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Scientific and technical journal established by OSTU. Media registration number: ПИ № ФС77-75780 dated May 23, 2019. ISSN: 2220-4245. Subscription index in the online catalog «Subscription Press» (www.akc.ru): E28002. Subscription to the electronic version is available on the «Rucont» platform.
The journal is included in the Russian Science Citation Index and in the List of Russian Scientific Journals .

Search results

  • V.1(25), 2016

    Improvement of dynamic qualities of freight wagons in operation

    A theoretical and practical study of gondola cars equipped with various models of trucks: 18-100 and 18-9810. Compiled design scheme, system of differential equations and bringing its solution for different types of trucks. The analysis of the solutions of this system are found depending on the amplitude of the pitching and bouncing speed carriage movement. Found dynamic forces on the one spring group. Based on the comparison of the two bogies conclusions about the benefits of truck 18-9810.
  • V.3(51), 2022

    Evaluation of dynamic loading of wheel-motor units of electric locomotives 2es6

    The article sets the task of determining the level of dynamic loading in the «trolley-leash-traction motor» subsystem to reduce the dynamic impact in the «locomotive-path» system. The model of vertical vibrations of traction rolling stock, obtained on the basis of the Lagrange equation of the second kind, in the form of a system of fourteen differential equations allows us to estimate the loading of locomotive units in operation, integrated using the MathCAD application package. The approximation of random disturbances using the spectral density of the path irregularity of Professor A. I. Belyaev is chosen as the spectral density of random disturbances. A more detailed design scheme of the crew has been compiled and in order to simplify the calculation within the engineering error, a single-mass discrete model of the path is used. Entering symmetric coordinates allows us to obtain from the original system of differential equations a simplified system with characteristic equations with simple roots, therefore, the natural oscillation frequencies of the bouncing of the body, trolley and wheelset will be determined with minimal error. The transfer function is determined by Kramer's formulas. With the help of a computer, the values are calculated and graphs of the amplitude-frequency characteristics of vertical movements, maximum accelerations of the body, trolley, traction motor and wheelset of the electric locomotive in question are constructed. A comparative analysis of the calculation results and empirical data is carried out. Based on a comparative analysis, it can be argued that the considered mathematical model of vibrations of the electric locomotive 2ES6 «Sinara» is adequate and allows determining the dynamic loading of the locomotive for the entire range of operating speeds. The task of changing the existing design of the suspension system of the traction electric motor of the electric locomotive in question and the mathematical analysis of the vibrations of its nodes in further research is set.
  • V.3(47), 2021

    Determination of the maximum temperature on the rolling surface of the wheel with its short-term movement on the rail switch

    The article deals with the issue of the formation of defects of thermomechanical origin (sliders) on the rolling surface of wagon wheels during their skidding along the rail, since such defects affect traffic safety to a greater extent. In addition, such defects on the tread surface of the wheel are difficult to eliminate in the repair industry. It is known that the slider is formed when the wheel is jammed and its translational movement (sliding) along the rail, the so-called skid. As a result, in the area of contact between the wheel and the rail, intensive wear of the wheel material is observed, as a softer element, and a wear area (slider) is formed. The slider is evaluated by such a parameter as the depth relative to the wheel tread. An algorithm for calculating the depth of the slider is given under the condition of a short-term movement of the wheel along the rail skidding. The initial data were determined and a calculation was made with the construction of graphs that reflect the dependence of the slider depth on the speed of the rolling stock and the load on the axle of the wheelset during short-term skidding. A technique for calculating the maximum temperatures in a pair of sliding friction "wheel-rail" is described. The values of the maximum temperatures in the contact patch are calculated when the wheel moves along the rail skidding. Based on the results of the calculations, graphs of changes in the maximum temperatures on the wheel tread surface in the area of friction on the rail under various operating conditions were plotted. An assessment is made of the possibility of indirect determination of the depth of the hardened metal layer in the area of the slider, depending on its dimensions, measured when the wheelset was received for repair.
  • V.4(24), 2015

    Comparative evaluation of dynamic loading gondola with different types of trucks (18-9810 and 18-100)

    In the article the comparative analysis of the dynamic loading of the floor of the car with different types of trucks in various modes of movement (loaded, empty). Commissioning of the new trucks is due to an increase in accidents in the operation of a gondola carts 18-100.
  • V.4(48), 2021

    Formation of a mathematical model of electric locomotives 2es6 vertical oscillations taking into account the dynamics wheel-motor units

