Article Title

About the integrated approach to the analysis and control the energy efficiency of the structural subdivisions of railway transport

Journal: Journal of Transsib Railway Studies V.2(26), 2016
Journal thematic sections: Transport management
Pages: 134-142
Authors: V. T. Cheremisin
udk: 656.2
Article reference
Cheremisin V. T. , Komyakov A. A. , Ivanchenko V. I. About the integrated approach to the analysis and control the energy efficiency of the structural subdivisions of railway transport Izvestiia Transsiba – The Trans-Siberian Bulletin, 2016, no. 2(26), pp. 134 – 142.


In the article the questions of increase of efficiency of structural subdivisions, members of the directorates of the West Siberian railway - branch of JSC "Russian Railways", such as infrastructure Directorate, Directorate railcar rolling stock and the Directorate of buildings and structures. The aim of this work is to identify structural units with the lowest energy efficiency indicators. This requires estimation of an indicator such as relative energy efficiency over a period of time equal to one calendar year, based on data of annual consumption of electric energy and annual volume of enterprise work. The article also outlines the main provisions of the concept analysis and monitoring the energy efficiency indicators of stationary objects of the railway transport, which will identify inefficient structural subdivisions with the use of control actions to reduce irrational consumption of energy resources. Calculation of the relative energy efficiency is one of the stages of this concept. The result is a received charts of the relative energy efficiency of structural subdivisions of the West Siberian railway which allows to make a comparison of this indicator. According to the results of comparison found that 10 of the 65 structural units have a low indicator of relative energy efficiency. This suggests the need for careful study the reasons of the low values of energy efficiency in these structural subdivisions and proposals the measures to eliminate this situation. The method and sequence of these activities proposes into the third and fourth stages of the concept. The establishment and subsequent application of a unified approach to the analysis and monitoring of energy efficiency indicators for all departments will increase the energy efficiency of the territorial branches of JSC "Russian Railways" and the holding company as whole.