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Scientific and technical journal established by OSTU. Media registration number: ПИ № ФС77-75780 dated May 23, 2019. ISSN: 2220-4245. Subscription index in the online catalog «Subscription Press» (www.akc.ru): E28002. Subscription to the electronic version is available on the «Rucont» platform.
The journal is included in the Russian Science Citation Index and in the List of Russian Scientific Journals .

Journal of Transsib Railway Studies V.2(34), 2018

Railway rolling stock

~~~Railway rolling stock~~~

Operative estimating of diesel locomotive fuel consumption with its power unit mode mathematical model

The article discusses the possibility of determining the specific fuel consumption of diesel locomotives in operation using indirect calculation methods based on the use of these locomotive onboard systems and supplementing them with mathematical models of the operating cycle and the model for determining the composition of the exhaust gases of a diesel engine. The basic equations and algorithms proposed for the implementation of such a method of mathematical models and the results of their use are presented, the results of a comparison of simulation results and experimental data on the specific consumption of fuel of diesel locomotives TEM18DM are presented. A possible algorithm for their joint use is proposed, conclusions are made on the possible development of such a method for determining the energy efficiency of diesel locomotives without taking them out of service.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~

Analysis of the current and limited stressed-deformedstates of the rolling stock of railways withelastic-plastic conduct of material

Annotaion. The relevance of carrying out research works on improving the regulatory and methodological base in the development of promising railroad rolling stock structures with the use of new structural materials with nonlinear properties during deformation (physical nonlinearity) is substantiated in the work. The possibility of using the finite element method (FEM) procedure for creating such constructions is considered. Dependence of stresses on deformations is approximated by a cubic parabola. This made it possible to obtain generalizations of the well-known relations and algorithms of the classical theory of FEM with a nonlinear relationship between stresses and deformations. The proposed technique was tested in the evaluation of the stress-strain state (SSS) of an aluminum gondola car under various standard loads according to the 1st design mode. The effect of physical nonlinearity on the SSS of a spiral beam of a freight gondola car of aluminum alloy AMg6 was estimated. The calculation of the stresses generated by the action of a longitudinal force with eccentricity shows that the stresses in the nonlinear approximation are 13% lower than the corresponding stress values obtained by calculation in the linear theory. The results obtained can be recommended for the development of pilot projects of new structures optimized for weight and strength characteristics.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~

Increasing the mass of the cargo party for the account of a rational choice of the transportation tack

The purpose of the study is to justify a rational method of organizing transportation, depending on the various parameters of packaged cargoes, transport containers, wagons and containers. The methods of investigation are based on the analysis and generalization of existing methods and methods of collecting the initial information, methods of its processing when choosing a rational method for the carriage of packaged goods. Practical significance of the research in the implementation of its results lies in the possibility of increasing the technical rate of loading of wagons and containers.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~

Assesment of observed reliability measuresof locomotive equipments

One of the main tasks of optimizing the periodicity of maintenance operation and repairs is to obtain an economic effect with the preservation of high reliability of rolling stock equipment. To obtain an economic effect, it is necessary to conduct an investigation all possible factors affecting the operation of rolling stock under specific operating conditions. Their influence has a direct impact on the reliability of rolling stock.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~

The study of the key parameters of laser triangulation rangefinder for use in technical control of parts ofthe railway car

This article contains results of a preliminary study of the parameters of the laser triangulation sensor in the context of its application to control of a technical condition of details of the car. The main aim of the study is the experimental determination of the limits of applicability of the sensor to monitor the real sample detail of the new design freight car on the example of 18-9855 bogie parts. By the experimental methods where established the threshold limits of applicability of the given sensor, its properties and application features for dimensional control. Also where established limit angles of the distance measurement at the maximum setting of the speed sensor, the actual focal point of the transducer. The analysis of the obtained data allowed authors to make an optimal scheme of automated measurement machine of portal type for control of the size and shape of parts of the car. The results of the work is possible to use when designing automated systems and equipment for dimensional inspection of parts during manufacture, repair and maintenance of railroad cars and other vehicles.

Transport power engineering

