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Scientific and technical journal established by OSTU. Media registration number: ПИ № ФС77-75780 dated May 23, 2019. ISSN: 2220-4245. Subscription index in the online catalog «Subscription Press» (www.akc.ru): E28002. Subscription to the electronic version is available on the «Rucont» platform.
The journal is included in the Russian Science Citation Index and in the List of Russian Scientific Journals .

Search results

  • V.1(21), 2015

    Calculation of combustion in the cylinder of a diesel engine that runs on gas-and-diesel cycle

    The article presents the method of calculating the amount of products of combustion of diesel fuel, gas-and-diesel and model calculations are made in relation to the diesel engine 16ЧН26/26 (2A-5D49). Parameters of the working cycle of a diesel engine operating on different types of hydrocarbon fuels, derived using a combination of methods Grinevetskiy-Mazinga and vibe. Calculation of the amount of harmful emissions and the amount of greenhouse gases is made using the method of equilibrium composition due to changes in the thermodynamic parameters and elemental composition of fuel burnup fuel mixture the positions of controller driver
  • V.1(13), 2013

    The life cycle increase of the ry wheels at their restoring by electroslag surfacing

    The results of the pilot studies to increase the resource of the wheel of the rail stock are presented. The electroslag melting is used to restore the surface rolling and the wheel cam of the cars and locs wheels. The experimental research adopts its perspective.
  • V.1(33), 2018

    Influence of speed on energy consumption of freight trains

    Investigation of instantaneous and average velocities of train movement, their properties and their application, including calculation of speed coefficients and movement time. Determination of influence of the movement speed and its restrictions, stops and delays onto travel time losses and traction energy consumptions of loaded and empty trains. Time and energy saving estimation due to the application of regenerative braking on the electric locomotive. Development of the recommendations for increasing average speed, decreasing travel time and energy consumption of freight trains.
  • V.2(30), 2017

    Evaluation efficiency of diesel-generator sets according to the control parameters results during the rheostat tests

    Abstact. During automated rheostat tests of locomotives itʹs necessary to control a lot of parameters of the diesel generator set and support systems. Due to the features of perception of the information by human the control is brought to the observation of a small number of parameters. Implementation in practice of rheostat tests of automated systems of inspection and testing allowed to expand the amount of received information. In this article is offered using automated control systems of diesel-generator sets parameters during rheostat tests which allow to accumulate and analyze test date using developed protocols forms and pivot tables with parameters in entire range of loads, also it helps to determine the quantitative index of a technical condition of diesel-generator set.
  • V.2(22), 2015

    State question reliability and durability insulation induction auxiliary machines

    This article presents an analysis of the reliability of asynchronous auxiliary machines (AAM) type NVA-55 electric locomotives «Ermak» in custody Art. Vihorevka (East-Siberian Railway) and Art. Smolyaninovo (Far Eastern) for the 2009-2011 year. Identified the weakest in terms of reliability components and analyzes the main types and causes of these types of faults AAM. One of the research objectives reliability AAM type NVA-55 is to determine the mean time between failures that could prevent failures in the organization of maintenance and repair, as well as extend the life of the machine. Defining the objective mathematical expectation of failure AAM for effective correcting the overhaul life mileage is not possible, since failures are largely have random and not permanent.
  • V.2(34), 2018

    Operative estimating of diesel locomotive fuel consumption with its power unit mode mathematical model

    The article discusses the possibility of determining the specific fuel consumption of diesel locomotives in operation using indirect calculation methods based on the use of these locomotive onboard systems and supplementing them with mathematical models of the operating cycle and the model for determining the composition of the exhaust gases of a diesel engine. The basic equations and algorithms proposed for the implementation of such a method of mathematical models and the results of their use are presented, the results of a comparison of simulation results and experimental data on the specific consumption of fuel of diesel locomotives TEM18DM are presented. A possible algorithm for their joint use is proposed, conclusions are made on the possible development of such a method for determining the energy efficiency of diesel locomotives without taking them out of service.
  • V.2(18), 2014

    The investigation of the exploitation of the diesel locomotives uzte16m4 in the direction kumkurgan - tashguzar sjrc «uzbek railways»

    The results of the investigations on the evaluation of efficiency use of the diesel locomotives UzTE16M4 in the mountainous direction Kumkurgan - Tashguzar of the Uzbek railways track by of the movement goods trains with stops and without any stops on the spaces station are presented.
  • V.1(37), 2019

    Calculation of distribution load between rolling bodiesin the roller bearing of the traction motor

