Journal of Transsib Railway Studies V.2(30), 2017

Railway rolling stock
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
Abstact. During automated rheostat tests of locomotives itʹs necessary to control a lot of parameters of the diesel generator set and support systems. Due to the features of perception of the information by human the control is brought to the observation of a small number of parameters. Implementation in practice of rheostat tests of automated systems of inspection and testing allowed to expand the amount of received information. In this article is offered using automated control systems of diesel-generator sets parameters during rheostat tests which allow to accumulate and analyze test date using developed protocols forms and pivot tables with parameters in entire range of loads, also it helps to determine the quantitative index of a technical condition of diesel-generator set.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
The account of a real technical condition of the equipment of the locomotive at planning of volumes of its repair is one of the major reserves of reduction of working costs of railways and decrease in the cost price of transportations. The continuous control of a technical condition of the locomotive in operation is carried out with use of stationary and onboard means of technical diagnostics. The increasing of operational profitability and reliability of diesel locomotives demands continuous control for a technical condition of their equipment in the service. The wide-band exhaust gases oxygen content sensor can be used for continuous monitoring of the air excess coefficient in the locomotive diesel engine cylinders. This type sensors are widely used in automotive diesel engines control systems. It means for indirect estimation of the engine cylinders mixture quality by the exhaust gases oxygen content.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
Traffic safety of trains is a priority task of JSC «Russian Railways». In article the reasons of spontaneous operation of brakes of freight trains are investigated and their statistics depending on density of brake network of the train is given. Calculation of pressure in the camera under the equalization piston of the crane of the driver is made. Inertial characteristics of the equalization piston and its static characteristics are defined. Process of spontaneous operation of autobrakes on the basis of fundamental laws of a hydraulic gas dynamics is simulated.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
The physicochemical properties of diesel fuel and methyl ester of rapeseed oil are reviewed, graphical dependencies of density, kinematic and dynamic viscosity, surface tension of diesel fuel and rapeseed oil methyl ester are shown when the temperature in the diesel cylinder changes, chemical indicators of methyl esters of rapeseed oil on the characteristics of injection and spraying of fuel.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
The article discusses the approach to evaluation of technical condition of the diesel locomotive power plant fuel system as a part of an integrated microprocessor control systems. Presents an approach of generalized evaluation of technical condition of the power plant fuel system. By results of the analysis of a fuel system graph model set of control parameters is selected, the algorithm allowing to establish the reasons of controlled parameters output of admissible limits is developed.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
Explores the impact of truly existing longitudinal non-elastic railway track caused by the presence of sleepers and other factors on the vertical dynamic of vehicle. Formulas to determine the bounds of simple combinational and parametric resonances is obtained. Areas of dynamic instability of electric locomotive EP2K is builted.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
The article presents the main requirements for the development of traction motors commutation control digital device and the results of the development and testing of this device on the test bench. Justified the expediency of application of the input highpass filter when the power of the testing traction engine from the thyristor converter. Presented the technique of processing the diagnostic signal from bipolar brushes to filter out noise of different physical nature.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
The article discusses a question, which is bonded with the traffic safety, namely the integrity’s verification of the braking highway’s of the freight train before the departure. There was given a range of reports in the absence of the braking highway’s integrity’s test by the locomotive crews. There was the verification’s order developed and his testing done. There were made the suggestions for improvement of the safety devices in terms of automation of the integrity’s verification of the braking highway.
Transport power engineering
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
In article the issues of electric power imbalance in train traction research are considered, including the method providing an estimation of the contribution of imbalance components to its total value with the possibility of their separation between the participants of the transportation process: the electrification and power supply service, the automatics and telemechanics service, the directorates of locomotive traction and motorized rolling stock. Described method allows in more detail to analyze the factors that affected the change in the components of imbalance and further develop organizational and technical measures to reduce it.
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
The article discusses the assessment of the impact of train schedule on the amount of electricity consumption for traction on sections of DC I-th profile type way. The proposed parameters of the train schedule, influencing the electricity consumption for traction on sections of DC I-th profile type way. The major scheduling options included statistical quantities and parameters characterizing the conditions of the batch passing trains, stop and solid thread schedules for truck-driving. Based on simulation modeling provided the main based on changes in the volume of electric energy for traction on the plot of the traction electric supply system when changing the parameters of the timetable. The dependences of the volume change of electrical energy for traction allow you to evaluate and determine the ranges of the parameters of the graph in which the variation of volume is minimal. in the considered ranges of the parameters of the train schedule, the amount of electricity for the areas of DC with the I-th profile type varies within 1 % with the constancy of other factors..
