Journal of Transsib Railway Studies V.3(47), 2021

Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
It is shown that dynamic systems, «rolling stock - way» due to the unevenness of the path on length should be described by ordinary differential equations with variable coefficients, the method of analyzing differential equations with constant, variable and random coefficients describing the movement of electric locomotive nodes when they move along an uneven path. In the transition to a new paradigm, we can talk about areas of dynamic instability, which in the case of simple parametric resonances develop near critical frequencies, but this is not one specific point, but a zone that expands with increasing coefficients of parametric excitation. In addition, the presence of friction in the system does not guarantee the limitation of resonant amplitudes. The effect of parametric arousal factors on the width of the dynamic instability zone has been established. There are many other features in the behavior of differential equations with variable coefficients, so it is impossible to replace the action of unevenness with some equivalent geometric irregularity, since at this moment there is no exact solution to the problem with which to compare the results of approximate mathematical models.
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
Railway transport faces the challenges not only to ensure uninterrupted transportation of national economic goods, but also to develop new locomotives and increase the efficiency of their use. In particular, the currently accepted mode of starting diesel locomotives of the UzTE16M type leads to additional consumption of fuel resources, therefore, research on the development and improvement of the conditions for starting diesel locomotives of this type is relevant. Based on the study of previous studies and designs of various systems in order to facilitate the start of diesel locomotives with electric transmission, it is necessary to establish the available reserves of the power circuit and control circuits. The article considers a mathematical model of torsional oscillations in a diesel generator start-up system with two concentrated mass moments of inertia. Torsional oscillations between the traction generator and the crankshaft of diesel locomotives of the UzTE16M type have not been previously considered. In this article, the problem of torsional oscillations of the reduced masses of the armature of the traction generator and diesel engine in the mode of starting the DG from the battery and additional devices is solved. The Lagrange method has derived a system of mass oscillation equations based on generalized coordinates of elastic oscillations between the masses of the armature of a traction generator and a diesel engine with a variable mass moment of inertia. For the resulting system of equations, the solution is performed by the method of operational calculus, taking into account the accepted functions of mass moments of inertia, moments of driving forces and resistances. Conclusions are drawn that the operation of the diesel starting system on diesel locomotives of the UzTE16M type is determined by the functions of the reduced mass moment of inertia of the diesel, the driving torque and the angular velocity function; the resulting solution makes it possible to calculate the driving torque and the range of angular velocity changes when starting the diesel generator set of UzTE16M locomotives for further comparison with experimental data; when using the recommended electric scheme for starting a diesel locomotive, an increase in the driving torque of the diesel crankshaft and the angular acceleration speed of the traction generator armature is achieved. Based on the developed model, it is recommended to determine the angular velocity of the diesel crankshaft.
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
Annually locomotive-building plants, equipment suppliers and service companies develop organizational and technical measures aimed at improving the reliability of products. Thus, within the framework of the contract for the supply and maintenance of electric locomotives of the ERMAK series, a number of corrective measures have been implemented in more than thirty directions, many of which have achieved a positive result. However, during the long-term operation, more and more new hidden technical defects are revealed, and in rare cases, the measures taken are not enough. The manifestation of systemic inconsistencies is random in nature, thereby they negatively affect the dynamics of the average daily mileage and the linear mileage completed over the entire life cycle, causing unpredictable fluctuations, and as a result, the organization of service planning and budgeting to support the life cycle of locomotives. Therefore, there is a need to develop a model for a more accurate forecast of the average daily mileage for a long period, considering the impact of system inconsistencies and corrective measures to improve the reliability of nodes. The article uses the Pareto principle to analyze system malfunctions of locomotives manufactured by PC NEVZ LLC for the period of operation from 2018 to 2021, analyzes the dynamics of the average daily mileage of the locomotive fleet of the Far Eastern Traction Directorate with the use of a statistical and analytical method, analyzes the impact of failures on the average daily mileage using the Fourier time series forecasting method. On the example of malfunctions of power current-carrying buses of a rectifier-inverter converter and malfunctions of latches of a high-voltage vacuum circuit breaker, the influence of malfunctions of critical nodes is evaluated.
