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V.2(30), 2017
77-87In article the issues of electric power imbalance in train traction research are considered, including the method providing an estimation of the contribution of imbalance components to its total value with the possibility of their separation between the participants of the transportation process: the electrification and power supply service, the automatics and telemechanics service, the directorates of locomotive traction and motorized rolling stock. Described method allows in more detail to analyze the factors that affected the change in the components of imbalance and further develop organizational and technical measures to reduce it. -
V.1(29), 2017
83-90The paper discusses the use of automated electricity metering systems to control parameters of the traction power supply system in terms of speed and heavy movements. As the main control system offered an automated system for monitoring energy efficiency of transportation process. The results of testing of the system considered in the measurement example, the boundaries of the active area of railways DC Shalya - Podvoloshnaya Sverdlovsk railway.