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V.2(30), 2017
77-87In article the issues of electric power imbalance in train traction research are considered, including the method providing an estimation of the contribution of imbalance components to its total value with the possibility of their separation between the participants of the transportation process: the electrification and power supply service, the automatics and telemechanics service, the directorates of locomotive traction and motorized rolling stock. Described method allows in more detail to analyze the factors that affected the change in the components of imbalance and further develop organizational and technical measures to reduce it. -
V.4(32), 2017
77-88The analysis of wave processes in the system including electric transmission lines, traction substations, AC traction network and electriclocomotives is necessary to accurately assess to energy performance of its work. This system contains concentrated and distributed parameters, consequently the analysis of such a system is difficult and the rolling stock which is also a part of this system represents a dynamic load. The proposed mathematical model of the alternating current traction power supply system allows us to consider electromagnetic processes at its various points taking into account wave processes. -
V.2(26), 2016
78-91The paper is devoted to the calculation of the electrical quantities distribution in the system of three conductors. The first conductor is located on the surface of a uniform soil and the other two conductors are located at depths of h and h . As result, analytic expressions of current, potential and leakage current density in the first underground construction with considering the influence of the second construction was obtained. The influence of second construction increases the value of electrical quantities in the underground construction. The analytic expressions were obtained using Fourier transform method. The analysis showed the influence of the leakage current and insulation resistance of the second construction on the electric quantities distribution in the first construction -
V.4(20), 2014
79-85This paper describes an algorithm evaluating the effectiveness of energy-saving devices and technologies, based on the methods of mathematical statistics. Diagram presented in the article. It can be applied in the traction system and power supply without traction. Approbation of the algorithm is executed in the traction power supply system. The developed algorithm includes five stages: 1. Stage calculate the required number of observations. The basis of this stage is to evaluate the dispersion and calculating on it the desired number of observations. 2. Stage of the collection and processing of data obtained before the implementation of energy-saving devices and technologies. Collection is carried out on of electricity consumption and factors influencing the process of electricity consumption. Processing includes the calculation of the correlation matrix, the coefficients of determination and the parameters of the regression equation. 3. Stage of the collection and processing of data obtained after the implementation of energy-saving devices and technologies. Data collection is carried out according to the parameters selected in step 2 and the processing is done by the calculation of the parameters of the regression equation. 4. Stage of comparing the data before and after the introduction of energy saving devices and technologies. Comparison of the data obtained before and after the introduction of energy saving devices and technologies produced using the Chow test and nonparametric mathematical statistics such as omega-square (Lehmann-Rosenblatt). 5. Stage of calculating electric power saving. The calculation is made on the consumption of electricity obtained by the regression equation before the introduction of energy-saving devices or technology by substituting the values of the factor after implementation and actual consumption of electricity after the introduction of energy-saving devices or technology. Approbation of the algorithm was successful. -
V.1(33), 2018
79-87The article describes the current state of railway non-traction electric power supply system in the electric grid complex. The main drawbacks of the existing electricity metering system in 0.4-10 kV distribution networks are shown. The main directions of non-tractive electric grid complex innovative development are considered, including directed to increase the efficiency of electric energy transformation, transmission and consumption processes due to the management of distribution networks operating modes. The basic principles of "Digital district power supply" constructing are given. -
V.2(22), 2015
79-87Global investment projects of JSC "Russian Railways" to increase turnover suggest an increase in the load on the existing areas of electrified railways, in connection with what is urgent problem of passing the required number of pairs of trains at railway stations. Electricity consumption in railways AC characterized by a rather high consumption of reactive power due to the specifics of electric rolling alternating current, which leads to increased levels of stress and loss of power and, consequently, reduce the energy efficiency and the potential capacity and carrying capacity of the railways. One of the least capital-intensive, and in some cases the only possible rational way to strengthen the system of traction power supply AC is the use of transverse devices for reactive power compensation. The article describes the method of determining the power and choice of accommodations in the area of the railway regulated and unregulated devices transverse reactive power compensation systems, traction power supply 25 kV and 2 × 25 kV. The calculation of the input impedance of the external inductance and traction power supply, the main options for power supply circuits and sectioning traction network devices and placing transverse compensation of reactive power, check to ensure a minimum level of voltage at the pantograph of electric rolling stock. The results can be used as the design of new railway sections, and in dealing with increasing the capacity of sites in operation. -
V.3(23), 2015
