Journal of Transsib Railway Studies V.1(41), 2020

Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
Introduced on the Russian Railways network monitoring system download the snow train has allowed to identify cases of export volume of the snow mass is much less possible when cleaning railway tracks from snow, which leads to the underutilization of capacity of the snow trains and shunting locomotives and irrational use of fuel and energy resources for operation of rolling stock. The purpose of the work is to consider the fuel and energy efficiency of snow-removal trains and shunting locomotives carrying out their movement and to determine ways to reduce the consumption of fuel and energy resources for the performance of works on cleaning the tracks from snow (in economic traffic). To achieve this goal, one of the structural divisions of JSC "Russian Railways" estimated the volume of snow removal by snow-removal trains, calculated the values of mechanical work performed by locomotives to move snow-removal equipment and fuel consumption by snow-removal trains and locomotives to perform work on clearing snow from the tracks. On the basis of the comparative analysis the conclusion is made on the available reserves of increase of fuel and energy performance of the rolling stock while clearing paths of snow and the technique allowing to estimate the total fuel consumption for snow removal snow plow trains and traction units (locomotives), and ways to improve the power efficiency of snow-removing trains and working with them traction means, such as the use of rolling stock with a rational value of mass and power depending on weather conditions.
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
The use of twelve-pulse rectifiers instead of six-pulse rectifiers leads to increased efficiency and efficiency of traction substations of the underground. On the basis of experimental research and analysis of circuit solutions, the conclusion is made about the advantage of a twelve-pulse rectifier circuit of a serial type over parallel-type circuits. The use of rectifiers with a parallel type circuit is possible only if there is an equalization reactor, without which technical and economic indicators are reduced. The introduction of the most rational twelve-pulse bridge rectifier schemes of the sequential type can be carried out by upgrading the installed equipment, or by industrial development by manufacturers of dry transformers with different typical power and rectifiers with tablet avalanche valves with coolers based on heat pipes.
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
Constantly conducted studies of the reliability of electric equipment of traction rolling stock have shown that the most vulnerable element is the insulation design of the windings of power equipment, especially traction motors. Existing methods and means of restoration and repair of insulating structures of windings of traction motors of modern electric locomotives, based on drying polymer insulation in convective high-power electric furnaces, are energy and time-consuming. This technology has not undergone significant changes for over 50 years. In order to extend the polymer insulation life of electric vehicles of traction rolling stock, an insulation drying technology using thermal radiation was proposed that reduces the cost of electricity for repairs and increases the drying speed by reducing heat loss. The article is devoted to the design of a new device for drying the insulation of the windings of the magnetic system of the skeleton of the backbone of the electric locomotive traction engine by a rotating thermal field. The analysis of works and conclusions based on the results of theoretical studies related to mathematical modeling is presented. As a method of mathematical modeling, the finite element method was used in the work. A simplified 3D model of the winding of the core magnetic system with infrared emitters was created. According to the results of finite element mathematical modeling, temperature fields of heating the polymer insulation of the windings of the core of the traction motor were obtained. Based on this calculation, the work selected the optimal design parameters of the proposed device that provide the minimum energy costs for various sizes of the skeleton of the traction engines. Based on the proposed device variant, an application for a patent for a utility model has been filed, and this prototype is being assembled on the basis of the Ulan-Ude locomotive and car repair plant, a branch of Zheldorremmash JSC. New directions for further research are also set.
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
The subject of the study is energy efficiency of traction power supply system and traction electric drive of electric locomotives. The article is scientifically based on the assessment of the energy efficiency of the mutually connected system of electric traction of trains. The study is aimed at solving problems on reduction of voltage losses in the contact system, active power in the contact system and traction electric drive of electric locomotives. This is possible due to the full and continuous use of the electrical potential of the power supply system. The research methodology is based on the law of energy preservation, mathematical modeling of the energy process and spectral analysis of voltage and current on the current collector of the electric locomotive. Analytically and by results of calculation it has been proved that significant losses of voltage, active power in the contact system, traction electric drive of electric locomotives are caused by unsatisfactory operation of power regulators and mismatch of voltage level in the contact power network, which is necessary for realization of heavy and high-speed driving of trains. In order to eliminate the negative effect of the inductive coupling of AC traction power supply on the energy efficiency and speed of trains, it is proposed to increase the voltage in the DC contact system and develop power regulators of electric locomotives. Mathematical model of DC electric traction system shows possibilities of reduction of electric energy losses and increase of movement speed due to application of electric semiconductor variator for matching of high voltage in contact system with voltage of traction electric motors of electric locomotive.