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
The article describes trends in the technical development of fixing devices for containers, called a "fitting retainer". Containers have gradually conquered the transportation market in the USA, Europe and Asia. And each means of transport: road, marine and railway one needed devices to fix containers, because all participants of the transportation process are responsible for the safety of goods. In the period of the appearance of container transportations, commercial agreements between operators and transport companies played an important role, influencing the unification of overall dimensions and weights of containers and transported goods, which was a prerequisite to create fittings for containers and, as a result, fitting retainers for all means of transport. The domestic regulatory framework also required updating, monitoring a large number of flat wagon manufacturers and taking into account severe operating conditions of containers throughout the entire railway network. With the rapid development of the container transportation market on long routes from China to Europe and the transition to the technology of accelerated container train sets based on high-speed flat wagons, it becomes necessary to solve the issue of wind protection of empty containers and low loaded containers, taking into account the speed of up to 140 km/h. Well-known technical solutions from different manufacturers to fix containers in retainers of special shapes and with additional fixing through a retainer hole have been analyzed. An original technical solution of the fixing device is proposed, performed in the flat wagon opposite each fitting to install the container. By turning this device using man power, each corner of the container can be fixed to prevent empty containers from falling (tippling) from flat wagons when exposed to wind loads, which meets requirements of safety, operation and reliability of fixing the container in the flat wagon.
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
The article is devoted to improving the methodology for diagnosing the technical condition of an asynchronous traction electric motor of type 1TV2822, a cargo mainline electric locomotive of the 2ES10 "Granit" series. To diagnose the inter-turn isolation of the stator windings, a structural model of a closed asynchronous traction motor system of type 1TV2822 is proposed. The results of modeling the operational mode and emergency mode of operation of a traction electric motor are presented, using digital processing of current waveforms in the stator winding, logarithmic spectrograms of the stator current are obtained, graphs of the pseudo spectrum of the power of the logarithmic spectral component of the stator current as operable, and an emergency traction asynchronous electric motor of type 1TV2822 with an inter-turn circuit in the stator winding.Based on the analysis of the power pseudo spectrum graph performed using digital processing of the current curve waveform in the MATLAB program package, the logarithmic powers of the current spectrum in the stator winding are presented, which serve to build an on-board adaptive system for diagnostics of asynchronous traction electric motors of the type 1TV2822 of the electric locomotive 2ES10 «Granite».
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
Traction electric machines (TEM) of locomotives operating at the Eastern circulation range have insufficient reliability, mainly in terms of insulation breakdown, being one of the most important problems in the operation of electric rolling stock. This article discusses the method of drying wetted insulation by mobile and stationary electric heaters, which are used in the process of repairing traction electric motors of locomotives and electric trains. The problem of operating these installations is their low energy efficiency. With a constant power supply, the heating elements and the fan of the electric heater remain on during the entire drying process of the insulation, which leads to significant energy consumption, and the drying process is recorded by conducting paper workflow, recording the technical condition of the TU-152 locomotive in the log. To eliminate these shortcomings, the authors propose the modernization of the electric heating installation by introducing into it a microprocessor-based system for automatic regulation of the drying process with cloud storage technology. The article presents a block diagram of the proposed automated system, which will implement the three-cycle amplitude-latitude-discontinuous method of energy supply proposed at the FGBOU VO "IrGUPS" in the process of drying the wet insulation of the TED. Currently, cloud storage technologies have found their application in companies of various kinds of activity, it is being actively improved due to the constant increase in the amount of information that needs to be stored or transferred, and in addition, the user can have access to it from anywhere in the world. In recent years, the world has noticeably increased interest in the application of this technology in railway transport. As part of the modernization of the installation, it becomes possible to remotely control its operation, as well as store and process the information received on the drying process of wetted insulation.
