Article Title

Physical and chemical foundations of estimation residual resource components freight wagonsrailways transport

Journal: Journal of Transsib Railway Studies V.2(22), 2015
Journal thematic sections: Railway rolling stock
Pages: 12-18
Authors: Y. I. Matjash
udk: 629
Article reference
Matjash Y. I. , Sosnovsky Y. M. , Petrakova A. G. Physical and chemical foundations of estimation residual resource components freight wagonsrailways transport Izvestiia Transsiba – The Trans-Siberian Bulletin, 2015, no. 2(22), pp. 12 – 18.


It was shown that during operation, under the influence of high alternating loads is change of physical and mechanical properties of the metal, which leads to decrease in toughness. New method for estimate residual resource of components freight cars railway transport is presented. This method is based on the study of structural changes metals during their exploitation. On the basis of monitoring structural changes in metals during their exploitation may be developed effective system estimate of residual resource.