Article Title
Method of contactless diagnostics of the position of wires of the contact network of electrified railways
Journal thematic sections:
Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification
Pages: 48-56
udk: 621.331, 621.332
Article reference
Garanin M. A. , Frolenkov S. A.
Method of contactless diagnostics of the position of wires of the contact network of electrified railways Izvestiia Transsiba – The Trans-Siberian Bulletin,
2020, no. 4(44), pp. 48 – 56.
The contact network is one of the most vulnerable elements of the traction power supply system. The prevailing number of events in the power supply sector is connected with the contact network. The article is devoted to the method of contactless diagnostics of the contact network of electrified Railways. The paper proposes to use a method for diagnostics of the contact network based on optical elements, followed by digital data processing and calculation of geometric parameters. This method is characterized by a low cost of the device in contrast to analogues and high accuracy of calculation. The analysis and selection of optimal installation locations for optical devices is given. The method of contactless diagnostics of wires of the contact network of electrified Railways is presented.