Journal of Transsib Railway Studies V.2(14), 2013

Railway rolling stock
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
This article discusses the use of innovative technology-carburizing copper collector plates and apparatus for forming a carbon layer on the working surface of the collector traction motors. To improve switching performance and improve the reliability of electric vehicles are encouraged to use the DC electroerosion processing method.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
In this paper analyzed the design of cast and weld side frames three-piece bogies. The directions of further improvement design side of a bogie frame.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
The paper is mathematical description, which allows to evaluate the properties of the system at the stage of theoretical development. A model of the anti-vibration suspension system with linear adjustment, which allows to study the dynamic characteristics of vibration isolation system threads compensation rigidity. The results of simulation program Matlab.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
The method of wheels and rails adhesion mode determination for locomotives based on Fisher statistical criteria is designed. Freight DC electric locomotive 2ES10 experimental trips on Sverdlovsk railway data processing results are presented.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
The article noted the need to improve the technology of repair locomotive wheelsets. We propose a model describing the process of machining tread on milling machines based on thermo-mechanical approach to cutting metal. On the basis of the model is a method for analytical determination of the forces of milling, the temperature front and rear surfaces of the carbides. Presented results of the comparison of experimental data and data obtained analytically.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
A kinematical system of the test bench for experimental investigations of the frequency asynchronous driving gear is consider. Description of the kinematical system and mathematical model on the assumption of back-to-back is produces. As well as example of construction of the mechanical data family on basis of experimental data taking into account of the inner loss in the system is produces. Dynamical model of the asynchronous motor and results of the modeling in matlab simulink is produces.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
As a result of work statistical data bank of hardware and software complex «Bort» was researched. Methodology for TEM2 locomotive deiesel-generator plant parameters indicating while running hours transformation in integrated time space is suggested.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
The evaluation of the stress state of the elastic pad rim wheel set new design and the substantiation method of its calculation.
Transport power engineering
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
There is a trouble that electrical energy of trains which have a recuperative braking uses partly for DC railway, because there are not different consumers of the electrical energy in this time. The method was offered, it allows to find optimal parameters of a stationary energy storage, which locates on a traction substation. This method can be used for designing and determination efficiency of an energy storage.
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
It is offered the technique for the assessment of the efficiency of the application of the mixed hydrocarbonic kinds of fuel in the power installations of diesel locomotives. The model calculations have been executed with a glance of the changing of the physicochemical and thermalphysic characteristics of the fuel mixtures and the service conditions of diesel locomotives.
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
In this paper, the possibility of controlled shunt reactor (CSR) to absorb excess charging capacity in long lightly loaded transmission lines of 110 kV electric networks Nordic branch of JSC "IDGC of Siberia" - "Omskenergo." The emergence of excess reactive power leads to an increase in the voltage at the nodes of the power system and the emergence of significant power loss. The application of CSR, The calculation of the required power, the place of installation, pre-feasibility study.
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
The article sets forth the procedure for preparation of energy saving programmes for the system of traction electric supply. List of key measures aimed at reduction of losses of electric power in traction network and equipment of traction substations, and also on increase of carrying capacity of railway sections. Presents the results of studies evaluating the potential of energy efficiency of the system of traction electric supply of Railways.
Information technology, automation, communications, telecommunications
~~~Information technology, automation, communications, telecommunications~~~
The paper presents a comparative analysis of different methods of quantization of continuous signals, including optimal with the maximum entropy and the entropy – suboptimal, with various parameters of signal distribution.
~~~Information technology, automation, communications, telecommunications~~~
In this paper we study the problem of interpolation signals neutral convolution vector. We propose an interpolation method, which has the best result in terms of even distribution of interpolation errors in the spectral region. Presents the results of a numerical experiment. The effectiveness of the proposed method in the sense of improving the accuracy of a discrete signal recovery in the receive path of the communication of railway equipment.
~~~Information technology, automation, communications, telecommunications~~~
The current state of technological radiocommunication systems was analyzed, prospects of their development were shown in the article, and the necessity of further use of analogue radio communication channels was substantiated. Statistical data analysis of radiocommunication equipment failures used on the South Urals Railway is fulfilled.
~~~Information technology, automation, communications, telecommunications~~~
In the context of the objectives of and compliance with transportation of corridors for rolling stock and improving the technology of transportation of different modes of transport considered minimization of the geometric factor in positioning navigation, peculiarities of determination of errors of coordinate of the moving objects along physically fixed trajectories on the plane, it is proved the statement about the possibility of recovery of the trajectory of the mobile point on the plane with continuous or discrete measurements of one coordinate.
Traffic control and traffic safety
~~~Traffic control and traffic safety~~~
The article is devoted to finding ways to improve the maintenance of infrastructure. And suggested the expediency of refinement tools used methodology Urra, allowing significantly taken into account in the risk assessment process imperfect operation of the infrastructure associated with the influence of the «human factor».
Transport management
~~~Transport management~~~
The paper discusses the design enterprises for repair in dvizhnogo of railway vehicles, analyzes contemporary experience, are reproduced the main criteria for assessing the quality of design solutions and provides a methodology to optimize them with the use of mathematical modeling.