Journal of Transsib Railway Studies V.4(36), 2018

Railway rolling stock
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
Proposed method for choice rational combinations of the sectional speed of an electric rolling stock under the terms of the maximum mileage with preset wear of current collector stripes and the adjustment of the catenary of existing and projected sections of power supply. The principle of operation and functionality of computer software "Program for the simulation of contact force using a nonlinear autoregressive neural network with exogenous inputs" is considered.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
Complex examination of breaches of fastening partsof rolling stock by metal-graphic analysis methods
The article is devoted to the analysis of the quality of materials for the manufacture of fasteners for rolling stock. The paper presents the results of studies of parts destroyed during operation that are used for fastening the undercarriage assemblies, spring suspension and impact-traction devices of rolling stock. The purpose of the work is to establish the probable causes of the destruction of parts under the action of static and dynamic loads during movement on the track. The paper describes the methodology and sequence of examination of materials based on the analysis of the chemical composition of metals, the assessment of mechanical properties and the study of the surfaces of fractures of parts. The results of spectral analysis of the metal of the investigated parts, measurements of hardness and analysis of the surface of fractures of the parts are presented, which allowed to establish the possible nature, sequence and causes of their destruction. The results obtained in the course of the research showed that the main reason for the breaks in the fasteners of rolling stock is the impact on them of loads exceeding the tensile strength of the metal. It was found that the brand used in the production of metal does not meet the requirements of the normative-technical documentation for the product and is not intended for the manufacture of fasteners. Thus, the findings confirm the need to tighten the quality control of materials used in the manufacture of fasteners for rolling stock, and can be used in machine-building enterprises specializing in the production of components and spare parts for railway rolling stock. The main conclusion of the work is the need to use in the production of fastening parts of the responsible components and assemblies of rolling stock, structurally reasonable steels and alloys.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
In this article the problems of efficiency of functioning of production systems of the locomotive repair enterprise are solved. In particular, the object of research is the technological processes of repair and maintenance of electric locomotives at the enterprises for repair of traction rolling stock. The article presents a mathematical description of the production process of such enterprises, on the example of the service locomotive depot «Moskovka». The mathematical model is described on the basis of queueing theory (QS) and Markov chains. A graph of the technological state of the locomotive during repair in the depot, where the process of transition of the repaired rolling stock from the state to the state, i.e. the relationship of technological movements of the electric locomotive on the territory of the depot, as well as the time of technological operations described transition matrix. The distribution of repair requests is described by the Poisson law, the delay of the electric locomotive in the depot areas in the planned types of repair in accordance with the accepted norm, and in the unplanned form of repair, the applications are delayed in accordance with the distribution of erlang. Based on the results of the mathematical description of the model of the production process of the repair enterprise, a simulation model of the operation of the Moskovka depot was created, implemented on a computer with the help of professional software of a new generation - AnyLogic. The paper describes the logic diagram of the simulation model, selected methods and modeling libraries. According to the results of the study, the overall assessment of technological performance indicators of the locomotive repair enterprise, in the conditions of probabilistic, dynamic changes in the repair task. By means of the methods of research of technological processes of depot «Moskovka» realized in article, it is possible to design any repair enterprises on repair of a rolling stock of the railroads, for the purpose of identification of «bottlenecks» of production process.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
Currently operating on the network of Russian Railways passenger electric locomotives, while driving trains on different difficulty stages, not equally utilize the available capacity and work with different energy performance. The purpose of the work is to consider the energy efficiency of passenger electric locomotives when driving trains on certain sections of Railways and to determine ways to improve their energy performance. To achieve this goal, the work of passenger locomotives EP1 and EP2K on the sections of the mid-Siberian railway was analyzed, the average mass of passenger trains and their speed were determined, the values of the power realized by electric locomotives in operation were calculated, as well as the rational values of the power and mass of locomotives needed for driving passenger trains on the considered sections of the track, and a comparative assessment of the possible operation of electric locomotives with rational values of power and mass with the operated locomotives EP1 and EP2K. On the basis of the comparative analysis, the conclusion is made about the available reserves for increasing the energy indicators of passenger electric locomotives in certain sections of the Russian Railways, such as the operation of locomotives with rational values of power and mass required to provide modern passenger transportation, and the method of determining the energy efficiency of electric locomotives, which allows without calculating the traction and energy characteristics to estimate the cost of electricity for traction of trains.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
