Journal of Transsib Railway Studies V.4(20), 2014

Railway rolling stock
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
The results of the investigations on the study condition movement of high-speed trains with active and passive systems inclination of body of the carriage in the curved directions of railway track with the registrations of the organizes in the movement and exploitation of the electric trains «Afrosiyob» in the direction Tashkent - Samarkand of the Uzbek railway track are presented are presented.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
When modeling the traction power supply systems, reflecting the processes of interaction of electric traction power supply and mobile electrical loads (electric and electric) is one of the elements of movement imitation organization trains in space. The effect of moving trains in simulations (MI) in MatLab on schedule at the analyzed site traffic necessitates sequential switching models of electric rolling stock (EPS) to the traction network, so that its effect is realized by moving the site. However, in this case, there really is not the processes taking place in reality. This is due to the realization of the simulation method of discrete movements, characterized in that the CSE, one located on a cell - the traction network model at one time, thereafter jumps to another. While EPS previous cell is switched off and switched on the next cell. Thus there does not exist in reality switching processes that distort the results of the studies. Methods to reduce the negative consequences of such distortions are addressed in this article.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
The subject of the study were made of the injection and combustion in diesel locomotives and ships, which are the most difficult to analyze, operate and forecasting facility management (processes in the cylinder of a diesel engine), where the conversion of thermal energy released during the combustion of fuel into mechanical work takes place through a series of successive physico-chemical, thermal, mass transfer and thermodynamic transformations which together constitute the circular irreversible and unlocked the duty cycle. However, the direct study of the operating cycle is still difficult complexity of the totality of the factors influencing the course of the process as a whole. The aim of the work was to establish an empirical connection laws fuel supply and combustion process in diesel cylinder it, ie the creation of methods of calculating these processes together. One approach to establishing formal relations and the possibility of subsequent numerical modeling of combustion processes and communication of the law the fuel in a diesel engine is the use of the theory of automatic control, which developed methods of identification, taking into account the processes of management system in the form of a model of a cybernetic system. It is concluded that the numerous experimental and computational studies suggest that the dynamics of the fuel significantly affects the combustion process in a diesel engine, and, consequently, its power and economic performance. Then to establish a formal link (model) combustion processes and the law the fuel used machine control theory (TAU), which uses and develops methods for the identification, considering processes management system in the form of a cybernetic circuit. Assumed that the full range of processes in the combustion chamber since the start of the fuel supply to the end of its combustion is a complex dynamic system of self-governing. The formulation was based on statistical methods for solving the problem of identification, where the input variable and its response (the law of supply and indicator diagram - experimental curves) are stationary random functions, and object management (combustion) is classified as a one-dimensional linear lumped. As a criterion of proximity to the object used criterion of the minimum of the expectation of a given function of the difference of the input signals and the object model. It is noted that there is currently no accurate method for calculating the finished analytically binding processes fuel supply, mixture formation and combustion in a diesel engine. Therefore, there is not yet calculated optimum injection characteristics suitable for the calculation and simulation processes in diesel engines of various types. It was found that, other things being equal, the law determined by the rate of injection of fuel injected. Striving to achieve injection with increasing speed in order to reduce the cycle dynamics, as well as more efficient use of the air charge in a distant "corners" of the combustion chamber (the latter portion of fuel, with a maximum speed to penetrate into the remotest corners). It is shown that in most cases it is necessary for the administration of the mathematical description of establishing the relationship between input and output variables, based on which can be worked out such a control object, which would ensure achievement of the intended target operation of the facility. With regard to the solution of a specific problem the most common case is when and exposure and response will be functions of the same argument. Thus, determining the experimental data of the conditional expectation of the output variable with respect to the input, we obtain the optimal (in the sense of the criterion of minimum mean square deviation) Estimates of the object. Given the accepted method of identification and characteristics of the problem, the best operator in the class of linear operators, and not among all possible random variables. This study was based on the principle of superposition, which is performed for a linear operator. Using the hypothesis that the investigated signals have the property of ergodicity with respect to the correlation functions. The adoption of the hypothesis of ergodicity possible to determine the correlation functions centered on the realization of a random process, ie, combustion process, as successive cycles. Noted that most fully identifiable objects are described in terms of the state space. Under the state of the object understood set of values, fully define its position at any given time. Proposed a model of the considered dynamic objects to choose a system of differential equations. In view of the above, the proposed approximation algorithm to determine the dynamic characteristics of the combustion process, ie, the agent object in the class of linear operators, which was presented as a system of differential equations representing the desired mathematical model.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
