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V.3(35), 2018
91-100A method for predicting the performance of the current collection with increasing speeds using machine learning is proposed. Methods for obtaining statistically reliable data on the contact pressure of current-carrying electric rolling stock without the need for direct measurement based on design data and analysis of external factors (weather, operational) accompanying the interaction are considered. -
V.3(27), 2016
91-99The article deals with the distribution of the electrostatic field around the garland of porcelain suspension insulators containing defects. Achieved the distribution simulation of the electrostatic field around insulators in the software package Elcut. We get a picture of field distribution around the insulators for the environment with different dielectric constants. A comparative analysis of simulation results and experimental studies on the basis of which revealed the possibility of diagnosing the parameters of insulators of the electrostatic field. -
V.4(20), 2014
92-97The article presents results ofmodeling andfull-scaletesting of the devicefor remotediagnosisinsulatorscatenaryrailway transport. The maincauses ofbreakdownof insulators. Presents statistics offailurecatenaryinsulators. The plotof the contactnetwork is presentedin the form ofthe line modelwith distributed parameters. To create a virtual model of the device and the line was selected program Multisim 12.0. Described bya block diagramof the devicefor remote monitoringcatenaryinsulators. Shows theprinciple of operationof the deviceto control thecatenaryinsulators. Present a schemeof the experimentat the siteof contact networkOSTUlandfill. Parameters are calculatedareaof contact network. Chosenform ofdiagnosingpulsesto determine thepossible location ofthe faultyinsulator. -
V.1(37), 2019
92-101The paper deals with the protection of the buried structures under the influence of DC traction network stray currents. The paper presents an algorithm for joint operation of drainage units for simultaneous protection of the grounding grid and two isolated underground conductors with priority protection of the grounding grid. The proposed algorithm of joint drainage protection of buried structures allows providing the possibility of optimal protection: simultaneous keeping of the protective potential of buried structures with the minimum required drainage current, which allows reducing energy costs, reducing corrosion damage and extend the operating life of buried structures. -
V.4(28), 2016
94-101The paper deals with the problem of sustainable innovation development of the electric power system of Mongolia, taking into account the geographical position of the country on the border of a transport route between China and Russia. In the broadest sense between the Asian industrial region and Europe, the turnover between them is increasing every year. The main constraining factor on the way of this process is not electrified main railway line, passing through the territory of Mongolia. Shown the advantages of railway electrification to solve the problems of power supply industry and agriculture. The most important objective is the electrification of the transport route Sukhbaatar Ulaanbaatar-Zamyn-Ude, the length of 1111 km. It is shown that the realization of this goal will reduce rail route from Europe to Central Asia of 1,025 km. The forecast of development of transportation in the future. Along with this a forecast of the Mongolia’s electric power system, in which the traction electric load would be approximately 22%. Included the corresponding graph required the development of generating capacities in the Mongolian power system in order to adjust the available capacity to 3500MW by the year 2025. Proved significant advantages of electrified railway through improving electric locomotive in comparison with diesel locomotive. In contrast to the significant proportion of electrified railways of Russia on a direct current, proposed the path of traction power supply system 2x25kV. Following the example of other highly developed countries, it will go to the use of high-speed railways. Thus it is achieved balanced development of Mongolia's electric power system based on electrification of the transport corridor from Asia to Europe. -
V.2(34), 2018
94-106The article outlines methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of recuperative braking application and the use of energy recovery. An example of calculating the energy efficiency of recuperation on a double-track section of direct current is given. The analysis of the influence of changes in such parameters of the section as technical and district speed of freight trains on the efficiency of energy recovery. The article presents the results of estimating the energy recovery components that form the economic efficiency of recuperation, and describes the approaches to predicting the change in this efficiency, depending on the change in the influencing factors. -
V.3(31), 2017
95-102In article temporary characteristics and results of the analysis of operation of the relay - the differential shunt are considered at full removal of a package of steel on a branch of smaller section. Conclusions are drawn on opportunities of its application at pass by the electrorolling stock of the isolating interfaces. The method of the choice of settings of the relay - the differential shunt, considering time delay at its operation is offered. -
V.4(36), 2018
95-105The urgency of the work is connected with the improvement of the components of the distributed automation system and voltage control within the framework of the development of actively adaptive electrical networks. An approach is presented to the determination of control actions within the framework of coordinated voltage control in distribution electrical networks using active elements based on multi-agent control. Voltage control in the electric network is carried out by all local regulators within the boundaries of the controlled zone under the condition of voltage stabilization. The control actions of local agents are determined as a result of coordination between each other in the type of "auction", the solution of the linearized optimization problem based on the sensitivity of the locations of the active elements to the change in voltages in the distribution network. The sensitivity of the parameters of the regime to the injection of power in the nodes of the electrical network is determined on the basis of sensory analysis of the conductivity of the network topology elements and the partial derivative of the unbalance of the constituent electrical quantities. Achieving the global goal of managing coordinating agents is achieved by optimizing the mode parameters and adjusting the work of local agents. The presented simulation results on the test circuit showed the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed approaches.. -
