, the dynamics of the electrical load is estimated. The analysis of existing methods of choosing the voltage class is carried out and their flaws are revealed. Mathematical models of the optimal voltage class calculation and discounted costs calculation are developed using the theory of experiment planning. An algorithm of choosing the optimal voltage is developed and the distribution and supply networks of the external power supply system of the existing gas fields in Western Siberia are investigated. Progressive voltage class for power supply and distribution network is proposed. Conclusions are made. -
V.4(28), 2016
115-124In article the algorithm of operation of the existing regime automatic equipment of transforming aggregates is considered. Earlier it was read that use of automatic equipment of switching on switch-off of reserve transforming aggregates is an effective remedy of lowering of losses in case of regulation of power of substation depending on tractive loading. Defining factors of assessment of efficiency of automatic equipment are the current and temporal settings, and also restriction of number of switchings in days. The analysis of diagrams of tractive loading showed that there is rather large number of temporal intervals where operation of automatic equipment is ineffective. On the one hand it is connected to the fact that loading is above a point of equality of losses in case of one and two transforming aggregates quite short time, and automatic equipment connects the reserve transforming aggregate already in the course of lowering of loading and disconnects it after a temporal setting. On the other hand - operating restriction of number of switchings of the reserve transforming aggregate in days doesn't allow to gain the considerable economic effect. The decision on use of regime automatic equipment with the existing settings can be the positive if at the same time the estimated effect in the form of abbreviation of losses of the electric power is above cumulative damage from switching of the reserve transforming aggregate. Regime automatic equipment in most cases, it is necessary to consider not as means of obtaining economic effect, and as means of reliability augmentation of operation of semiconductor rectifiers at the peak moments of loading what in turn influences reliability of electrical power supply of pull of trains in general. -
V.2(46), 2021
115-124In the article, on the basis of the thermodynamic analysis of the working process in the turbine, a method is presented for determining the generation of electricity based on heat consumption and an assumption is made about the possibility of instrumental measurement of the amount of generation and the implementation of accounting in real operating conditions of the steam turbine. This indicator can become an important indicator in the district heating system and automatic regulation of heat energy supply, such a statement of the problem in the district heating system was made for the first time and requires additional research. The article discusses the influence of electricity generation on thermal consumption on the efficiency of the power system of district heating. Dependences of electricity generation based on heat consumption on the share of steam supplied to the heating extraction are obtained. Specific power generation has been determined taking into account regeneration. -
V.4(44), 2020
120-127The paper deals with the problem of the presence of thermal inertia in thermoelectric converters of general industrial design, used to measure temperature in most technological installations with an ambient temperature above 200 ° C. The aim of the study is to develop an algorithm for predicting the temperature of the environment with known thermal characteristics of the temperature sensor and to implement the algorithm directly in a general industrial programmable logic controller (PLC). As the main method, the work uses the method of mathematical modeling and description of the object in transfer functions and in the form of differential equations. The work uses a previously developed engineering technique for determining the thermal inertia time of industrial sensors, based on a single disturbance and an assessment of the dynamic characteristics of an object. On the basis of the research and mathematical modeling, algorithms for predicting the temperature of the medium by the parameters of the thermal inertia of the temperature sensor and the rate of change of the thermocouple signal have been developed and implemented. The implementation of the algorithms in the TIA Portal environment based on the Siemens Simatic S7-300 PLC using the PID Control library is proposed. -
V.4(40), 2019
120-128In article the technological actions for suppression of formation of harmful emissions from power objects using organic fuel are described - natural gas, coal and fuel oil. The methods of purification of combustion gases of the main pollutants are offered. Devices of cleaning of large volume of combustion gases of the increased concentration of ashes, and technology of combustion of fuel are presented. -
V.1(49), 2022
122-132The problem of optimizing train driving modes continues to be relevant for a long time, despite a large number of scientific research and development in this subject area. This is due both to the general complexity of the implementation of the technological process of running the train, and to parametric uncertainty and significant variations in the parameters of the control object itself and the external environment. Well-known methods for calculating energy-optimal train driving modes (calculus of variations, the maximum principle, dynamic programming) and auto-driving systems based on them assume some simplifications of the original problem, and, as a result, implement quasi-optimal control in practice. In this regard, the development of methods for searching for the global extremum of a functional defined on the set of permissible trajectories of a train as a dynamic system is both theoretically and practically a significant task. The aim of the work is to create a computationally efficient metaheuristic algorithm for searching for energy-optimal control as a global extremum of the objective function, the values of which are calculated using a reference model of the control object. The authors have developed a problem-oriented evolutionary algorithm for calculating the optimal control of train movement based on the theory of random search. Its features are the proposed specialized operators of local random search, taking into account the specifics of the control object as a multi-mode system; combined procedures of local and global optimization based on the concept of a multi-island population algorithm with superpopulation, as well as a method of selection (selection) of promising options based on the clustering algorithm. Computational experiments have shown good convergence of the algorithm and repeatability of the calculation results. Based on the solutions obtained, a train running time controller can be implemented that implements asymptotically optimal control. -
V.3(31), 2017
123-132The article examines the technique of designing diagnostic system of infrastructure of electrical railways based on use of bayesian networks for prediction of probabilities of failures. To achieve maximum effectiveness of diagnosis we should minimize the number of input parameters, while maintaining the required accuracy. It is proposed to create a mathematical model of the diagnostic system, that will allow to evaluate the influence of each parameter on the accuracy of prediction of failures. To compensate the lack of source data we can use the advantage of bayesian networks - the opportunity to generate network structure by the method of expert evaluations. Generated bayesian network will perform the failure probability calculation with limited information. -