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
The method of determining the durability indicators of wheel pairs of locomotives is considered on the example of diesel locomotives of the 2TE25KM series operated on the Volga railway. For this purpose, the 90% resource of the wheel pairs of the studied series of locomotives was determined, and it was compared with the accepted standard indicator. In addition, a controlled parameter of the wheelset is selected, limiting the reliability of this node. To conduct the study, methods of mathematical statistics and probability theory were used, in particular, the Laplace distribution function, the Student's criterion, as well as the results of calculations of the dependencies of the mean value and the standard deviation of the controlled parameters, the initial values of developments and operating time corresponding to the probability of failure 0.5. In this study, a mathematical model for assessing the durability of wheelsets from the point of view of reliability theory was developed. The evaluation of the durability indicators of the wheelset elements was carried out on the basis of the type of random variable distribution law with its parameters obtained on a computer and adopted according to the Pearson criterion. As a result of the calculations, 90% of the life of the wheelset was obtained according to two controlled parameters, which amounted to 476.6 thousand km for the thickness of the bandage, and 282.6 thousand km for the thickness of the ridge. The results obtained were compared with the values adopted in the Technical Specifications for this series of locomotives (800 thousand km). km), as well as with statistical data on the values of controlled parameters obtained during processing and analysis - 240 thousand km. Due to the fact that in operation the average life of the wheelset is determined by a larger number of controlled parameters, taking into account unscheduled repairs, and in this study - only on the basis of the thickness of the bandage and the ridge, it is not possible to talk about full compliance with the calculated and actual data. According to the results of calculations, the limiting reliability of the wheelset is such a controlled parameter as the thickness of the ridge. For a more accurate assessment of the durability of wheelsets, it should also be taken into account that the intensity of wear of rolling stock equipment is affected by specific operating conditions, in this regard, inter-repair runs should be adjusted taking into account the influence of external factors during operation. In order to fully assess the durability of wheelsets in the future, it is necessary to take into account additional factors, in addition to those that affect the parametric change of random variables, as well as the fact that takes into account the monitoring and analysis of all controlled parameters of this node during the operation of locomotives.
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
The article is devoted to the development of a methodology for monitoring the alignment and radial runout of the inner cylindrical seating surfaces of locomotive motor-axle bearings. The main reasons for the wear of the working surfaces of the bearings and the consequences of the influence of the clearances in the interfaces of the plain bearings and the axles of the wheelsets on the increase in the intensity of wear of the parts and the deterioration of the dynamic characteristics of the running gear of the locomotive are listed. The paper presents a basic diagram of the basing and control of deviations from alignment and radial runout of the inner cylindrical surfaces of bearings, describes the design and principle of operation of a special control device for measuring these deviations. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the feasibility of monitoring deviations from the shape and location of surfaces during the repair of motor-axial bearings. The paper describes the sequence of steps for measuring the alignment and radial runout of bearings and the interpretation of the measurement results. The features of the design of the control device are considered, the advantages of its use are listed in comparison with the existing analogues of the devices used to control the alignment of the holes of the body parts located on the same axis. At the same time, it was found that the control of alignment and radial runout must be carried out in order to assess the possible degree of misalignment of the traction motor frame and the axle of the wheelset of the locomotive after repair. Thus, the conclusions obtained confirm the need to tighten quality control of the restoration of locomotive motor-axle bearings by introducing into the production process the operations to control the alignment and radial runout of motor-axle necks and motor-axle bearing liners made of lead bronze, tin or lead-tin babbits.
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
The article deals with the issue of the formation of defects of thermomechanical origin (sliders) on the rolling surface of wagon wheels during their skidding along the rail, since such defects affect traffic safety to a greater extent. In addition, such defects on the tread surface of the wheel are difficult to eliminate in the repair industry. It is known that the slider is formed when the wheel is jammed and its translational movement (sliding) along the rail, the so-called skid. As a result, in the area of contact between the wheel and the rail, intensive wear of the wheel material is observed, as a softer element, and a wear area (slider) is formed. The slider is evaluated by such a parameter as the depth relative to the wheel tread. An algorithm for calculating the depth of the slider is given under the condition of a short-term movement of the wheel along the rail skidding. The initial data were determined and a calculation was made with the construction of graphs that reflect the dependence of the slider depth on the speed of the rolling stock and the load on the axle of the wheelset during short-term skidding. A technique for calculating the maximum temperatures in a pair of sliding friction "wheel-rail" is described. The values of the maximum temperatures in the contact patch are calculated when the wheel moves along the rail skidding. Based on the results of the calculations, graphs of changes in the maximum temperatures on the wheel tread surface in the area of friction on the rail under various operating conditions were plotted. An assessment is made of the possibility of indirect determination of the depth of the hardened metal layer in the area of the slider, depending on its dimensions, measured when the wheelset was received for repair.