79-85Various converters are operated at electric railways traction substations whose rectifiers design includes plug-in power rectifiers and pill ones. Such a variety of rectifiers design causes the problem of the power supply reliable operation unavailability both of volumes and of quality information concerning the characteristics and diagnostic parameters of power semiconductors rectifiers. For a possible prediction of the diodes and thyristors proper operation, new instruments as well as simple technologies of the preventive diagnostics, correspondent to the state and industry standards and instructions should be developed. One of the most accurate methods to determine not only the serviceability of rectifiers but also to forecast their wear - life, is the diagnostic method of recurrent peak backward current. This method is the basis for the design of a peak backward current meter which is used on the Western-Siberian railway. Using this device the screening of about thirty thousand rectifiers was carried out which resulted in the sorting of out-of-work rectifiers, predicting long term rectifiers conditions. The statistical analysis of the research allowed to determine the number of measures to improve the reliability of traction substations converters. -
V.1(37), 2019
81-91The article considers an approach that allows to reduce the asymmetry of consumed currents by traction substations of railways from a three-phase power supply system using a compensating device with an asymmetric structure installed at the substation. Reactive currents of the compensating device allow to redistribute between phases of the traction transformer active and reactive power of asymmetric traction load and to receive symmetric load of three-phase power supply system. The theorem is proposed to determine the conductivities and reactive currents of the branches of a compensating device with an asymmetric structure depending on the traction loads. The article presents the calculated expressions, which can be used to calculate the conductivity and reactive currents of the branches of the compensating device for any traction load of the feeders, in which the equivalent load, including the reactive currents of the branches of the device and the currents of the feeder zones will be symmetrical and active. As an example of the application of the theorem and the proposed expressions, a test problem is presented in which the secondary winding of a traction transformer with asymmetric traction load of feeders is considered, the conductivity of the branches of the device is calculated. With the use of vector diagrams shows the receipt of a symmetrical system of currents of the secondary winding of the traction transformer. Mathematical expressions allowing to realize the necessary law of regulation of reactive currents of the device are given. The necessary ranges control of reactive currents of the compensating device on traction substation on the set probabilistic laws of change of traction loadings are defined. Various options for the practical implementation of a compensating device that will provide the necessary inductive or capacitive current of each branch are considered. -
V.3(19), 2014
81-87Single-phase transformer with an additional tap at the middle point of the secondary winding is a very common element in the various electrical circuits, including on-board electric rolling stock. A typical case is powered from the transformer zero full-wave rectification circuit. The aim of the article is to provide a detailed description of the computer model developed by the author of said transformer, built on the basis of a combination of circuit and operational design principles. The proposed model can also be used to describe the process in a single-phase two-winding transformer without additional tap, given the possible connection group I / I-6 or I / I-0. Connection groups can be considered individually for each half of the secondary winding in case of using of additional tap. Shows an example of embedding the transformer model in a more complex computer model of the electric traction DC motors excitation current stabilization system, which includes a computer model of a saturable reactor, thyristor rectifier, system of pulse-phase rectifier control and control loop with a proportional-integral current regulator and boost nonlinearity. Obtained during the simulation graphics excitation current in the field winding of collector traction motor and its reactive component show that the above system of stabilization of the current and its computer model of functional and successfully fulfill their functions: at the downturn of the armature current excitation current is maintained by the growth of the current make-up of excitation control rectifier. The correct operation and ease of use of the developed computer model of a single-phase transformer with an additional tap at the middle point of the secondary winding is stated. -
V.1(29), 2017
83-90The paper discusses the use of automated electricity metering systems to control parameters of the traction power supply system in terms of speed and heavy movements. As the main control system offered an automated system for monitoring energy efficiency of transportation process. The results of testing of the system considered in the measurement example, the boundaries of the active area of railways DC Shalya - Podvoloshnaya Sverdlovsk railway. -
V.3(27), 2016
83-91The article presents a method of the additional resistance calculating of ground grid drainage unit. This work has two main objectives: development of algorithm for determining the optimal values of additional resistance and to study the possibility of reducing losses in reverse traction network through drainage unit of traction substation. The calculation is carried out with a view to ensuring the normative values of the protective potential on the grounding grid and minimize losses in the reverse traction network. The method is based on the application of the reciprocity theorem, which allows to change the direction of the currents from the source to the load on the reverse one if the system is linear. The calculation of the values of additional resistance and power loss in the reverse traction network for average current on the considered traction substation of the Western-Siberian railway. In results the selection method of optimal values for the additional resistance is offered. This method can be used for designing of traction substation grounding grid protection. -
V.1(49), 2022
