Journal of Transsib Railway Studies V.1(33), 2018

Railway rolling stock
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
Investigation of instantaneous and average velocities of train movement, their properties and their application, including calculation of speed coefficients and movement time. Determination of influence of the movement speed and its restrictions, stops and delays onto travel time losses and traction energy consumptions of loaded and empty trains. Time and energy saving estimation due to the application of regenerative braking on the electric locomotive. Development of the recommendations for increasing average speed, decreasing travel time and energy consumption of freight trains.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
Features of the methods of calculation of a braking distance of the train applied now are considered. The main shortcomings of the most widespread method of definition of a braking distance on speed intervals are shown. Authors offered the new method of calculation allowing to consider critical parameters of process of braking (speed of a brake wave; character of an indicator diagram of the brake cylinder and mode of a brake; the actual initial speed for calculation of a way of action of brakes of the train). For verification of the offered method computer modeling is executed and the analysis of results of the different methods of calculation of braking length received at application is carried out. The new method allows to make calculation of braking length of the rolling stock more precisely.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
The article assesses the influencing factors for electric power consumption for the needs of the electric locomotives of the 2ES6 series, statistical models for normalizing the electric power consumption for own power have been generated, and their quality has been assessed.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
In this article, the main methods of technical diagnostics of diesel fuel equipment are considered. The faults they detect are listed. The principles of the methods work are examined in detail, the shortcomings and advantages of the chosen methods are revealed.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
The mathematical model of traction drive Electric locomotive EP20 for research of dynamic processes in a mode of boxing is constructed. The natural frequencies and coefficients of the forms of the dynamic system are determined. The stability of the drive in relation to frictional self-oscillations is estimated. Dynamic loads in the drive elements at a single angular speed of wheel slip are calculated. The recommendations on increasing the dynamic qualities of the traction drive in the sliding mode are formulated.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
The article considers the urgency of the problem of creating an on-board system of diagnosing the technical condition of railway car, the shortcomings of the existing diagnostic tools are indicated. Patent search of electric power sources for freight wagons has been carried out, their features have been determined. The author's design of the power supply device is proposed to diagnose the technical condition of railway car on the trip.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
Cleaning of engine oil from contaminating particles and products of wear of parts is an integral part of reliable operation of friction parts of locomotive diesels. The presence of solid particles in the oil leads to abrasive wear of the parts, and as a result reduces their resourceability. Onboard cleaning systems used on locomotives are not able to carry out fine-dispersed cleaning of engine oil. It is proposed to use an external stationary installation of centrifugal cleaners, which will increase the efficiency of cleaning and clarification of engine oil in the planned types of repair and maintenance of locomotives.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
In the article the peculiarities and the advantages of using dynamic modes for diagnosing units of rolling stock. Specific examples of the diagnostics of separate units of the locomotive vibration, temperature, electrical parameters, frequency of rotation. The urgency of the task of developing diagnostic systems using the reference models.
Transport power engineering
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
The article deals with the analysis of methods for obtaining statistically reliable data on contact pressure, which are based on the results of inspection trips and data on the design values of the location of the contact wires in the vertical plane andin the path plan. A method for calculating contact pressing with artificial neural networks is proposed. The methods of obtaining statistically reliable data on the contact pressing of current collectors of electric rolling stock without the need for direct measurement, based on the video image of the current collection process and analysis of external factors (weather, operational) accompanying the interaction are considered.
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
The article describes the current state of railway non-traction electric power supply system in the electric grid complex. The main drawbacks of the existing electricity metering system in 0.4-10 kV distribution networks are shown. The main directions of non-tractive electric grid complex innovative development are considered, including directed to increase the efficiency of electric energy transformation, transmission and consumption processes due to the management of distribution networks operating modes. The basic principles of "Digital district power supply" constructing are given.
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
The article contains the main provisions of the methodology for determining the indicators of electric locomotives energy efficiency. The results of indicators calculations for electric locomotives of series 3ES5K, EP2K and 2ES6 are presented with reference to the current sections of railways. The proposed approach can be used to establish the level of energy efficiency of various series of electric rolling stock and their objective comparison when operating at different sites with trains of various masses with the aim of further creating an automated system for optimizing the use of traction resources of JSCo Russian Railways.
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
The article discusses the process of developing an adaptive model of energy management of the railway enterprise on the basis of production rules. An algorithm for flow control of fuel and energy resources (FER) of the enterprise of the railway industry using mathematical apparatus of fuzzy logic.Proposed to use the base rules of fuzzy conclusions to assess the adequacy of the developed model of management.