    The article presents an analysis of the failures of the mechanical components of the mainline electric locomotives 2ES6 «Sinara» in operation at the landfill of the West Siberian Railway, the causes and consequences of failures of the most vulnerable nodes are determined. The analysis of failures of the mechanical components showed that a significant share of them falls on the components of the wheel-motor unit of the locomotive. The analysis of the design features of the crew part is carried out. The main structural difference of suspension is the absence of leaf springs in the axle box stage, which were widely used on electric locomotives of previous generations. In the body stage, helical springs (Flexicoil) are used instead of the cradle suspension. The connection of the traction motor with the trolley frame is a pendulum. The suspension of the traction motor to the trolley frame is carried out through a leash. When considering the vibrations of railway carriages, it is customary to represent the locomotive and the track as a single mechanical system. The task of forming a mathematical model of the «electric locomotive - path» system is set and a mathematical model of vertical vibrations of an electric locomotive is formed taking into account the dynamics of wheel-motor blocks based on the Lagrange equation of the second kind in the form of a matrix equation, which allows us to assess the loading of mechanical components in operation. The mathematical model represents a system of differential equations in which six equations determine the fluctuations of the bouncing and galloping of the body and trolleys, four - the galloping of wheel-motor blocks, four - the bouncing of wheel pairs together with the reduced mass of the track. The obtained mathematical model makes it possible to determine the level of dynamic loading of the components of the mechanical part of the electric locomotive 2ES6 «Sinara» by integrating the matrix equation using the MathCAD application package.
  • V.2(18), 2014

    The introduction of high hardness wheels - one of the innovative ways to improve the efficiency of freight wagons in operation

    The analysis of the development of the wheels increased hardness on the example of certain manufacturers, and changing regulatory and technical documentation for production (GOST). A mathematical analysis of the comparison operation wheelsets normal hardness of the wheel pairs of high hardness, based on the receipt of freight wagons from production to unscheduled maintenance. For comparison methods were used: Cramer - Welch and Laplace function. The estimation of av-erage mileage of cars on different types of wheel sets of freight cars and production technology. Developed the basic advantages of high hardness wheelsets.
  • V.3(35), 2018

    Traction possibilities of a double-locomotive powersupply 2ev120 when following on the limiting rises of the central siberian railway

    The article discusses the traction parameters of a new generation electric locomotive. The existing schemes of service areas by electric locomotives and locomotive brigades on the studied railway test site are presented. A comparison is made of the main parameters of DC and single-phase AC electric locomotives, the operation of which is currently organized on sections of movement with trains of calculated mass in the long-term mode of thrust on the climbs of various steepness. The scheme of the proposed organization of operation of a double power locomotive and locomotive crews is presented. Calculated traction parameters of a two-system electric locomotive, taking into account the plan and profile of the track in the proposed areas of operation, specific resistivity to the movement of the locomotive and the composition of the train at the estimated speed, specific accelerating and decelerating forces of the train. When two-system electric locomotives are put into operation, it will be possible to reduce the fleet of locomotives in operation, the number of traction arms due to their lengthening and the number of locomotive change points, reduce the transit time of freight trains, increase technical and local speed, average daily mileage and average daily performance of the locomotive, reduce power consumption per traction . The operation of such electric locomotives contributes to the development of polygon technologies for managing the transportation process, improving the quantitative and qualitative indicators of various railway enterprises.
  • V.4(16), 2013

    The influence of dynamic loading and defects roller bearing axle-box on safety of movement of freight cars in operation

    Analysis of failures of axlebox units of bogies for freight cars in the network of JSC «Russian Railways» for the period from 2010 to 2012, disadvantages of this node known construction trucks of the car of model 18-100. Defined vertical, horizontal and longitudinal loads acting on the buchs site. Mathematical modeling of the dynamic loading roller bearing axle-box under radial load. The influence of dynamic loads and defects in a roller bearing axle-box site on a safety of movement of the carriage.
  • V.2(50), 2022

    Features of the interaction of the crew and the path when movement of the ep2k electric locomotive in small radius curves

    The article discusses the design features of the mechanical and crew parts of the passenger electric locomotive DC EP2K, which directly have or causes an impact on the rail track. The purpose of the work is to consider the features of the interaction of the crew and the track when moving this electric locomotive in small radius curves by evaluating the forces arising in the "wheel-rail" contact of the three-axle bogies of the EP2K electric locomotive under these conditions. The need to solve such a problem is caused by the results of the analysis of statistical data on the wear of the ridges of the wheels of EP2K electric locomotives. These electric locomotives are operated at the united railway landfill, where there are a large number of curved sections, including curves of small radius. To achieve this goal, a design scheme of a three-axle trolley of an EP2K electric locomotive has been compiled, which allows a quantitative assessment of the forces acting in contact with the wheel ridges with the relay heads. According to the calculation scheme, a system of equations has been compiled, the solution of which makes it possible to estimate the forces between the ridge and the inner face of the rail head. Based on the results of the calculation of the guiding forces of the wheel pairs of the three-axle bogie of the EP2K electric locomotive, it is concluded that the values of the guiding force acting on the second wheel pair are comparable to the forces acting on the first and third wheel pairs, and in some variants even exceed the values of these forces. The obtained results can be used for further research on the development of measures aimed at reducing the wear of the ridges of the wheels of electric locomotives of the EP2K series under operating conditions.
  • V.3(15), 2013

    The reasons for violations of traffic safety of freight cars in operation

    Analysis of failures bogie side frames of freight cars in the network of JSC «Russian Railways» for the period from 2006 to 2013. Disadvantages of the well-known constructions of trucks of the car of model 18-100. Mathematical modeling of movement of a wheel pair bogie 18-100, set the negative impact of the spread of the values of structural parameters of the chassis of the car on the indicators of its dynamic qualities and driving safety.