Journal of Transsib Railway Studies V.4(44), 2020

Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
The article discusses the specifics of the locomotive reliability indicators use in the Russian Railways. Examples of locomotive reliability indicators and the indicators used in the Russian Railways in the conclusion of service contracts, including under the life cycle contract are given. A method of transition from national standard to Russian Railways has been proposed. It is concluded that these procedures can be automated.
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
The article consider the mathematical model for integrated evaluation of the innovation cars operational efficiency in the freight traffic. Created the complex systems of freight rolling stock efficiency indicators of the innovation cars providing aggregate multiplicative effect of increase in productivity. Presents the calculations of the rolling stock productivity indicators model change from operation for one production cycle of innovation cars in the cargo movement. The executed in the article researches and received modeling results show that the rolling stock use efficiency in the cargo movement are consider into account of influence factors from the innovation cars implementation.
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
The article discusses the issue of improving the efficiency of converting units of DC traction substations. An algorithm for calculating electricity losses in converting units is given by the system-fixed effective values of the phase voltage of the primary winding of the transformer and the load current of each converter unit. Using the example of a conventional traction substation, an assessment of the influence of the operation settings of the regime automation of converting units on the loss of electrical energy is given.
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
The article analyzes the test schemes of induction traction motors by the mutual load method using DC generators as load machines and powered by a three-phase AC network with a frequency of 50 Hz. Features of functioning of each of the given schemes of mutual loading are considered. The disadvantages of these schemes are noted, due to the presence of excess equipment or the lack of short-circuit protection in the anchor circuit of the load generator and the complexity of its connection to the DC link. The scheme developed by the authors is proposed, devoid of the noted disadvantages of the known schemes and combining all their advantages, which is the simplest both in the power part and in controlling the process of connecting the armature winding to the DC link of a frequency Converter. A mathematical model of a test system consisting of an induction traction motor, a DC load generator and a two-link static frequency Converter is presented. The mathematical model of this test system is made up of parts corresponding to its individual elements. The presented mathematical model makes it possible to calculate the static and dynamic operating modes of the proposed scheme at the stage of development of an electrical complex for testing induction traction motors. Recommendations on the implementation of developments in the operation of induction traction motors in locomotive repair depots are given. The expediency of implementing the results of work in organizations-developers of test stations for induction traction motors is also noted.
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
The state of industrial injuries during operation and repair technology of power supply devices in the power complex of Russian Railways, which confirms the relevance of the development and implementation of methods and technical means of protecting electrical personnel of the power complex of Russian Railways from electrical injury. The analysis of existing methods of maintenance, operation and repair technology of the contact network is carried out. An innovative solution is proposed in the field of electrical safety of personnel of the energy complex of JSC "Russian Railways" through the creation of a single high-precision coordinate space of power supply devices, implemented on the basis of mechanisms for using the global navigation satellite systems GLONASS / GPS.Considered the implementation of power supply and sectioning circuits and main electrical connections in the form of a digital model, which has a mathematical description of the geometric characteristics and spatial position of the contact network; feeding feeders; overhead lines: longitudinal power supply, automatic blocking, centralization and blocking, lines «two wires - rail», lighting; waveguide and other objects of power supply and electrification of railways. On the basis of modeling dangerous situations of electric shock, the electrical personnel of the power complex of JSC «Russian Railways» during the maintenance and repair of overhead contact network devices in all categories of work substantiated the effectiveness of the implementation of a spatial database in the form of a digital model of contact network devices. The use of a digital model of the overhead contact network will increase the level of electrical safety during maintenance and repair of overhead contact network devices and reduce the level of electrical injury to employees of the power complex of Russian Railways.
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
The contact network is one of the most vulnerable elements of the traction power supply system. The prevailing number of events in the power supply sector is connected with the contact network. The article is devoted to the method of contactless diagnostics of the contact network of electrified Railways. The paper proposes to use a method for diagnostics of the contact network based on optical elements, followed by digital data processing and calculation of geometric parameters. This method is characterized by a low cost of the device in contrast to analogues and high accuracy of calculation. The analysis and selection of optimal installation locations for optical devices is given. The method of contactless diagnostics of wires of the contact network of electrified Railways is presented.