83-94The aim of the research presented in the article was to develop computer models for determining the electromagnetic fields (EMF) generated by three-phase 25 kV traction power supply systems (TPSS). In contrast to traditional single-phase TPSS, three-phase systems are electromagnetically balanced, provide symmetric loads of substations, increase voltages at current collectors of rolling stock, reduce asymmetry and non-sinusoidality in 110 - 220 kV supply networks. However, the issues of quantitative assessment of electromagnetic safety conditions in three-phase traction networks remain unstudied. To implement the formulated goal, we used the methods of modes and EMF simulation developed at the Irkutsk State University of Railway Transport, the distinctive feature of which is the use of phase coordinates; in this case, the models of TPSS elements are formed on the basis of lacelike equivalent networks. The simulation was carried out for three-phase TPSS schemes of different complexity, in which case the complex traction network was implemented by modifying the model of a real TPSS of one of the main railroads of Eastern Siberia. Simulation results indicated that compared to the typical TPSS 25 kV, the maximum electric field strength increases by 2.5 % in the three-phase system. The maximum value of the magnetic field strength decreases by 26 %. Similar indicators for average values are 2.6 and 19 %. The proposed methodology and the developed computer models can be used in the design of promising three-phase TPSS. In the conditions of power engineering digitization, the application of this technique in practice will allow to apply a scientifically validated approach to the analysis of electromagnetic safety conditions traction networks and to develop its improvement. -
V.4(20), 2014
85-92Calculating «steel - concrete» interface region parameters with a help of transient process analysis
The article is about defining corrosion state of overhead structures underground part. Specially designed concrete models are used for experiments and calculations. These models are made with the fabric technology of overhead structures creation. «Steel - Concrete» interface region parameters are calculated with a help of transient process which situated when DC power supply is connected to the scheme. There is a formulas and a methodic for calculation needed parameters. In the end of the article theoretical curve is located. It exactly coincides with an experimental curve. -
V.3(15), 2013
85-89Corrosion processes at various constructive changes of grounding system of traction substation are considered: construction of new cable lines, expansion of the territory of substation, etc. Calculation of corrosion processes of the grounding system consisting of three electrodes is carried out: steel in concrete, the metal gauze in soil, a steel vertical electrode in soil. Results of calculations are presented, the analysis of corrosion processes is made under various conditions. -
V.2(34), 2018
85-94The article proposes a method for increasing the efficiency of power supply systems for non-tangible consumers due to quadratic accumulation of electric energy on reactive elements in the frequency-beating mode. The proof of the energy efficiency of the beating regime in comparison with the full resonance regime with respect to the implementation of quasiresonance pulsed power supplies is given. The article also deals with the choice of the optimal beat frequency by the criterion of the maximum ratio of the accumulated energy on the reactive elements of the circuit to the one expended from the primary source. -
V.2(42), 2020
87-96The article presents a criterion for choosing the optimal type of wavelet function for digital processing of current and voltage values in the analysis of the electric network mode. The increase in the share of electric receivers that distort the quality of electricity sets the task for researchers to use more advanced mathematical tools for analyzing and modeling such power supply systems. The discrete wavelet transform allows the harmonic analysis of currents and voltages under non-stationary non-sinusoidal modes. One of the key tasks in the development of digital technologies in the electric power industry is the creation and development of intelligent electric networks with the introduction of new algorithms for digital data processing and decision making. In this case, algorithms for compression and remote recovery of data on the consumption and production of electrical energy in the cloud should be developed. The wavelet transform eliminates the negative spreading effect characteristic of the Fourier transform in the analysis of non-sinusoidal non-stationary modes. Based on the Parseval equality, the wavelet transform makes it possible to determine the spectrum energy of individual frequency ranges determined by the depth of decomposition and the sampling frequency of the signal under study. The calculation of the energy of the spectrum of wavelet coefficients allows the compression of the flow volume of instantaneous values of voltages and currents. The article presents the results of continuous and discrete wavelet current conversion when switching a battery of static capacitors. Information compression ratio exceeded 5.3. The wavelet transform was performed using eight different wavelet functions. The criterion for choosing the optimal mother wavelet determines the condition of the maximum energy of the spectrum and the minimum standard deviation when restoring the original signal. -
V.2(22), 2015
87-96The article discusses a problem of the efficiency of the regenerative braking’s increase on the DC railway section. For the detection of the causes of the decrease of the specific regeneration’s level on the area an algorithm is offered, which enables to determine the causes of the decrease of the specific regeneration’s level on the arbitrary monitoring’s area in view of the determination of the locomotive’s capacity for work, work parameters of the electric traction system and the executed graphic time-table. In the article the main phases of the algorithm’s work were considered by the example of the one of the railway sections. -
V.3(19), 2014