V.1(41), 2020
123-132Currently, according to regulatory documents, the resistivity of power line wires is assumed to be the same for any permissible load current and the heating temperature of the wires is equal to 20 degrees. This account of resistivity causes significant errors that significantly affect the operating modes of power transmission lines. This article analyzes the influence of outdoor air temperature, load current, solar radiation intensity, wind speed and direction on the heating temperature of overhead power lines, and as a result, on the value of the resistivity of the wires and power and electricity losses in them. The example of the BAM highway shows that even in the conditions of one region, the outdoor air temperature varies, depending on the time of year, within a very wide range. This in turn requires careful consideration of the dependence of the resistivity value of the line wires on the external air temperature. At the same time, it is shown that it is permissible to ignore the intensity of solar radiation, wind speed and direction on the heating temperature of overhead power lines due to the lack of comprehensive information about these factors and their opposite direction. However, this assumption will only be valid for operating currents in the range from zero to double the current value corresponding to the economic density. When calculating power losses, especially in heavily loaded lines, it is necessary to take into account all external temperature influences. Due to the appearance of sensor temperature sensors, it is proposed to use them directly to measure the heating temperature of line wires and then calculate their resistivity. -
V.2(46), 2021
125-135To improve the accuracy of the diagnosis of the technical condition of rolling stock, it is necessary to develop new algorithms for the digital processing of signals coming from sensors at the time of the passage of the axes of wheeled pairs of wagon carts during the uniform movement of the train on the straight section of the railway track. The use of modern mathematical application software packages to model digital-based data processing algorithms reduces the cost and time of developing automated systems to diagnose the technical condition of the rolling stock of railways. To assess the accuracy of the fixation by the magneto-induction sensor of the moment of passage of wheel pairs axly, an asthigmatic model is proposed, allowing to investigate not only the energy properties of the sensor, but also the shape of the output signal, taking into account the real dimensions of its magnetic core. The developed model allows you to classify the pore. The developed model allows to classify the order of astigmatism model magnetoinduction sensor based on a set of discrete virtual sensors -
V.3(35), 2018
126-134The article deals with the consumption of fuel and energy resources, including a significant proportion of these resources spent on the organization of electric heating (773.7 million kWh). It was noted that until recently in the reporting of JSC « Russian Railways » there were two different approaches in determining the actual volume of electric energy consumed by electric heating equipment, not equipped with individual metering devices based on the calculation-analytical and calculation-statistical methods. It was found that the results of calculations by both methods have a significant deviation between them (up to 100 %). The purpose of the study is to determine a unified approach that allows to accurately record the consumption of electric energy in these conditions. The characteristic features of each of the applied methods were analyzed, comparative studies on a number of objects of four Railways (October, Sverdlovsk, South Ural, East Siberian), characterized by different climatic characteristics were carried out. At the same time, studies were carried out on the applicability in practice for the regulation of fuel and energy resources of the automated system « Stationary energy » . According to the research results, the value of the deviation of the actual consumption of electric energy from the calculated for both applied methods is shown. A method for determining the actual consumption of electric energy for heating on the basis of a preliminary calculation of the allowable volume consumption of thermal energy with subsequent conversion into electrical energy is proposed and confirmed by tests. The results obtained were adopted when updating the « Methods of analysis and planning of electricity consumption for non-traction needs in JSC « Russian Railways » , approved by the order of JSC « Russian Railways » from 22.08.2018 № 1866p in terms of determining the resource requirements for heating. Based on the results, changes were made to the procedure for filling in the data in the corporate management reporting of EO-10U. -
V.4(44), 2020
127-134The article discusses the operation of systems for interval regulation of train traffic based on a digital radio channel in the absence of radio communication. The aim of the study is to determine the maximum allowable time for the absence of radio communication between the radio blocking center and a moving train in the interval control system. Criteria are proposed that allow assessing traffic safety, as well as reducing the throughput of train traffic in interval control of train traffic systems. The results of calculating the maximum permissible time of radio communication absence in interval control of train traffic systems for freight trains are obtained. Taking into account the maximum allowable time for the absence of radio communication will completely eliminate the likelihood of a dangerous convergence of trains and ensure compliance with the allowable speed mode with a minimum interval of freight trains. -
V.2(42), 2020
131-140The article presents the results of research of a point magneto-induction sensor based on a mathematical model, which allows you to increase the reliability of automated systems for diagnosing technical condition rolling stock in the course of train movement by improvement the accuracy of the initial information, that is, the moments of fixation passing of wheelset axles over magneto-induction sensors. At the first stage of developing a stigmatic mathematical model the analytical dependence of the value of the magnetic flux in the magnetic core and the output EMF value on resistance of the air gap between the sensor and the wheel crest. At the second stage of development of the mathematical model found time dependence of the magnetic resistance of the air gap between the core of the magneto-induction sensor and the comb wheels of a railway car moving along a straight track at a constant speed. On the basis of application the developed stigmatic model allows evaluating the energy parameters of magneto-induction sensors depending on the properties of modern magnetic materials. The simulation results showed that the MMF value is constant the magnet determines the main parameters of magneto-induction sensors, so the use of modern magnets based on rare earth they allow to eliminate the traditional disadvantage of outdated types of magneto-induction sensors, that is, to reduce their size and weight. The application of the proposed stigmatic model expands the scope of possible solutions to extreme problems for selection and justification parameters of magneto-induction sensors, helps to improve the accuracy of systems for diagnosing the technical condition of the car fleet and traffic safety on railway transport.