Article Title
Calculation of magnetic field over the cable with damaged
Article reference
Kandaev V. A. , Avdeeva K. V. , Sleptereva N. K.
Calculation of magnetic field over the cable with damaged Izvestiia Transsiba – The Trans-Siberian Bulletin,
2014, no. 2(18), pp. 60 – 65.
The paper presents a calculation of the magnetic field over the cable with damage. The cable with damage is replaced to equivalent circuit «conductor - shield». The conductor and the shield is considered as two single-wire lines, loaded on the characteristic impedance to avoid reflections. For this equivalent circuit defined sine wave signal change in the conductor and the cable shield. These results indicate that in cable fault location conductor current is significantly changed and shield current reaches the maximum value. The values of the shielding factor is determined at dif-ferent frequencies for the continuous tubular aluminum conductor and steel spiral conductor. The magnetic field is determined on the earth surface over the cable with metal shield having a «con-ductor - shield» damage taking into account the shielding factor. The results show that the module and phase of magnetic field is incremented in the cable fault location, which can be fixed on the earth surface. The results of calculation will improve the methods and hardware for cable fault lo-cation searching.