87-91The presence of ever-changing electrical traction load, distributed not only in time but also in space leads to the complexity of the detailed monitoring of the energy efficiency of the organization trains JSC «Russian Railways». Therefore one of the priorities of the energy strategy of JSC «Russian Railways» is the introduction of innovative technical tools and technologies. The paper discusses the main provisions and some functionality created automated information-measuring complex accounting of electric energy in the electric rolling stock. Reviewed the processing of data for evaluation of energy efficiency of trains on the basis of the developed system. -
V.4(28), 2016
87-94In article process of expeditious calculation of capacity and intertrain intervals is considered within the concept of coordinate management of train service. The technique directed to the solution of problems of search of reliable intertrain intervals in real time, calculation of the postemergency set operation and estimation of reliability of traction power supply system, based on use of the device of artificial neural networks and modern means of interval regulation of the movement of railway transport is offered. -
V.2(30), 2017
87-99The article discusses the assessment of the impact of train schedule on the amount of electricity consumption for traction on sections of DC I-th profile type way. The proposed parameters of the train schedule, influencing the electricity consumption for traction on sections of DC I-th profile type way. The major scheduling options included statistical quantities and parameters characterizing the conditions of the batch passing trains, stop and solid thread schedules for truck-driving. Based on simulation modeling provided the main based on changes in the volume of electric energy for traction on the plot of the traction electric supply system when changing the parameters of the timetable. The dependences of the volume change of electrical energy for traction allow you to evaluate and determine the ranges of the parameters of the graph in which the variation of volume is minimal. in the considered ranges of the parameters of the train schedule, the amount of electricity for the areas of DC with the I-th profile type varies within 1 % with the constancy of other factors.. -
V.4(36), 2018
87-95The article considers the issue of providing protection for the contact network when removing 3.3 kV traction substations from the Nazivoye direction of the Omsk power supply distance of the West Siberian Railway. When the 3.3 kV switchgear is brought out to repair, the protection zone for connection of the contact network of adjacent traction power supply system objects (traction substations, sectionalizing stations, parallel connection points) increases. To ensure the protection of the DC contact network, lowered settings for the operation of high-speed circuit breakers are introduced, which inevitably limit the capacity of the section for the passage of freight trains. Considered the existing order of withdrawal of equipment for repair with the inclusion of a traction substation post section. The limitations of skipping freight trains during the implementation of the existing scheme are estimated. Short circuit currents are also calculated and the settings for the protection of high-speed circuit breakers are selected when the sectioning station is switched off and the sectional disconnectors of the station are switched on. It was found that the condition for selecting the protection settings is not fulfilled when detaching from the minimum value of the short-circuit current. To reduce the limitations, a prototype of a short-circuit contactor of a direct current 3.3 kV grid has been developed. The use of a short-circuit-breaker allowed the protection of the contact network, for the time of the withdrawal of the switchgear equipment for repair, without transferring to lower settings for the operation of circuit breakers. Also in the article are given the technical characteristics and features of the proposed device design. The results of a test of a short-circuit of a 3.3 kV direct current contact network in the Dragunskaya-Novokievskaya-Lubinskaya section are presented. The main directions for further work are determined. -
V.1(33), 2018
88-98The article contains the main provisions of the methodology for determining the indicators of electric locomotives energy efficiency. The results of indicators calculations for electric locomotives of series 3ES5K, EP2K and 2ES6 are presented with reference to the current sections of railways. The proposed approach can be used to establish the level of energy efficiency of various series of electric rolling stock and their objective comparison when operating at different sites with trains of various masses with the aim of further creating an automated system for optimizing the use of traction resources of JSCo Russian Railways. -
V.4(32), 2017
88-101The traffic speed increasing on the railways makes strict requirements to the supporting and supporting structures of the contact network, as well as to the parameters and indicators of the contact suspension. The presence of dry friction in the cantilever attachment points indicates a negative effect on the accuracy of adjusting the wires of the contact suspension and on its parameters. The article presents the results of studies of the dry friction value in the console fastening points depending on the type of the contact suspension and suggests a method for reducing friction in the console attachment points. The results of calculations of the effect of friction in the console attachment points on the tension variation along the length of the anchor section are presented. -
V.3(15), 2013
89-96The mathematical method of calculation of currents of corrosion of two models of grounding models - ekvipotentsialny and nonkvipotentsialny is presented. Soil and electric corrosion of both models is considered. The mathematical method of calculation of sizes of corrosion currents and potentials will allow to estimate a corrosion condition of elements of grounding system of traction substation. -
V.2(26), 2016
91-100In the paper the device for reactive power compensation for the electric locomotives based on passive adjustable compensator was described. This configuration of the compensator improve the power factor of the electric locomotive in all operational modes and raise value of the power factor to its maximum possible value. The management of the compensator unit is based on the extremum seeking control autonomous voltage inverter. Mathematical modeling of electric locomotive showed increase the power factor to a value of 0,98.