~~~Transport power engineering~~~

Influence of the organization of the movementof the united freight trains on the increasingof the capacity of the plots electrified on a dc

The analysis of the influence of the organization of the formation of United freight trains on the throughput capacity of railway sections has been carried out. The results of electrical calculations of the 3.0 kV dc power supply system of 3 sections of the Sverdlovsk and South Ural railways are presented when controlling the speed of trains from 50 km / h to 100 km / h with various locomotives while passing two single and one connected cargo trains using the system of contactless automatic voltage regulation in the contact network, allowing to assess the throughput capacity of the three sections. In the course of the calculations, the developed refinement method was applied using the correction current factors KIxx and KIst. Proved the need for their use in electrical calculations.
~~~Transport power engineering~~~

Study of operation modes of the electrical power supply system for installation of electric energy storage drivers

The article deals with issues related to theoretical and experimental studies of operating modes of the traction power supply system. The analysis of the comparison of voltages on the tires of traction substations with uncontrolled rectifiers and tires of traction substations with converter units equipped with a system of non-contact automatic voltage regulation is shown, the differences between them are shown. The modes of operation of the active partitioning post with the point of increasing voltage have been studied in detail. As a result of research, it was found that the observation time of maximum voltage values at substation tires above the average no-load voltage level is about 5 -10% of the time of day, about 7 - 8% at active posts, and 10 - 13% at passive posts. The maximum power in the active mode of the post sectioning with the point of increasing the voltage at lower voltage in the contact network is 2.9 MW. The average amount of electricity returned to the contact network point of increase of voltage, in one case is 170 kWh. The average duration of work in active mode for one case is 8,6 minutes.
~~~Transport power engineering~~~

The development and approbation technologies of increasing energy efficiency of production processes in service locomotive depo

The article analyzes the results of the assessment operating time and power consumption of compressor equipment service locomotive depo Moscow West-Siberian Railway. The algorithms for data preparation for modeling and evaluating the efficiency of the production process are presented. The main factors influencing the power consumption of the compressor equipment are determined and the results of the assessment of their influence are presented. On the basis of the dependences obtained, a mathematical model of the process of power consumption of compressor equipment using fuzzy neural networks and its accuracy is determined. The interface of the developed program complex is presented at an estimation of influence of factors on process of power consumption of the equipment service locomotive depo Moscow West-Siberian Railway.
~~~Transport power engineering~~~

Increase of efficiency of operation of electric powersupply systems of nontyagovy consumers

The article proposes a method for increasing the efficiency of power supply systems for non-tangible consumers due to quadratic accumulation of electric energy on reactive elements in the frequency-beating mode. The proof of the energy efficiency of the beating regime in comparison with the full resonance regime with respect to the implementation of quasiresonance pulsed power supplies is given. The article also deals with the choice of the optimal beat frequency by the criterion of the maximum ratio of the accumulated energy on the reactive elements of the circuit to the one expended from the primary source.
~~~Transport power engineering~~~

Influence of technical and site speed on efficiency ofenergy recovery use

The article outlines methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of recuperative braking application and the use of energy recovery. An example of calculating the energy efficiency of recuperation on a double-track section of direct current is given. The analysis of the influence of changes in such parameters of the section as technical and district speed of freight trains on the efficiency of energy recovery. The article presents the results of estimating the energy recovery components that form the economic efficiency of recuperation, and describes the approaches to predicting the change in this efficiency, depending on the change in the influencing factors.
~~~Transport power engineering~~~

Evaluation of energy efficiency of train motion schedules based on modeling by nonlinear regression and neural network methods

The article deals with the modeling of the electric rolling stock and traction power supply system with the aim of solving the problem of reducing the electric power consumption for the traction of trains in the conditions of changing the schedule of freight trains. Simulation modeling is performed for the conditions of changing the mass of the train and the load on the axis. The description of the results obtained is based on regression models, the order of application of models in practice is given.
~~~Transport power engineering~~~

Perspective methods of management of transportand distribution of electric energy in electricnetworks of railways