V.1(49), 2022
95-102The problem of increasing energy saving when using fuel in heating furnaces of forging and thermal shops for heat treatment of metal under pressure treatment (forging and stamping) and heat treatment (quenching, tempering, carburizing and nitrocarburizing) is considered. Ways to improve energy saving in industrial furnaces and issues of reducing fuel consumption in thermal processes were studied. The problem of rationalizing the regeneration of low-grade heat of flue gases was not solved fully enough, since economic factors and the influence of the determining parameters on the temperature and thermal regimes of heat recovery plants were not fully taken into account. Thus, it is relevant to address the issue of the appropriate degree of recovery of the thermal potential of the gases leaving the heating furnace, finding the most favorable parameters of heat recovery plants. A criterion is proposed for assessing the effective level of the degree of utilization of the heat of exhaust gases at the outlet from the heating furnaces. It is proposed to evaluate the efficiency of the heat recovery plant and determine the optimal degree of heat recovery from flue gases leaving the heating furnace based on the difference in the changing costs for the construction and operation of the heat recovery plant. A method and an algorithm for determining the technically and economically feasible degree of utilization of low-potential heat of fuel combustion products after furnace units in a heat recovery unit have been developed. The developed algorithm provided the necessary optimality conditions, was checked for sufficiency by conducting studies on the existence of an extremum at the test point and the positivity of subsequent derivatives. The dependences of the economically viable temperature of the fuel combustion products after the heat recovery plant on the determining factors, basic values, price indicators and initial data are obtained, which, in the case of reconstruction and modernization of the furnace facilities of forge and thermal shops, minimize the costs of reconstruction and increase the efficiency of its use. The practical significance of the application of the proposed developments for practical use in the design, reconstruction and modernization of the furnace facilities of forging and thermal shops has been substantiated. -
V.3(15), 2013
96-103In this paper we propose an electric load forecasting algorithms based on artificial neural networks. An improved method for selecting the most appropriate structure of the neural network based on the coefficient characterizing the homogeneity of the samples is proposed. -
V.2(22), 2015
96-101Recently, during overhaul of the railway track using modern materials such as geotextiles and penoplex. In turn, they make significant changes to the structure of the ballast, t. To. Are almost insulators. OSTU experimentally it has been ascertained that the contact resistance in the case of using a new type of cloth can be raised to 45 - 150 Om*km. Obviously, this leads to a significant increase in the capacity of the rail relative to a distant ground and can cause injury to personnel operating the traction members network. To determine the capacity of the rail at any point area must take into account the redistribution of power in the elements of the rail network, ie. E. In the rail and the transition resistance «rail - the land». The rail network is characterized by longitudinal rails Zp kilometricheskim resistance, transition resistance «rail - land» rp-s, and the characteristic impedance ZB kilometricheskim spreading factor γ rail network. Analysis of the results lead to the following conclusions: 1) contact resistance «rail-to-earth» has a significant impact on the value of the potentials arising on the elements of reverse current flow circuit; 2) the growth of the resistance «rail-to-earth», associated with seasonal fluctuations in soil resistivity, as well as in recent times, with the capital reconstruction of the roadbed, resulting in a significantly longer (up to several tens of kilometers) area, for which the potential can reach hazardous the value of human life; 3) in the circuit mode on a rail (m. E. When a metal short circuit) almost always rail network will occur potentials exceeding admissible values for several kilometers in both directions from the point of fault, which leads to removal of the dangerous potential at all metal construction connected with the rail and therefore requires a review of the principles of grounding structures. -
V.4(40), 2019
96-105Recently, for the analysis of complex nonlinear processes, more and more attention is paid to the mathematical apparatus of wavelet transform. This is due to the fact that unlike the traditional Fourier transform, the wavelet transform provides information about the signal under study in the time-frequency domain. The purpose of research is to analyze and simulate a non-sinusoidal non-stationary mode based on the packet wavelet transform, the use of this method for transmitting the digital data stream of the signal under study. The simulation was carried out using the software package Simulink. In the study found that packet wavelet transform with high precision allows to determine the presence of higher harmonics in the power system, the efficiency of using wavelet transform to compress digital data stream of the test signal. -
V.4(20), 2014
97-104In connection with the negative effects caused by the fault of the insulators used in an overhead power transmission line of 6 - 10 kV, it is suggested controlling a condition of a post insulator by the device that responses when breakdown current goes through an insulator. The work of the device for identification of insulators defects is described. Equivalent circuits of an alarm device connection with an insulator in an overhead power transmission line are given. The basic processes, that occur in a system of a supporting insulator of an overhead power transmission line in a serviceable condition and if there is a defect in view of geometric capacitance, absorption current, steady leakage current and surface current of breakdown, are considered. -