    The article proposes a method of calculation the load between the rolling bodies of the swinging bearings and the bearings of the traction motor, which makes it possible to have the value of the radial clearance in the bearing, as well as the radial movement of the inner rings relative to the outer one. To determine the load perceived by the most loaded rollers, a solution of the equilibrium equation for internal elements is proposed using simple iterations. The implementation of the method is implemented in the Matlab software package. Using the proposed method, the load distribution between the rollers in the traction motor of the VL11K electric locomotive was calculated. To determine the load acting on the bearing, the “Sarga-Subic” section was selected, which has a mountain profile.
  • V.3(27), 2016

    Analysis of an exploitation of 3те10м diesel locomotive on a hilly-mountainous direction of railway

    The article includes research results of substantiation 3ТЕ10М diеsel locomotive`s movement work parameters on a hilly-mountainous direction of railway while moving freight trains with stops and without any stops on the spaces stations and separating points
  • V.2(14), 2013

    The use of an innovative method of treatment for the improvement of technology of repair sewers traction motors

    This article discusses the use of innovative technology-carburizing copper collector plates and apparatus for forming a carbon layer on the working surface of the collector traction motors. To improve switching performance and improve the reliability of electric vehicles are encouraged to use the DC electroerosion processing method.
  • V.4(28), 2016

    Rationale the possibility of electric train energy consumption decreaseat west siberian railway omsk department

    In article the possibilities of decrease in energy consumption on draft at the movement of electric trains in the conditions of a flat profile of West Siberian Railway due to shutdown of traction section of an electric train and rational distribution of time of the course in all direction of the movement are considered. During the calculating and creation of schedules of the train for site is used an analytical method of the solution of the differential equation of the movement of the train. For the analysis of optimum schedules of the train at each stage of their modeling an inspection of calculations which allows to guarantee reliability of the received results is car-ried out. For definition of potential opportunities of decrease in energy consumption on draft at traffic control of an electric train the concrete trip of an electric train of ED4M along a route Omsk - Irtyshskaya is analysed. Settlement schedules of an electric train are provided in the considered trip, and also with shutdown of one traction section. Average is defined by standard means of system of computer modeling on the way the electric train speed, dispersion of speed on the way, energy consumption. The received size of energy consumption for draft with the disconnected traction section is much less than energy consumption on a real trip. Rational distribution of time of the course of the electric train in all direction of movement from a condition of preserving time of its arrival also allows to reduce an electric power expense on draft by the terminal station. Based on consumption data of the electric power in general possible economy of energy costs on draft due to application of the offered methods is determined by Omsk TCh-31 depot.
  • V.3(23), 2015

    Calculation of heat in cooling system at work diesels idle

    Article is devoted to mathematical modeling of heat transfer to the cooling system of locomotive diesel engine . The article presents the features of calculation of heat to the cooling system of a diesel engine when idling.
  • V.3(31), 2017

    The choice of the current type for ulan-bator railway electrification

    The experience of the railways electrification in Russia and the justification of the current type choice for the electrification of the Ulan-Bator Railway are considered. The calculation of the maximum mass of the wagons of freight trains of an AC electric locomotive of 2ES5K and an electric locomotive of direct current 2ES6 in the conditions of the Ulan Bator Railway is performed. The rationale for choosing the kind of current for the electrification of the Ulan Bator railway is presented.
  • V.4(32), 2017

    Algorithmic solution of thermal control of the technical condition of rail tanks

    The author considered the problem solving of control of the boiler hermeticity of railway tanks using contemporary control methods. The author described the activities and equipment which are necessary for assessment of technical state of large-volume vessels. The implementing algorithms of step-by-step operations for monitoring and analyzing the results processing are proposed. The proposed method of technical condition of the railway tanks boilers is based on the use of serial thermal imaging equipment, which allows to reduce the economic costs of monitoring and improve the working culture of the flaw inspector.
  • V.4(24), 2015

    The analyses of efficiency of use of the locomotive tractions on the plainly direction of railway track

    The introduced results of the investigation by valuation of efficiency the employment of the locomotives of the diesel (the diesel locomotives 3TE10M, UzTE16M3) and of the electrical (the electric locomotives 3VL80S) tractions in the plainly direction of railway track by the method of averagin design values. Modified average significances main indicator move working of the investigations of the diesel locomotives 3TE10M, UzTE16M3 of the evaluation mind numeral and table facts, and also graphic arts dependences, representative oneself arithmetical mean value with taking into account of the movement goods trains without any stops and with stops on the spaces stations, passing - tracks and divides points, which have received in the result to uses of the traction calculation for different conditions organization of the goods movement. Designate equations for organization calculation values mention exponents in the accepted range changing of the masses trains
  • V.4(16), 2013