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
For a radical solution of the issue of extending the service life of wheelsets of the freight cars, it is proposed to weld not only serviceable wheels, but also wheels to be pressed against an unacceptable rim thickness. It is shown that in multilayer surfacing, the possibility of obtaining high quality metal becomes more difficult, and heating of a thin rim can have an adverse effect on the gap between the inner surfaces of the wheels. The purpose of the work is to optimize the technological parameters of the multi-electrode surfacing mode, determine the amount of warpage of the wheel disk and study the quality of the deposited metal during operational tests of wheel sets. Experimental surfacing was carried out on the optimal parameters of the multi-electrode process, and a method for measuring the value of wheel warping in conditions of multilayer surfacing was proposed. The results of studies on the influence of the multi-electrode surfacing process on the metal structure and wheel warping are presented. It is shown that under the optimal surfacing mode, favorable conditions are created for obtaining fine-grained structures in the near-seamed zone. Field tests of the freight cars wheel sets were carried out to determine the efficiency and reliability of the method of automatic multi-electrode surfacing of the wheel rim. The task of the tests was a comparative assessment of the resistance of the wheels under study to defects and wear. The implementation of the task involved obtaining data for the wheel sets being researched on the number of cases of wheel failure due to the insufficient quality of the welded surfacing metal. It was found that wheel warping does not cause any dangers that threaten traffic safety, and the weld metal has the necessary resistance to cracking under the action of operational loads.
~~~Railways rolling stock, traction of trains and electrification~~~
Paper is devoted to the development of an improved algorithm for calculating the traction power supply system for further practical implementation in order to improve the accuracy of calculations of the traction power supply system by combining traction and electrical calculations with considering the current train situation. The relevance of the task is due to the need to improve the accuracy of calculations of throughput and carrying capacity under the conditions of power supply devices with considering the criteria for energy efficiency of the transportation process. The available solutions to this problem in the form of ready-made software systems and algorithms are considered. A numerical experiment was carried out for the DC section in the program "Complex of calculations for traction power supply", which showed that the relative error that determines the convergence of traction and electrical calculations is from 1.6 % to 5.1 %. The main reason for the discrepancy is the insufficiently correct calculation of the voltage at the current collector of the electric rolling stock. An improved algorithm for calculating the traction power supply system is proposed. The distinguishing feature of this algorithm is the implementation of a clarifying full traction calculation before compiling instant schemes and instant electric and traction calculations. As a result of the research, a general algorithm for joint traction and electrical calculations with considering the parameters of railway sections and the current training situation has been developed,. A conclusion about the advantages of the proposed algorithm and promising directions for further research is made.
Railway track, survey and design of railways
~~~Railway track, survey and design of railways~~~
In the course of scientific support of design, construction and operation, as well as forecasting the development of transport infrastructure in the Arctic region, RUT (MIIT) scientists have proposed a methodology for working out new design and technological solutions by testing them on a small section of the route that has received the status of experimental; a number of solutions have been proposed that can be taken into account and used during the development of transport infrastructure in the Arctic. To verify the university's developments, a number of expeditions were undertaken to study the features of the conditions of construction of transport facilities, including climatic and engineering-geological, as well as the condition of existing transport facilities (the Salekhard - Igarka Polar Highway): survey expeditions in 2005, 2012; joint expeditions with the Russian Geographical Society with the participation of scientists from the Institute of Roads, Construction and Structures of the Russian Institute of Transport (MIIT) in the Arctic region in 2019 - 2021, during which a geomonitoring network was organized; data on temperatures in the air, near-surface zones and in the ground environment were obtained; the analysis of the ground environment was carried out; recommendations were given on the specifics of the construction of transport facilities, including the construction of the roadbed, using different variants of technical and structural and technological solutions. The purpose of the article is to generalize the experience of the development of the northern territories through the development of transport communications and the testing of new structural and technological solutions for the construction of the roadbed by means of a local section of the highway in the status of a pilot site. The approach presented in this article can be used to form a methodology for solving the problem of creating an effective High-latitude Russian transport system in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation with forecasting trends in its development.