Principal directions for increase of locomotive operating efficiency are determined in the article based on statistical estimates as per data on the main domestic locomotive series. Work ratio is suggested as universal indicator. It is demonstrated that in addition to locomotives' reliability enhancement, increase of the trains' haulage management system efficiency is also a large reserve. It is proven that the number of locomotive units can be reduced at least by 2,000 thous. units.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
The article presents the results of modeling the force fields in the elements of the wheel-motor unit of the electric locomotive 2ES10. The mathematical model is obtained on the basis of the Lagrange equations of the ΙΙ kind. A design scheme for the study of the dynamic behavior of the wheel-motor unit is presented. Expressions for the deflection of the elastic elements of the traction motor suspension, elastic and dissipative forces are given. A method for determining the vector force field at the articulation site of the bracket and thrust suspension TEM is proposed.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
Electric power installation of a special self-propelled rolling stock used in the power supply divisions is considered in the paper; the expediency of its use for the analysis of the main energy indices, in particular, the evaluation of the efficiency of electro-hydro-mechanical units at separate and joint operation, is shown. To assess the energy efficiency, an integrated efficiency factor has been proposed that allows to account the energy parameters of electrical installations operating in various modes. Recommendations have been given to increase the power factor of electrical installations.
Transport power engineering
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
The article describes how the inclination angle of a pole affects the position of contact wire relative to the level of the rail head. It is proposed to take into account a change in position of supporting constructions on the static parameters of catenary in high-speed Railways.
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
The article presents the equivalent circuit of three conductors, taking into account their mutual influence. The equivalent circuit contains the resistance and inductance of each conductor, the conductivity and the capacitance of their insulation relative to the earth, as well as the mutual inductances, conductivities and capacitances of the insulation between the conductors. The mathematical foundations of calculating the distribution of electrical quantities in the system of three conductors are considered, taking into account their mutual influence. An iterative incremental model of the software life cycle was chosen as the basis for automating this calculation, taking into account existing approaches to software development. Specific features of specialized software are specified. A structural scheme of the software complex and a block diagram of the calculation algorithm are proposed. The algorithm is based on the iterative calculation of currents and voltages for three conductors, taking into account their mutual influence. In accordance with the chosen model of the life cycle of the software, three versions of software with different functionality have been developed. This allowed us to effectively organize the processes of testing, debugging and implementation. As a result, the software complex has a window interface containing four tabs and allowing to enter the initial data for the calculation, display the results in the form of graphs and tables. For saving the results of calculations, a connection with the database has been implemented.
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
The article considers the issue of providing protection for the contact network when removing 3.3 kV traction substations from the Nazivoye direction of the Omsk power supply distance of the West Siberian Railway. When the 3.3 kV switchgear is brought out to repair, the protection zone for connection of the contact network of adjacent traction power supply system objects (traction substations, sectionalizing stations, parallel connection points) increases. To ensure the protection of the DC contact network, lowered settings for the operation of high-speed circuit breakers are introduced, which inevitably limit the capacity of the section for the passage of freight trains. Considered the existing order of withdrawal of equipment for repair with the inclusion of a traction substation post section. The limitations of skipping freight trains during the implementation of the existing scheme are estimated. Short circuit currents are also calculated and the settings for the protection of high-speed circuit breakers are selected when the sectioning station is switched off and the sectional disconnectors of the station are switched on. It was found that the condition for selecting the protection settings is not fulfilled when detaching from the minimum value of the short-circuit current. To reduce the limitations, a prototype of a short-circuit contactor of a direct current 3.3 kV grid has been developed. The use of a short-circuit-breaker allowed the protection of the contact network, for the time of the withdrawal of the switchgear equipment for repair, without transferring to lower settings for the operation of circuit breakers. Also in the article are given the technical characteristics and features of the proposed device design. The results of a test of a short-circuit of a 3.3 kV direct current contact network in the Dragunskaya-Novokievskaya-Lubinskaya section are presented. The main directions for further work are determined.