The introduction of digital technologies in electrical networks and substations allows the introduction of new technologies and promising methods for managing transportation and distribution of electricity in intelligent electric networks of railways based on multi-agent control. These methods should provide improved performance, adaptive definition of restrictions on the use of electric power equipment, control of mode parameters, partitioning and power flow modes in distribution networks, restoration of power supply after emergency events. A method of adaptive control of transport and distribution of electrical energy in the power supply system of stationary consumers of railways has been developed, based on the hierarchical structure of IEC 61850, taking int o account the coordination of control and local controllers in the data exchange environment, a variable area of responsibility of control controllers multi-agent approach. It presents approaches to managing power flows to reduce energy losses, increase the capacity of transport channels and ensure restoration of the normal mode of the electrical network by reconfiguring it and managing active elements based on graph theory, taking into account the projected hourly load schedule, limiting the demand for power to active consumers and closed mode electrical network operation through controlled sections. The presented simulation results of voltage control in the test circuit showed the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed approaches.

Information technology, automation, communications, telecommunications

~~~Information technology, automation, communications, telecommunications~~~

An approach for automated quality estimation of preventive maintenance in regional communication center

Railway telecommunications are inherent facilities participating in the organization of efficient and safe transport process. Generally, reliable operation of telecommunication devices is provided by the implementation of preventive maintenance that quality analysis is performed on the incidents during the latest reporting period. The possibility of experimental estimation using computer techniques surely has advantages. In the paper, we have defined an objective of the development of a simulation model of the operation process of railway telecommunications so as to assess the inherent availability and maintenance quality indicator. The model allows carrying out a computer experiment and estimation of the abovementioned measures in an automated way taking into account the following input parameters: failure rates, periodicity and length of maintenance, time of repair, the probability of erroneous actions of service staff and the probability of spare and replacement parts lack.

Traffic control and traffic safety

~~~Traffic control and traffic safety~~~

Modeling of processes of composite document managementin cargo and commercial works of the railroadsof the republic of uzbekistan with methods of network planning and management

In the article presents the network model of processes of planning and the accounting of transportations, and also processes of execution of documentation at freight dispatch in the intra republican message of the railroads of Uzbekistan by means of composite document management. Composite document management provides the movements of documents in paper and in electronic medium, and also their composite decisions. The special the automated system (AS) will support processes of electronic document management and to make the reporting in the automated mode. For mathematical modeling of process of document management in this work it is used methods of network planning and management. It is described characteristics of the offered technology of planning and the accounting of transportations, and also execution of carriage documents at freight dispatch in the intra republican. It is applied, the PERT method for calculation of accidental temporary characteristics of works. Temporary characteristics of events are determined by a method of a critical way. Tables with the sequence of works with the indication of optimistic, probabilistic and pessimistic assessment of duration of performance, and also with results of calculations for determination of average time and dispersion are made. The network schedule of works, in compliance of technology of document management by means of which terms of performance of work are evaluated, entering document management process is made. Durations of critical and noncritical ways are determined. The results received in article confirm efficiency of the offered technology of document management. Use of this technology providing filling of documents electronically and fixing with the digital signature (DS), it is expected to lower expenses of time of consignors and the railroad, to increase productivity of works and quality of the provided services, to create the centralized information base.
~~~Traffic control and traffic safety~~~

Construction of conditional algorithm for diagnosticsof tonal rail circuits on station

The article deals with the possibility of applying a conditional diagnostic algorithm, applied to a specific problem of searching for damage in a station's tonal track circuit. The aim of the work is to substantiate the possibility of applying diagnostic algorithms, in order to reduce the time of search and repair of damages. The order of compiling the diagnostic algorithm is shown, conditional probabilities, diagnostic weights, private and general diagnostic values are calculated. On the basis of the calculations performed, a conditional algorithm for diagnosing the tonal track circuit was compiled. The advantages of the conditional diagnostic algorithm in relation to the unconditional algorithm are demonstrated. The results obtained in the article can be used for technical maintenance of automation systems of operating railways.