Transport and transport-technological systems of the country, its regions and cities, organization of production in transport
~~~Transport and transport-technological systems of the country, its regions and cities, organization of production in transport~~~
A level crossing is a system of interaction between rail and road transport. Traffic safety at level crossings is a priority in Russia. Despite the annual reduction in the number of level crossings and the modernization of existing level crossings, the number of accidents at level crossings, including fatalities, remains at the significant level. The subject of research is the factors affecting the safety of level crossings. The aim of the work is to identify the factors with the greatest affecting the operation of a level crossings in the Russian Federation. The research used: a generalized block diagram of a level crossing, a block diagram of factors affecting the operation of a level crossing, a prior analysis by the evaluation, calculation of the Kendall coefficient for individual groups of factors, sorting of factors according to the average assessment of experts. The article provides data on the number of road traffic accidents at level crossings in the Russian Federation for the period from 2005 to 2020, and the number of level crossings of different categories for 2020. It has been hypothesized that the main cause of accidents at level crossings is violation of the rules by vehicle drivers. The block diagram of factors affecting the operation of a level crossing based on the generalized block diagram of a level crossing. Factors affecting the operation of a level crossing are divided into four groups. The Kendall coefficient was calculated for individual groups of factors. Evaluation of the factors affecting the operation of a level crossing was implemented, according to the average assessment of the experts. This hypothesis was confirmed. Using of the results of this analysis will reduce the number of accidents at level crossings. The results can be used both in the modernization of existing level crossings and in the design of new level crossings.
Improvement of industrial heat systems, thermotechnical and heat equipment
~~~Improvement of industrial heat systems, thermotechnical and heat equipment~~~
Currently in Russia there is an active development of industry, which requires a large amount of energy resources. At the same time, there are several obstacles in the way of providing all consumers with the required volume and, most importantly, the quality of energy. First of all, this is due to the technical condition of the equipment of both consumers and energy producers and the absence of programs for the implementation of measures aimed at increasing energy efficiency. Today, a full-fledged assessment of the energy efficiency of the production of many enterprises is difficult due to the lack of a single physical and mathematical apparatus and a universal criterial assessment of the energy efficiency of enterprises. This leads to the fact that a correct assessment of energy efficiency indicators and energy saving potential is not fully possible. Most of the existing methods for assessing energy efficiency indicators are limited and allow assessing only one or several indicators, do not provide for linking all indicators into a single whole. In addition, there is no criterion for assessing energy efficiency that is uniform for all components of heat supply systems. A promising direction of modern research in the field of heat supply systems is the improvement of methods for assessing the energy efficiency of heat supply systems through the use of a physically and mathematically substantiated criterion for the energy efficiency of the heat supply system of industrial enterprises and the creation of unified methods and an algorithm for assessing the indicators of the energy efficiency of heat supply systems of various compositions and devices. Special attention is paid to assessing the reliability of the initial data. This assessment is possible using the correlation method. In practice, correlation and regression analysis is widely used to predict the consumption of heat energy. This approach can also be used when assessing the reliability of the initial data using the Chaddock scale. In the course of the research, methods of constructive and verification calculations, experimental and analytical research, the method of correlation analysis, and statistical research methods were used. As a result of the research, a unified, generalized methodology for assessing the indicators of the energy efficiency of the heat supply system of the enterprise has been developed. We created the algorithm given a comprehensive assessment of the energy efficiency of the heat supply system of an industrial enterprise and to assess the potential for energy saving.