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
The article deals with the analysis of the modes of operation of shunting locomotives; characteristics of the setting characteristics of the traction generators when performing resistance tests of locomotives. The statistical average values of the load parameters of diesel generator sets of shunting locomotives TЭM2 in the process of performing shunting work on marshalling and precinct stations. When monitoring the external characteristics of the locomotive when performing resistance tests with the ASKI "CYPRESS" was observed of the external characteristics of a normal ("classical") and "convex" shape. Normal (classical) external characteristics of the locomotive TЭM2 No. 1 equidistant removed from the borders of the tolerance field; and "convex" external characteristics of the locomotive TЭM2 No. 2 , in the field of tolerance, support of the constancy of the power diesel generator sets, due to the imperfection of the machinery of the regulatory system, particularly the Electromechanical characteristics of the pathogen.
Information technology, automation, communications, telecommunications
~~~Information technology, automation, communications, telecommunications~~~
The article presents a nonlinear mathematical model of heating a two-layer body with allowance of the finite velocity of heat propagation and the temperature dependence of the properties of materials. A numerical solution of the nonlinear hyperbolic heat conduction problem is obtained for the case when the absorption of the radiation energy is modeled by a volumetric heat source. The implementation of the grid method using a three-layer implicit difference scheme in solving a nonlinear heat conduction problem in a two-layer body with allowance for the relaxation of the heat flux and the conjugation conditions in the case of ideal contact at the interface junction is considered. The described algorithm for calculating the temperature field for high-intensity heating of a coated body, taking into account the dependence of the thermophysical characteristics of materials from temperature, is based on the implementation of the sweep method with iterative correction of the coefficients. Programs are developed and the results of calculating the temperature fields are presented using nonlinear hyperbolic heat conduction equations and the corresponding linear ones taking into account the average integrated thermal and optical characteristics of the materials. Based on a comparison of the results obtained the necessity of taking into account the temperature dependence of the properties of materials during the study of processes of high-intensity heating of bodies.The developed mathematical model on the basis of a system of nonlinear hyperbolic equations can be used to create technological processes using methods for processing the surface of multilayer bodies by laser radiation.
Traffic control and traffic safety
~~~Traffic control and traffic safety~~~
Currently, much attention is paid to the creation of terminal «dry port» for maintenance of traffic node. «Dry port» is one of the possible ways to increase capacity of the transport node. The capacity of transport node depends on the following interrelated elements: infrastructure solutions, technological, technical, organizational, and exogenous. Insufficiency of technical equipment, low level of production culture, informational inconsistency - lead to excessive downtime of vehicles at berths and terminal and warehouse facilities of the port. Technical devices, shunting locomotives, lifting and transport equipment cannot cope with the increasing flow of transportation of containers and cargo, leading to paralysis of the movement of freight flows. The result is the accumulation of cars at the entrances to the transportation hub the formation of «abandoned» trains. The lack of logistics management principles of traffic promotion in the organization of multimodal transport required a modern approach to organization of effective work of the transport node. In this work the effective interaction between various types of transport in the transport node is represented in the form of a set-theoretic model. Considered the elements that contribute to the throughput of dry ports and sea port. The efficiency of technological processes systems of interaction of railway and marine transport in the node depends on the following conditions: the actual time of wagons in transportation must comply with regulatory process time; organization supply wagons in accordance with the processing capabilities of the cargo platforms; ensuring the maximum amount of overload of goods on the «direct option». To implement these conditions it is necessary to organize the interaction of different modes of transport in the transport node together with the terminal «dry port» in the system «terminal - station - port», in which the capacity of the railway component of the transport node is treated comprehensively along with the «dry port». Further technical and technological development of transport nodes is organization of cargo handling outside the port terminal «dry port».
~~~Traffic control and traffic safety~~~
The article deals with the possibility of applying an unconditional diagnostic algorithm, applied to a specific problem of searching for damage in a station's tonal track circuit. The aim of the work is to substantiate the possibility of applying diagnostic algorithms, in order to reduce the time of search and repair of damages. The order of compiling the diagnostic algorithm is shown, conditional probabilities, diagnostic weights, private and general diagnostic values are calculated. On the basis of the calculations performed, an unconditional algorithm for diagnosing the tonal track circuit was compiled. The results obtained in the article can be used for technical maintenance of automation systems of operating railways.