Open the Regulations on the review, review and publication of articles.

Articles submitted to the editors shall correspond to the profile of «Izvestia Transsiba» (Journal of Transsib Railway Studies) (hereinafter referred to as — the Journal) and   Terms of submission of research papers. Articles that do not meet these requirements are declined; they are not returned or published.

Articles are published in the Journal on the basis of peer review.

The articles are reviewed by the editorial board of the Journal The articles are reviewed recognized experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials (PhDs), have in the last three years of scientific publications on peer-reviewed articles, including members of the editorial board of the Journal (hereinafter - the reviewers), according to the direction of reviewing (form attached). Compliance with this requirement is monitored reviewer edited by reviewing the list of his scientific works in the last three years.

The editorial board of the Journal reserves the right to abridge and revise the articles (internal review). PhD, who reviews the article, cannot be its author. The decision for publication is made by the editorial board on the basis of expert assessments of reviewers with regard to compliance of submitted materials to the thematic focus of the Journal, their scholarly importance and relevance.

Article review shall be confidential. Disclosure of confidential data on the article review violates the rights of the article authors. Breach of confidentiality is only possible in case of invalidity or falsification of materials, in all other cases, it is required to maintain confidentiality.The peer review is provided in a suggested form.

Based on peer review the article may be declined or returned to the authors as requiring improvement, or accepted for publication. In case of rejection to publish an article, editors send motivated refusal to its authors.

The article that requires improvement is sent to the authors with comments from the reviewer and the editor. The authors shall make all necessary corrections and return corrected text to the editorial board, as well as its electronic version with the original version and a cover letter with response comments to the reviewer.

Revised article is reviewed again and the editorial board decides on publication. Articles sent out to authors for correction, should be returned to the editorial office not later than two weeks after reception. If an article is returned later, they change the date of its publication.

The editorial board provides peer reviews of articles to the authors and at the request of the Higher Attestation Commission. Reviews are stored in the editorial office for five years from the date of receipt of the opinion of the expert evaluation article.

The editorial staff of the Journal do not provide data on an article (including information on its reception, its content, the process of peer review, critical comments of reviewers and the final decision) to anyone other than the authors and reviewers. Reviewers are not permitted to make copies of articles for their needs and it is prohibited to give a part of an article for review to another person without the permission from the editors. Reviewers, as well as the editorial staff are not eligible to use the content of the works prior to their publication in their own interest.