Scientific and technical journal «Izvestia Transsiba» (Journal of Transsib Railway Studies) was founded by Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education «Omsk State Transport University» (35, Marx av., Omsk, 644046, Russia, phone/fax +7 (3812) 31-13-44; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

The scientific and technical journal «Izvestia Transsiba» (Journal of Transsib Railway Studies) has been published since 2010 and contains scientific articles devoted to the problems and prospects of the development of technical means and technologies in railway transport and industry. Thematic sections of the journal (technical sciences): railway rolling stock, train traction and electrification, transportation process management, railway track, railway survey and design, transport and transport-technological systems of the country, its regions and cities, organization of production in transport, theoretical and applied heat engineering, energy systems and complexes, electric power, electrical complexes and systems, automation and management of technological processes and productions.

The publication is included in the List recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for the following scientific specialties:

2.9.3. – Railway rolling stock, train traction and electrification;

2.9.4. – Management of transportation processes;

2.9.2. – Railway track, survey and design of railways;

2.9.1. – Transport and transport-technological systems of the country, its regions and cities, organization of production in transport;

2.4.6. – Theoretical and applied heat engineering;

2.4.5. – Energy systems and complexes;

2.4.3. – Electric power industry;

2.4.2. – Electrical complexes and systems;

2.3.3. – Automation and control of technological processes and productions.

The journal is published with a frequency of 4 issues per year (each quarter).

The scientific and technical journal «Izvestia Transsiba» (Journal of Transsib Railway Studies) is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor), registration number PI No. FS77-75780 dated May 23, 2019.

The international standard serial number ISSN is 2220-4245.

Subscription index in the online catalog «Subscription Press» ( E28002. The minimum subscription period is six months.

Subscription to the electronic version is available on the «Rucont» platform.

The journal is included in the RINTs system.

Since July 2011, the journal «Izvestia Transsiba» (Journal of Transsib Railway Studies) is included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of Ph.D., for the degree of Doctor of Sciences should be published.

The issues of the magazine have a free distribution price.