V.2(42), 2020
97-102A mathematical model for diagnosing the state of solid insulation of high-voltage transformers based on an informational assessment of indirect indicators, i.e. entropy, for example, by the content of impurities of various gases dissolved in transformer oil, which allows to determine the technical condition without removing the workload. The values of the average information on the working and faulty state of insulation for various types of gas impurities are calculated. -
V.1(33), 2018
98-109The article discusses the process of developing an adaptive model of energy management of the railway enterprise on the basis of production rules. An algorithm for flow control of fuel and energy resources (FER) of the enterprise of the railway industry using mathematical apparatus of fuzzy logic.Proposed to use the base rules of fuzzy conclusions to assess the adequacy of the developed model of management. -
V.2(26), 2016
100-107The article considers one of the ways of improving the energy efficiency of AC electrical system railways 25 kV, 50 Hz. The proposed approach allows to determine the optimal location and capacity of an unregulated device for compensation reactive power according to the criterion of minimum active power losses in a traction electrical system. Modeling of trains on the site was made using instant schemes. Description of the traction power supply system implemented by the node potential method and Steinmetz’s symbolic method. Optimal value of reactive power for all possible locations of a compensating device was calculated numerically by an optimization method of Hooke-Jeeves according to the criterion of minimum active power losses in the traction network. The mathematical model allows to consider the elements of the traction network, schedules of trains, change of traction loads of electric locomotives, schemes of overhead network. The proposed approach was considered on the example test problem, which solution allowed to determinate the optimal location and required value of reactive power of an technical device. The placement of a compensating device in a certain place will allows to minimize the power loss in the contact network, track circuit and traction transformers from the flow of the reactive component of the current in average for all instant schemes with various traction loads. An unregulated technical device for compensating reactive power which is located between two traction substations reduces energy consumption for traction of trains on the 1 - 2 %. -
V.2(22), 2015
101-109The article deals with measures to improve the energy efficiency of the transportation process. The necessity of creation of an automated system for monitoring the energy efficiency of the electric rolling stock. The algorithm, which allows to determine the reasons for non-locomotive crew specific rules of electricity on the trip. Developed form of protocols, reflecting the information on losses of electricity on the basis of a trip with the time and place of their origin. -
V.3(35), 2018
101-111The article discusses the traction parameters of a new generation electric locomotive. The existing schemes of service areas by electric locomotives and locomotive brigades on the studied railway test site are presented. A comparison is made of the main parameters of DC and single-phase AC electric locomotives, the operation of which is currently organized on sections of movement with trains of calculated mass in the long-term mode of thrust on the climbs of various steepness. The scheme of the proposed organization of operation of a double power locomotive and locomotive crews is presented. Calculated traction parameters of a two-system electric locomotive, taking into account the plan and profile of the track in the proposed areas of operation, specific resistivity to the movement of the locomotive and the composition of the train at the estimated speed, specific accelerating and decelerating forces of the train. When two-system electric locomotives are put into operation, it will be possible to reduce the fleet of locomotives in operation, the number of traction arms due to their lengthening and the number of locomotive change points, reduce the transit time of freight trains, increase technical and local speed, average daily mileage and average daily performance of the locomotive, reduce power consumption per traction . The operation of such electric locomotives contributes to the development of polygon technologies for managing the transportation process, improving the quantitative and qualitative indicators of various railway enterprises. -
V.4(28), 2016
101-108The article considers one of the ways of improving the energy efficiency of three-phase power supply system of industrial and railway enterprises. Presented and proved a theorem, which allows to determine the necessary conductivity and the reactive branch currents compensating device with asymmetric structure, for which the equivalent conductivity of these elements and the load will be symmetrical and active. In three-phase electric circuit of an alternating sinusoidal current reactive elements allow to redistribute active and reactive power between the phases. The use of a compensating device with asymmetric structure will reduce losses from the occurrence of reactive currents, reverse currents and zero sequence in low-voltage three-phase power system. As an example of the use of the theorem and the calculated expressions for determination of conductance of the branches of the asymmetric compensating devices a special test problem was considered. It shows the values of power losses, the coefficients of voltage unbalance with and without using the device. Considered possible options for the practical implementation of such technical devices. -
V.4(32), 2017
101-110The article analyzes the current state of electricity measuring on the electric rolling stock. The main shortcomings of the existing electric power measuring systems for train traction are shown. The technical requirements for information-measuring systems of electricity accounting on electric rolling stock are presented. The technology of electricity accounting on the rolling stock with the use of information-measuring complexes and the procedure for processing the measurement results are described. The minimum required list of fixing parameters during the trip is determined. The procedure for calculating the electric power consumption of electric rolling stock within the boundaries of an arbitrary electricity metering zone is given. The prospects of application of the proposed developments on the railway network are considered to provide monitoring of the transportation process energy efficiency. -