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
The article analyzes the change in the strength properties of structural materials used in the production of current collectors of electric rolling stock, proposes a method for calculating the reduction of resource indicators of elements of a system of moving frames of electric current collectors made of hardened aluminum alloys as a result of the thermal effect of the flowing current. The features of heating the levers of the current collector during laboratory tests are considered. The most heat-stressed units and elements bearing a mechanical load are installed. The dependence of the thermal degradation of the levers of a system of moving frames at various temperatures is determined. The nonlinear conversion function is calculated for calculating the integral value of thermal wear. A method is proposed to increase the reliability and performance of current collectors, based on the use of permanent temperature control of its key elements.
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
The article discusses methods in evaluating the current settings for turning on and off the second converter unit when introducing power backup systems for DC traction substations. The analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of existing methods. The algorithm for calculating the current settings. A comparative analysis of the operating currents of the automation of the converter unit is carried out on the example of traction substations of the current section of the West Siberian Railway.
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
The article presents an improved mathematical model of the thermal state of the pantograph head for calculating the temperature distribution when interacting with different catenary with a double contact wire. The model takes into account the unevenness of the pantograph contact pressure on the wires along the suspension span and between them, allows using the databases of the car-laboratory for testing the contact network, calculating the thermal conditions of the skid on various sections of electrified Railways, including transients between them. The paper presents graphs of the zigzag distribution density of the contact wire of the Moscow - Saint Petersburg high-speed line, and defines the transient and steady state thermal states of the pantograph head when the pantograph interacts with them.
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
The goal of the research is to development of a synchronous-replicated model for the assessment of the technical state of a locomotive as a technical system to reduce the occurrence of failures during operation, and as a result, reduce downtime in repairs. When performing the research, the following interdisciplinary and mathematical methods were used: system analysis, computer and mathematical modeling, methods of the theory of artificial neural networks, mathematical analysis. As a result of the research, a mathematical synchronously replicated model for assessing the technical condition of a locomotive based on an artificial multilayer forecasting neural network was obtained. The developed model can be used in monitoring systems, control, diagnosing the technical condition of the locomotive fleet. The original features of the developed model are a low sampling period between polling monitoring tools, versatility, adaptability, efficiency. Based on the developed model, a generalized algorithm for managing the technical condition of the locomotive fleet is built. The proposed model and algorithm solves the ranges of tasks described in the development concept of Russian Railways OJSC related to the implementation of the actual repair system according to the current technical condition of the locomotive, as well as the digitalization of the company’s advanced areas.
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
The factors affecting the operational reliability of the assembly platform of a rail service car maintaining the repair and installation on the railways are considered in the paper. An assessment and analysis of a system of quantitative indices of reliability is performed, the methods for their separate determination by mechanical equipment and hydro and electrical equipment is described. The strategy of maintenance and repair combined with the use of methods and means of a modern diagnostic system is considered; it ensures the estimation of the object reliability during its design, operation and repair.
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
This article is about technical and economic indicators of the operation of freight locomotives at the ranges of Russian Railways. The most attention is paid to such indicators as train mass, fuel consumption, technical and district speed. There is an analysis of technical and economic indicators during the period from 2010 till 2019. Based on the analysis of technical and economic indicators in the real mode of operation of freight diesel locomotives it's presented calculation of dimensionless train mass coefficients, fuel efficient use, district and technical speeds. The presented calculation fully characterizes as well using degree of technical and economic characteristics of diesel locomotives in of power and time as the effectiveness of system organization in their operation. To know the operating modes of diesel-generator sets of diesel locomotives in train work is source material for the analysis of technical characteristics of locomotive power equipment and making recommendations on their optimization in relation to operating conditions
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
This article presents the rationale for the need to change the methodology for determining the absolute and relative values of energy losses to train traction. It is shown that when determining the relative value of the losses, it is necessary to take into account the amount of recovery energy returned to the contact network by electric rolling stock meters. To increase the accuracy of determining the absolute value of losses, it is necessary to take into account the energy consumption for the needs of the traction power supply system for prophylactic heating and smelting of ice on the wires of the contact network, as well as to ensure uninterrupted voltage on inactive electrified sections of railways. A formula is proposed for estimating the component of electric power losses in the contact network from the flow of energy recovery taking into account changes in the methodology for determining the loses of electric power for train traction.
