1. Ovcharenko Sergey Mikhailovich – chief editor, the rector of OSTU, D. Sc., associate professor (Omsk, Russia).
2. Galiev Ilkham Islamovich – deputy chief editor, the president of OSTU, D. Sc., professor, the honored worker of science and engineering of the Russian Federation (Omsk, Russia).
3. Shantarenko Sergey Georgievich – deputy chief editor, vice-rector by scientific work of OSTU, D. Sc., associate professor (Omsk, Russia).
4. Alekseev Viktor Mikhailovich – professor of the department of Information Control and Protection of RUT, D. Sc., professor (Moscow, Russia).
5. Bessonenko Sergey Anatolievich – head of the department «Track Maintenance Management» of STU, D. Sc., professor (Novosibirsk, Russia).
6. Vedruchenko Victor Rodionovich – professor of the department «Heat-power engineering» of OSTU, D. Sc., professor (Omsk, Russia).
7. Glinka Tadeusz – Ph. D., professor of Silesian University of Technology (Gliwice, Poland).
8. Goryunov Vladimir Nikolaevich – head of the department «Power supply of industrial enterprises» of OmSTU, D. Sc., professor (Omsk, Russia).
9. Huda Alexander Nikolaevich – Vice-rector for scientific-work of RSTU, D. Sc., professor (Rostov-on-Don, Russia).
10. Zykina Anna Vladimirovna – head of the department «Applied mathematics and fundamental computer science» of OmSTU, D. Sc., professor (Omsk, Russia).
11. Isakov Alexander Leonidovich – head of the department «Railway and Highway Surveying and Design Engineering» of STU, D. Sc., professor (Novosibirsk, Russia).
12. Kim Konstantin Konstantinovich – head of the department «Electrical Engineering and Heat Power Engineering» of Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University, D. Sc., professor (St. Petersburg, Russia).
13. Komyakov Aleksandr Anatol'evich – professor of the department «Theoretical electrical engineering» of OSTU, D. Sc., associate professor (Omsk, Russia).
14. Kosarev Alexander Borisovich – senior deputy of general director of JSC «VNIIZhT» (Railway Research Institute), D. Sc., professor (Moscow, Russia).
15. Kuznetsov Andrey Albertovich – head of the department «Theoretical electrical engineering» of OSTU, D. Sc., professor (Omsk, Russia).
16. Lebedev Vitaliy Matveyevich – professor of the department «Heat-power engineering» of OSTU, D. Sc., professor (Omsk, Russia).
17. Nikitin Aleksandr Borisovich – head of the department «Automation and telemechanics on railways» of PGUPS, D. Sc., professor (St. Petersburg, Russia).
18. Livshits Alexandr Valerievich – vice-rector for scientific work of ISTU, D. Sc., professor (Irkutsk, Russia).
19. Liu Jiankun – Ph. D., professor of Sun Yat-sen University, the associate dean of the School of Civil Engineering (Zhuhai, China).
20. Paramonov Alexandr Mikhailovich – professor of the department «Heat-power engineering» of OmSTU, D. Sc., associate professor (Omsk, Russia).
21. Sidorov Oleg Alexeevich – professor of the department «Power supply of railway transport» of OSTU, D. Sc., professor (Omsk, Russia).
22. Smerdin Alexandr Nikolaevich – vice-rector by innovation development of OSTU, D. Sc., associate professor (Omsk, Russia).
23. Solonenko Vladimir Gelyevich – professor of the department «Backbone Engineering» of ALT, D. Sc., professor (Almaty, Kazakhstan).
24. Fayzibaev Sherzod Sabirovich – professor of the department «Wagons and wagon facilities» of TSTU, D. Sc., professor (Tashkent, Uzbekistan).
25. Kharlamov Viktor Vasilyevich – head of the department «Electrical machines and common electrotechnic» of OSTU, D. Sc., professor (Omsk, Russia).