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
The urgency of the work is connected with the improvement of the components of the distributed automation system and voltage control within the framework of the development of actively adaptive electrical networks. An approach is presented to the determination of control actions within the framework of coordinated voltage control in distribution electrical networks using active elements based on multi-agent control. Voltage control in the electric network is carried out by all local regulators within the boundaries of the controlled zone under the condition of voltage stabilization. The control actions of local agents are determined as a result of coordination between each other in the type of "auction", the solution of the linearized optimization problem based on the sensitivity of the locations of the active elements to the change in voltages in the distribution network. The sensitivity of the parameters of the regime to the injection of power in the nodes of the electrical network is determined on the basis of sensory analysis of the conductivity of the network topology elements and the partial derivative of the unbalance of the constituent electrical quantities. Achieving the global goal of managing coordinating agents is achieved by optimizing the mode parameters and adjusting the work of local agents. The presented simulation results on the test circuit showed the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed approaches..
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
The paper discusses the main limiting factors limiting the volume of transportation of high-volume freight trains. Designated approaches to solving the problems presented by the use of compensating devices. The paper presents the method of selecting installation sites and the power of compensating devices in the traction network, taking into account the growth in traffic volumes, allowing to evaluate the positive effect of the installation of compensating devices on the prospect of increasing traffic volumes. Determination of perspective power consumption is proposed to carry out using power consumption forecasting. To assess the effect of the installation of compensating devices in the traction network, three criteria have been proposed: unloading traction transformers, increasing the voltage level at the consumer, and unloading the power transmission lines.
Information technology, automation, communications, telecommunications
~~~Information technology, automation, communications, telecommunications~~~
The analysis of electric energy quality with a required by modern standards accuracy demands applying of digital signals processing. At measurement, one of the main operations is finding signals correlation. Operations performance over digital representations of the signals containing a large points number requires many of computing resources that results in importance of a fast correlation calculation problem. The well-known methods of correlation calculation is applying a range of algorithms: transformation correlation to cyclic convolution, calculation cyclic convolution through FFT and others. These algorithms are well-studied, however their combination make possible additional optimization of algorithms. In paper we offer the method of computing procedure optimization for signals correlation calculation based on operations reduction when performing a sequence two Fourier transformations. Using another way of placing the calculations results we can reduce a data rearranging operations number. Depending on computing architecture, the offered method allows to accelerate calculations to 20 - 25%.
~~~Information technology, automation, communications, telecommunications~~~
We consider the ways of increasing the effectiveness of the information-measuring complex of an automated system for monitoring and metering electricity. The possibility of reducing the volume of telemetry traffic in information transmission channels and increasing the energy efficiency of information-measuring equipment is investigated.
~~~Information technology, automation, communications, telecommunications~~~
Developed Methodology let make the calculation of coaxial cable parameters with account of the frequency of the transmitted signal. The comparative analysis of parameters of RC 50-7-28 and RG142 cables has been made with the values have been got by the measuring with the circuit analyzer according to the reference book with the results of the calculations. Check the accuracy of the calculation has pointed out the necessity for account of complementary factors for the purpose of much more correct account cable attenuation in the frequency spectrum.
~~~Information technology, automation, communications, telecommunications~~~
The article is devoted to the features of the implementation of the user interface of an automated information system for processing and analyzing data about the energy consumption of locomotives, ensuring its effective functioning in order to improve the control of fuel and energy resources consumption for train traction.