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
The article develops the topical issue of choosing diagnostic parameters to assess the technical condition of the collector profile of traction electric motors of rolling stock. The results of experimental studies of the collector profile after repair and after carrying out acceptance tests for various traction electric motors of mainline locomotives: TL-2K1 (VL-10), EK810Ch (2ES6), ED133 (2TE116U) are presented. The relationship between the calculated parameters for assessing the reservoir profile using the mathematical apparatus of correlation analysis with a ranking on the Chaddock scale is revealed. A different degree of relationship has been established between the diagnostic parameters that characterize the state of the traction motor collector profile, while most of the known diagnostic parameters have a pronounced correlation with each other. A variety of diagnostic parameters are considered, which can be described by generalized parameters characterizing the reservoir profile. It is concluded that it is possible to use identical diagnostic parameters to assess the surface condition of the traction motor collector at various stages of repair and maintenance. On the basis of the studies carried out, diagnostic parameters have been identified that have diagnostic value and are not related to each other by correlations.
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
The known approaches to the classification of factors affecting the energy consumption of the train are considered, and their main disadvantages are identified. The validity of existing classification methods and the completeness of accounting for factors affecting energy consumption are evaluated. It is shown that none of the known approaches to classification gives a complete picture of all the influencing factors and the degree of their influence on the energy consumption of the train, since it does not fully take into account the physical nature of the individual components and the overall power consumption for traction. Based on the analysis of the energy balance of the train articulated principles and criteria for the classification of factors influencing energy consumption, considers the interconversion of different forms of energy and describe their energy diagrams in the different modes of the train movement. The analysis made it possible to identify the factors that affect the power consumption of the train in all modes of movement, and evaluate them according to various criteria. A classification of factors affecting the train's electricity consumption is proposed, which allows us to justify the correct method of accounting for each factor, develop measures to reduce the influence of individual factors on energy consumption, improve the system of analysis, rationing and forecasting of electricity consumption for train traction, and competently solve other problems of electric traction energy.
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
The article is devoted to the experimental study of the force interaction of the working elements of a disc brake in order to establish the dependence of the coefficient of static friction, taken as a criterion for the potential frictional properties of the friction unit, on the pressing force of the brake linings to the brake disc and the coefficient of mutual overlap. The experiments were performed on a full-scale stand, the basis of which is an electric drive with a power of 75.0 kW and a full-scale disc brake of the LT-10 tram. The stand allows to measure the static friction force under conditions of real forces, pressures, geometry of the contact area, as well as the coefficient of mutual overlap. TR119 and UT22-B were taken as friction materials for brake linings, in the first of which, according to the characteristics declared by the manufacturer, the coefficient of friction decreases with increasing temperature, in the second it increases. During the experiments, these materials worked in a pair of friction with the material steel 35, from which the brake disc is made. The experimental results were processed using the methods of mathematical statistics and presented in graphical form. It is shown that in the range of loads realized during braking, the stress-strain state of the contact area of the working elements of the disc brake according to the criterion of microstrains corresponds to an unsaturated elastic contact. This type of contact is typical for the studied overlap coefficients (0,33; 0,66; 0,98). It was found that with an increase in the pressing force of the brake linings to the brake disc, the static friction coefficient tends to decrease, and with an increase in the overlap coefficient, an increase in the static friction coefficient is observed for all specified values of the pressing force. At the same time, the UT22-V material is characterized by lower values of the coefficient of static friction compared to the TR119 material. Field of application of the results: development and design of advanced designs of disc brakes.
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
One of the ways to increase the capacity of railways is to use long-distance freight trains with a distributed traction system. In order to reduce the influence of the human factor, it is advisable to use automatic speed control systems on the locomotives of such trains, that take into account the transients occurring in the train. Determination of the longitudinal forces that occur in the train can be carried out by using either a reference mathematical model of the train, or pre-calculated dependencies of these forces on the parameters of the train movement. The second method allows you to simplify the structure and improve the performance of automatic control systems.
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
In this paper we consider an alternative method to solving problems of technical diagnostics of railway wheels, which consists in developing a system for monitoring critical states of near-surface layers of metal, which has the ability to detect incipient defects in the metal structure of the rolling surface of a wheel.