    Probabilistic model of formation of modes of operation of diesel diesel generator sets in operation

    Offers a probabilistic model of formation of modes load of diesel-generator unit locomotives given the power of auxiliary units in conditions of their operation on the example of locomotives 2TE10M.
  • V.3(19), 2014

    Realization of mathematical model of process valves, fuel equipment of diesel locomotive engines for multiple accounts

    The article describes the calculation of parameters of diesel fuel equipment on the nature of the change and the amount of fuel injection. Provides an implementation of the mathematical model of the fuel to be used when the kits before you install them on diesel and for calculation of parameters of parts used in the high pressure fuel pumps running on stands with a view to approximating the conditions of work in the booth to real conditions of a diesel engine and determine the correct performance of the pumps at the stand.
  • V.3(15), 2013

    The assessment of energy efficiency of application back-to-back method in testing induction tractive motor

    The article contains information about policy public corporation «RZD» in energy-saving and energy efficiency. Assessment of energy efficiency of application back-to-back method in testing induction tractive motors was executed as an example on modeling testing process of motors type NTA-1200.
  • V.1(25), 2016

    Diesel engine combustion process simulating using pugachev combustion rate equation

    This article describes different ways of mass-burned fraction curve calculation, shows the Pugachev’s combustion rate equation structure, method of this equation factors selection and simulating versus experimental data matching.
  • V.1(29), 2017

    The uninterrupted state evaluation of backward traction circuit in heavyweight traffic conditions

    In the article there is the increase of rail circuits work stability in conditions of heavyweight traffic for AC traction sections. There is a coordinate plane graph of backward traction circuit base diagnostic states in the paper. We analyzed the results gained in the researching and suggested the way to coordinate rail shunt location and to evaluate the insulation resistance in backward traction circuit.
  • V.1(17), 2014

    Methodology for assigning losses in two-element frequency converter in induction motor test rig

    The article contains methodology for assigning losses in two-element frequency converter (in rectifier and dc-ac converter). which allow to replenish mathematical model of back to back rig test method for induction motors and to use it in design induction motor rig test, also for calculation electrical power test rig which consumed from electrical network. Practical value of the methodology is no need in using electrical measurement instrument for ac-dc power with frequency different from 50 Gz.
  • V.3(35), 2018

    Loading of passenger trains in case of emergencycollision with a car on the railroad

    On the basis of the analysis of statistics of the incidents which have occurred on the railroads of Russia and connected with collisions of trains with obstacles, the most probable scenarios of development of an emergency situation are allocated. Modern methods of investigation of kinematics and dynamics of vehicles are analyzed. By methods of solid-state computer modeling the estimation of the dynamic loadings acting on the locomotive and passenger cars at collision of the passenger train with an obstacle in the form of the lorry on the railway crossing is carried out. For this purpose solid-state computer model of a passenger train and a cargo car. The obtained results indicate a high dynamic load of the locomotive in a collision. At the same time, passenger cars are affected by low dynamic loads that do not lead to damage to the load-bearing structures of passenger cars. The obtained results can be used in the creation of modern passenger rolling stock, characterized by high demands on safety in emergency situations. The work was carried out within the grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the state support of young Russian scientists MK-2881.2018.8.
  • V.4(36), 2018

    Increase of the resource of current collectors by the means of choice rational combinations of the sectional speed of electrical trains and parameters of the current collection system

    Proposed method for choice rational combinations of the sectional speed of an electric rolling stock under the terms of the maximum mileage with preset wear of current collector stripes and the adjustment of the catenary of existing and projected sections of power supply. The principle of operation and functionality of computer software "Program for the simulation of contact force using a nonlinear autoregressive neural network with exogenous inputs" is considered.
  • V.4(20), 2014

    To the investigations of the movement process of high-speed trains in the curved directions of railway track

    The results of the investigations on the study condition movement of high-speed trains with active and passive systems inclination of body of the carriage in the curved directions of railway track with the registrations of the organizes in the movement and exploitation of the electric trains «Afrosiyob» in the direction Tashkent - Samarkand of the Uzbek railway track are presented are presented.
  • V.2(26), 2016

    Researching an exploitation of 3те10м diesel locomotive on a hilly-mountainous direction of "uzbekistan railways" jsc

    The article includes research results of analyzing and evaluating 3ТЕ10М diesel locomotive`s efficiency on a hilly-mountainous direction Marokand-Navoi of Uzbekistan railways while hauling freight trains with and without stopping on through stations (division points).Main parameters of basic movement work of researched UzTE16M3 diesel locomotives are shown as tabled values and graphic dependencies,also equations of organizing necessary calculations mentioned above in accepted range of mass variation are marked here.