The article considers the existing methods for solving problems to improve the purification of compressed air in the brake system of the rolling stock. Presents the disadvantages of these methods and proposed a fundamentally new method of purification of compressed air, not previously used on rolling stock.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
In article stages realization of complex systems non-contact thermal control of the main knots and systems locomotives are considered. The developed techniques of an assessment technical conditions sections refrigerators, electrical machines and the fuel equipment of a high pressure locomotives with use thermovision control method are presented.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
The results of the study the possibility of using artificial neural networks in identification problems failure status diesel D49, the results of spectral analysis of the crankcase oil. The obtained results are needed to develop software for evaluation of the degree of wear and tear as a result of the diesel locomotive spectral analysis of engine oil.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
In article advanced techniques of laboratory and natural aerodynamic researches of a pantograph and its elements are considered. It is specified that carrying out modeling by means of computational fluid dynamics methods doesn't allow to replace pilot studies completely now. Need of correction of the received results because of influence of change of density of the environment during experimental studies locates. Density of the environment is offered to consider it as an integrated indicator. The main methods of measurement of density of the environment are given, their advantages and shortcomings are listed. The conclusion is drawn that it is most expedient to use ultrasonic measuring instruments to control of an indicator of density. The principle of operation of these measuring instruments is described. The example of use of an advanced technique of laboratory researches of the aerodynamic device for regulation of force of contact pressing of a current collector is given. Researches were conducted for device wing angles of rotation from zero to fifteen degrees with an interval of five degrees. After that aerodynamic characteristics of a wing of the aerodynamic device were under construction and comparison to results of modeling was carried out by means of a computing hydraulic gas dynamics them. The results received in OSTU laboratory well were correlated with results of computational fluid dynamics modeling that testified to adequacy of the applied technique.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
The article shows the relevance of applying the method of mutual test load of asynchronous traction motors of railway rolling stock. On the basis of the recommendations of existing standards in testing of asynchronous motors is made up of a sequence of acceptance testing of asynchronous traction motors provided in the form of an algorithm. In line with the scheme proposed for testing procedures on the use of the basic equipment of the circuit. The analysis of the main types of tests, the comparison of the classical means for testing the functionality of the inverters eliminated the need for additional DC sources in determining the resistance of the stator windings, additional brake and step-down transformers during short circuit and experience to carry out simultaneous testing of two induction motors increased speed at the stand of mutual load.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
Features of interaction of elements of a dynamic quencher of oscillations in the form of a rigid body with two degrees of freedom are considered. It is shown that the dynamic quencher is interpreted in structure of mechanical oscillatory system with object of protection as additional negative tie which can be presented by the generalized spring. Dynamic ruggedness of the generalized spring depends on the frequency of external indignation and defines manifestations of dynamic properties, characteristic for the modes of dynamic blanking out of oscillations. The generalized spring possesses properties of a quasi-spring that creates possibilities of various transformations of structure of system. Introduction of concept of the generalized transmission ratio of the lever ties arising between coordinates of the movement of elements of a dynamic quencher is offered. Forms of the transfer relations of lever ties are in univocity with system of the chosen coordinates. The transfer relations of lever ties allow to detail forms of mutual movements of elements of system. The method of creation of mathematical models is developed for an assessment of lever properties of movements of mechanical oscillatory systems.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
In article from positions of uniform life cycle locomotives, from creation before write-off, the major factors influencing the level of their reliability are considered. Value of these factors will give the chance to connect mathematical model the potential level of reliability put in the specification on design of new locomotives with the actual reliability in specific conditions of operation and on this basis to determine the optimum parameters systems of maintenance and repair corresponding to maximum efficiency of use locomotives for all life cycle.