Information technology, automation, communications, telecommunications
~~~Information technology, automation, communications, telecommunications~~~
The structure of a complex of locomotive safety devices (CLSD) is analyzed. A comparison of technical characteristics and design features of ground stationary and transport antennas of the receiving equipment of the global satellite radio navigation system (SRNS) is made. On this basis, the importance of using SRNS in the CLSD structure is shown. It has also been shown that the decrease in locomotive positioning errors associated with the need to increase the signal-to-noise ratio at the input of the receiver can be achieved by the use of active phased array antennas (APARs). APAR are able to form narrowly directional patterns with the commutation of their maximum directions in accordance with the coordinates of the constellation's navigation satellites. Features of the formation of narrowly directional patterns and the possibility of controlling them in a linear and flat uniform APAR are considered. It is shown that the use of APAR in the ground-based equipment of the user is associated with the need: a) changing the approach to designing it for specific applications, - a flat surface of the required size should be provided in the design; b) the modernization of the algorithm for receiving and processing SRNS signals, which must take into account the finite switching time of the radiation patterns, the angle of the mask, the number and coordinate distribution of the navigation satellites in the working constellation.
~~~Information technology, automation, communications, telecommunications~~~
In work done modeling and analysis of noise immunity of the proposed measurement method of phase shifts between harmonic components of voltage and current in traction power supply rail transport networks and estimation of maximum permissible noise level, where workability digital devices used to study phase shifts in these conditions. The simulation results have shown that the probability density function on the output of the nonlinear converter «phase shift - code» remains a unimode at any ratio range converter and standard deviation of the phase of the input signal. Implementation of researched ways of microprocessor-based digital device guarantees the stability and accuracy of measurement results in traction phase shifting networks of power supply of railway transport in the presence of high levels of industrial noise, nonlinear fast variable nature of the traction load, sparking the pantographs for electric locomotives in contact network and use recovery systems based on pulse converters.
~~~Information technology, automation, communications, telecommunications~~~
The article is devoted to numerical methods for solving nonlinear heat conduction problems with considering for the relaxation of heat flow. A mathematical model is developed on the basis of a non-linear heat equation of the hyperbolic type for calculating the temperature field in an infinitely extended (unlimited) plate. The implementation of the grid method using a three-layer implicit difference scheme for solving the nonlinear hyperbolic heat conduction problem is presented for the case when the absorption of radiation energy is modeled by a volumetric heat source. A numerical solution of the nonlinear heat conduction problem in an unbounded plate is obtained taking into account the relaxation of the heat flow on the basis of the finite difference technique using the sweep method and iterative refinement of the coefficients. A calculation algorithm with a graphical representation of the results of calculating the temperature field in an unbounded plate under the influence of concentrated energy flows is described. A comparison of the results of calculations of temperature fields in mathematical modeling on the basis of the nonlinear hyperbolic heat equation and the corresponding linear model using the mean integral values of thermophysical and optical characteristics is presented. The significant differences obtained between the temperature fields corresponding to the nonlinear and linear problems justify the need to take into account the temperature dependence of the thermophysical characteristics and the absorptivity in the study of high-intensity processes of heating the bodies. The developed nonlinear mathematical model of body heating with allowance for the finite speed of heat distribution and the temperature dependence of the material properties, can be used to select the modes for processing mode bodies with high-intensity energy flows.
Railway and engineering structures
~~~Railway and engineering structures~~~
The results of edge stresses and stress measurements in the neck of the rail in a curve of radius 380 m, obtained in the tests on the effects on the way the locomotive CKD6e-2108, freight gondola 12-9941 and 12-9920, on railway line Almaty - Chu. The dependences of the stresses in the edges of the soles and neck rail on the speed of the test vehicles. The possibility of a transition from stress to lateral forces.
Traffic control and traffic safety
~~~Traffic control and traffic safety~~~
Subject of research - the evolution of logistics objects (LO). The purpose of the research is the development of methods to study the LO in their development, taking into account changes that they execute logistics functions. Research methodology based on set theory, graph theory, theory of transport systems, general systems theory and the author's methodology terminalistics. The authors studied the most significant for the evolution of the LO characteristics and factors influencing them. The condition of LO is a set of indicators identifying the overall hierarchical system (defining its type) and characterizes his work in general. This study describes an evolutionary-functional approach. This approach is reflecting the characteristics of the development of the functional arsenal of LO and its role in the system of delivery. Its essence is also presented graphically. The author has developed a classification of types of LO, given their evolution and hierarchy. The basis of the typology of LO is the LO evolution of the implemented logistic services. Also this study describes the stages of functional development of the LO. A parametric description of the LO and the conceptual framework taking into account the classification and evolution of the LO present in this study. Еhe author proposes the methodology of research LO on the basis of the evolution of the network states. The evolutionary-functional theory is reflected in the form of a "rhombus evolutionary and functional development of the LO." This theoretical and graphical model evolutionary network conditions may be applicable: 1) in determining the terms of the best mode of operation LO for planning of objects of terminal and warehouse infrastructure, 2) the operation and development of terminal and warehouse infrastructure; 3) as an evaluation tool to identify bottlenecks and system improvement of all aspects of the work LO. The results of the study can be used in the design, planning, development and evaluation of objects of terminal and warehouse infrastructure of Russian Railways.