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
Determination of the methodical error in measuring the active energy loss in the dc traction network
The article is devoted to the issue of power loss measurement in DC traction networks. The purpose of the work is to define the indicators characterizing the degree of determining the energy loss values accuracy when using the method of restoration of the train situation. In the article the analysis of methodical error the value arising at measurement of power losses in a traction DC network is conducted. The occurrence of the error is caused by the indirect measurement method, which is based on the principle of synthesis of instantaneous circuits in real time. The synthesis is based on direct measurements of currents and voltages on the busbars of adjacent feeding and switching points, for example, a traction substation and a sectionalizing station. The data obtained are processed in accordance with the algorithms adopted in the article, as a result of which the coordinates of loads and their current consumption are calculated. In the process of synthesizing instantaneous circuits, it is possible that such a train situation may occur, which will lead to the emergence of a methodical measurement error, due to the peculiarities of the logical and mathematical apparatus of the train situation recovery method. In this paper, has been performed a probabilistic analysis of the possibility of occurrence of methodological error when several traction loads will be present simultaneously on the measuring section, that is, the dependence of the occurrence of the measure of uncertainty on the daily size of train traffic and the dependence of the occurrence of the measure of uncertainty on the minimum inter-train interval. As a result of the study, the proposed method application the limits were established by energy loss measurement the permissible error the criterion. The methodological error the value of the measurement at different variants method of movement on the railroad studied section was assessed
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
It’s investigated and analyzed the operations which carried out by assembled trains in the section, developed the mathematical model which ordered the time traffic of assembled trains, in supposed an effective method in shortening of time in traffic of trains between of two technical stations.
Railway track, survey and design of railways
~~~Railway track, survey and design of railways~~~
Examined the effect of oil pollution on the ballast bed of the railway track, namely, the effect of oil and oil products on the following functions performed by the ballast bed: maintenance of the rail-sleeper grid, perception of loads from rolling stock, filtration of melt and rainwater. Ballast oil pollution leads to an increase in its distribution in the environment. Oil and oil products have a strong negative impact on the environment, which leads to degradation of vegetation. The causes of oil contamination of the ballast bed, which lead to disruption of its functions, are determined. Attention to increasing the humidity of the ballast in the wintertime, which leads to freezing of the ballast and an increase in the stiffness of the path. Considered a method for cleaning gravel with a gravel-cleaning machine and revealed shortcomings. Studies of the effectiveness of washing oil-contaminated ballast gravel with O-BISM detergent in the absence of mechanical influence on the sample, as well as with the use of barbation and mixing of the sample. The optimal technological mode of application of the washing solution is established. Proposed an option for improving the cleaning of ballast gravel from oil products with a gravel-cleaning machine to solve the problem of efficiently cleaning the ballast gravel from oil pollution, which will solve the problem of crushed stone reuse and utilization.
Automation and management of technological processes and productions
~~~Automation and management of technological processes and productions~~~
The paper deals with the problem of the presence of thermal inertia in thermoelectric converters of general industrial design, used to measure temperature in most technological installations with an ambient temperature above 200 ° C. The aim of the study is to develop an algorithm for predicting the temperature of the environment with known thermal characteristics of the temperature sensor and to implement the algorithm directly in a general industrial programmable logic controller (PLC). As the main method, the work uses the method of mathematical modeling and description of the object in transfer functions and in the form of differential equations. The work uses a previously developed engineering technique for determining the thermal inertia time of industrial sensors, based on a single disturbance and an assessment of the dynamic characteristics of an object. On the basis of the research and mathematical modeling, algorithms for predicting the temperature of the medium by the parameters of the thermal inertia of the temperature sensor and the rate of change of the thermocouple signal have been developed and implemented. The implementation of the algorithms in the TIA Portal environment based on the Siemens Simatic S7-300 PLC using the PID Control library is proposed.
~~~Automation and management of technological processes and productions~~~
The article discusses the operation of systems for interval regulation of train traffic based on a digital radio channel in the absence of radio communication. The aim of the study is to determine the maximum allowable time for the absence of radio communication between the radio blocking center and a moving train in the interval control system. Criteria are proposed that allow assessing traffic safety, as well as reducing the throughput of train traffic in interval control of train traffic systems. The results of calculating the maximum permissible time of radio communication absence in interval control of train traffic systems for freight trains are obtained. Taking into account the maximum allowable time for the absence of radio communication will completely eliminate the likelihood of a dangerous convergence of trains and ensure compliance with the allowable speed mode with a minimum interval of freight trains.