Railway track, survey and design of railways
~~~Railway track, survey and design of railways~~~
The article is devoted to the problem of elimination of thermomechanical damage on the surface of rolling wheel pairs of cars, which arising from the use of brake shoes to reduce their speed. A new design of the brake shoe equipped with electromagnets, which provides braking without jamming the wheel pair. Article contains calculation of the braking force and the provide slowdown .
Transport and transport-technological systems of the country, its regions and cities, organization of production in transport
~~~Transport and transport-technological systems of the country, its regions and cities, organization of production in transport~~~
The article deals measures to improve the efficiency of using empty cars on the example of the East Siberian railway. The problem of the mechanism for managing cargo and empty runs has been identified. It is necessary to create the system for managing empty rolling stock. The authors consider the technology of working with the company's empty car fleet and the logistics of rolling stock through the Taishet station of the East Siberian railway. The relevance of the goal is the insufficiently developed transport and logistics infrastructure of the region located at the intersection of large transport flows, high costs of logistics operators for the empty tariff. Taking into account the prospects for the development of the station's transport and logistics infrastructure in accordance with the long-term development program of Russian Railways, there are opportunities to increase the range of types of rolling stock and cargo, including container ones. This technology, with timely provision of empty rolling stock for stations, will significantly increase the level of loading and unloading and routing of incoming empty cars. The practical significance of the considered measures is the possibility of reducing the load of some stations, reducing empty flights of rolling stock, increasing the profitability of transportation and the efficiency of using rolling stock by reducing its turnover. In General, for the network, the results will increase the capacity and transit volumes of container traffic from China to the Russian Federation, and stimulate the development of the transport business.
Power stations and electric power systems
~~~Power stations and electric power systems~~~
Currently, according to regulatory documents, the resistivity of power line wires is assumed to be the same for any permissible load current and the heating temperature of the wires is equal to 20 degrees. This account of resistivity causes significant errors that significantly affect the operating modes of power transmission lines. This article analyzes the influence of outdoor air temperature, load current, solar radiation intensity, wind speed and direction on the heating temperature of overhead power lines, and as a result, on the value of the resistivity of the wires and power and electricity losses in them. The example of the BAM highway shows that even in the conditions of one region, the outdoor air temperature varies, depending on the time of year, within a very wide range. This in turn requires careful consideration of the dependence of the resistivity value of the line wires on the external air temperature. At the same time, it is shown that it is permissible to ignore the intensity of solar radiation, wind speed and direction on the heating temperature of overhead power lines due to the lack of comprehensive information about these factors and their opposite direction. However, this assumption will only be valid for operating currents in the range from zero to double the current value corresponding to the economic density. When calculating power losses, especially in heavily loaded lines, it is necessary to take into account all external temperature influences. Due to the appearance of sensor temperature sensors, it is proposed to use them directly to measure the heating temperature of line wires and then calculate their resistivity.
Energy systems and complexes
~~~Energy systems and complexes~~~
The calculation of the forecast demand for electric energy by energy systems and complexes of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is an urgent task. The use of deterministic methods for objects of a similar scale is practically excluded due to the absence or significant incompleteness of the source data. Statistical data available in official sources in an unchanged format is usually presented for a period of 3 - 5 years, which is insufficient for the use of artificial neural networks. The article attempts to study the properties of similar energy systems and complexes. Modern power systems and complexes belong to closed subsystems, the set of elements and connections of which is equivalent to the set of elements of local subsystems of a higher level energy system. This means the inadmissibility of drawing up predictive rules of functioning without taking into account heterogeneous external influences. The system and subsystems are presented as a "black box". Interactions between the system and the external environment and within the system are carried out by the transmission of signals, which are described by a finite set of factors available for analysis and forecasting. The analysis of the possibility of supplementing the general population with statistical data on other objects with a similar structure is carried out. The property of heteromorphism of energy systems and complexes is confirmed. The example of energy systems in the regions of the Russian Federation shows the possibility of a similar approach if non-collinear groups of factors are applied to the analysis. The results of 15 calculations of the most energy-intensive entities of the country are presented, in 28 % of cases the accuracy of forecasted power consumption accuracy is less than 5 %. A further increase in the accuracy of the forecast should develop in the direction of increasing the number of input factors, subject to the condition of the absence of their collinearity and multicollinearity. It is shown that energy systems and complexes of various scales can be described by non-Gaussian stable distributions with infinite dispersion of non-Gaussian distributions, which makes incorrect the use of such methods as the simple extrapolation method, as well as statistical methods based on the assumption that the random distribution law is normal.