V.1(37), 2019
102-111The problem of emergency outages of power consumers due to the interruption of the wires of power lines due to ice formation remains relevant for today. As a solution to this problem, an electromechanical class device developed by the authors is proposed in the article. The principles of his work, the features of the design and placement on the wires are outlined. The functionality of the device in automatic mode is described. The substantiation of the maximum efficiency of electromechanical methods of struggle against icing is given in comparison with others, including thermal methods. It is necessary to search for optimal pulse parameters and the design of the actuator. -
V.3(31), 2017
102-114In article methods of valuation electrical parameters and mathematical models of electic processes of reinforced concrete construction are considered. The conclusion that influence of reinforced mesh was not taken into account in describe models had been done. Method for prediction of reinforced concrete foundation which based on equation system of electric field in conductors and finite element method and allowed explicit geometry of object include reinforced mesh was suggested by authors. Authors done the assumption about invariability of potential of reinforced mesh which covered of concrete layer for direct current and alternating current due to ratio of steel and concrete resistance. Realization of nethod was done by dint of software complex Comsol Multiphysics. Research object was reinforced steel foundation TSS-4, which is located in ground. Result of research was represented color epure of potential distribution and line of current density. Reinforced concrete construction current and current which flow into armature were determined by dint of integration of normal current density on surface where set the external potential and surface of armature. On the grounds of determine values of model current resistance of model depending on resistivity of concrete and ground were calculated. -
V.2(42), 2020
103-114This article presents an algorithm and a method for calculating power flow of an open electric network with a voltage of 6-35 kV, taking into account the temperature dependence of active resistances. Calculation of the electric and thermal conditions of the electric network is carried out with a joint solution of the equations. The determination of stresses in the nodes is carried out using the inverse matrix of the nodal and intrinsic conductivities. The inverse matrix of nodal and intrinsic conductivities is determined based on the well-known direct Jordan-Gauss method. The equation of the heat balance of the wire used to calculate the actual temperature is solved numerically. Convective heat transfer is recorded only for forced convection, because wires of overhead power lines with a voltage of 6 kV and higher are located on various types of poles, at a height of at least 10 m. This fact allows us to abandon the use of formulas for natural convection and use expressions only for forced convection. Accounting for solar radiation in the presented algorithm is possible on the basis of two methods: simplified and considered in the standard of PJSC FGC UES, which allows you to take into account the actual location of the wire relative to the north. Using the test circuit as an example, the steady-state mode was calculated taking into account the temperature dependence of the active resistances. The results of a numerical experiment are presented, confirming the operability of the developed algorithm. The refinement in determining active power losses with and without taking into account the heating factor for the considered circuit is about 13%. Verification of the algorithm that implements the method of calculating the steady state (SS) of an open electrical network of a medium voltage class taking into account the temperature dependence of active resistances showed that in technically acceptable modes the developed algorithm has good accuracy in comparison with the RastrWin3 software package. -
V.3(15), 2013
103-108In this article, the technical condition monitoring of power supply line for devices of railway automatics is considered. The algorithm of determining location of the break with using the mathematical apparatus of discrete Fourier transform is proposed. -
V.1(49), 2022
103-110The article deals with the issues of joint use of a low-temperature solar collector and a heat pump in a solar heating system, the combination of which allows for high energy efficiency and stable operation of the system for the entire period of the year. The study and development of innovative technologies in alternative energy is a topical issue of today. Based on the actual statistical climatic data of the city of Omsk, a thermal calculation of the solar collector and the air heat pump in the heat supply system of the building was made. The values of solar insolation and the angle of inclination for the city of Omsk by months determined depending on latitude are given, the dependence of the change in solar insolation of the city of Omsk on the period of the year is plotted. The proposed scheme allows creating high energy efficiency and stable operation of the system during the summer and transitional months of the year. A method for calculating the generation of thermal energy using a combined system is given. The required number of tubes of solar vacuum tubular collector SVK-20A has been calculated. The work of an air heat pump and a solar collector according to a bivalent scheme is proposed, and a graph of the heat load of the heating system is also considered. The thermophysical properties of the working substance of a solar collector and an air heat pump are studied with a change in ambient temperature, the dependence of the freezing point of aqueous solutions of ethylene glycol and propylene glycol on the mass concentration of glycol is studied. A technical calculation of the COP coefficient for one of the educational buildings of OSTU was made. An effective option for using this system is proposed - heating systems «warm floor», «warm walls» or «warm ceiling».