Transport power engineering
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
This paper describes an algorithm evaluating the effectiveness of energy-saving devices and technologies, based on the methods of mathematical statistics. Diagram presented in the article. It can be applied in the traction system and power supply without traction. Approbation of the algorithm is executed in the traction power supply system. The developed algorithm includes five stages: 1. Stage calculate the required number of observations. The basis of this stage is to evaluate the dispersion and calculating on it the desired number of observations. 2. Stage of the collection and processing of data obtained before the implementation of energy-saving devices and technologies. Collection is carried out on of electricity consumption and factors influencing the process of electricity consumption. Processing includes the calculation of the correlation matrix, the coefficients of determination and the parameters of the regression equation. 3. Stage of the collection and processing of data obtained after the implementation of energy-saving devices and technologies. Data collection is carried out according to the parameters selected in step 2 and the processing is done by the calculation of the parameters of the regression equation. 4. Stage of comparing the data before and after the introduction of energy saving devices and technologies. Comparison of the data obtained before and after the introduction of energy saving devices and technologies produced using the Chow test and nonparametric mathematical statistics such as omega-square (Lehmann-Rosenblatt). 5. Stage of calculating electric power saving. The calculation is made on the consumption of electricity obtained by the regression equation before the introduction of energy-saving devices or technology by substituting the values of the factor after implementation and actual consumption of electricity after the introduction of energy-saving devices or technology. Approbation of the algorithm was successful.
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
Calculating «steel - concrete» interface region parameters with a help of transient process analysis
The article is about defining corrosion state of overhead structures underground part. Specially designed concrete models are used for experiments and calculations. These models are made with the fabric technology of overhead structures creation. «Steel - Concrete» interface region parameters are calculated with a help of transient process which situated when DC power supply is connected to the scheme. There is a formulas and a methodic for calculation needed parameters. In the end of the article theoretical curve is located. It exactly coincides with an experimental curve.
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
The article presents results ofmodeling andfull-scaletesting of the devicefor remotediagnosisinsulatorscatenaryrailway transport. The maincauses ofbreakdownof insulators. Presents statistics offailurecatenaryinsulators. The plotof the contactnetwork is presentedin the form ofthe line modelwith distributed parameters. To create a virtual model of the device and the line was selected program Multisim 12.0. Described bya block diagramof the devicefor remote monitoringcatenaryinsulators. Shows theprinciple of operationof the deviceto control thecatenaryinsulators. Present a schemeof the experimentat the siteof contact networkOSTUlandfill. Parameters are calculatedareaof contact network. Chosenform ofdiagnosingpulsesto determine thepossible location ofthe faultyinsulator.
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
In connection with the negative effects caused by the fault of the insulators used in an overhead power transmission line of 6 - 10 kV, it is suggested controlling a condition of a post insulator by the device that responses when breakdown current goes through an insulator. The work of the device for identification of insulators defects is described. Equivalent circuits of an alarm device connection with an insulator in an overhead power transmission line are given. The basic processes, that occur in a system of a supporting insulator of an overhead power transmission line in a serviceable condition and if there is a defect in view of geometric capacitance, absorption current, steady leakage current and surface current of breakdown, are considered.
Information technology, automation, communications, telecommunications
~~~Information technology, automation, communications, telecommunications~~~
Is executed the analysis of the permissible range of the fluctuation of the phase of signal on the entrance of digital measuring device with a study of phase relationships in the tractive networks of the power supply of rail transport, characterized by high noise level.
Railway and engineering structures
~~~Railway and engineering structures~~~
The work is devoted to experimental study of the roadbed, filled from loess-like sandy, namely, characteristics dynamic vibration impacts arising from the passage of rolling stock, to establish the nature of the damped oscillation, the analytical expressions that can be used to estimate the bearing capacity of the subgrade to the dynamic vibration load.
~~~Railway and engineering structures~~~
The method and research results of information obtained by track management cars about the track state for planning track repair work to eliminate track defects have been shown. The defect types and their degrees measured by the relevant assessment method as well as the lengths of deviation from the rules of track maintenance have been analyzed. This was possible due to the latest versions of the software installed into track management cars of the КВЛ-П system. The scope and sequence of repair track work depending on their urgency, top-priority and schedule under structural and seasonal conditions has been determined. The conclusion concerning the efficiency of the presented method has been made.