Journal of Transsib Railway Studies V.4(32), 2017

Railway rolling stock
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
The author considered the problem solving of control of the boiler hermeticity of railway tanks using contemporary control methods. The author described the activities and equipment which are necessary for assessment of technical state of large-volume vessels. The implementing algorithms of step-by-step operations for monitoring and analyzing the results processing are proposed. The proposed method of technical condition of the railway tanks boilers is based on the use of serial thermal imaging equipment, which allows to reduce the economic costs of monitoring and improve the working culture of the flaw inspector.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
A study of the influence of non-linear parameters spring of a freight car suspension (stiffness spring, length base of a bogie, roughnesses railway) on the amplitude and phase fluctuations bouncing body is completed. Defined own vibrational frequency jumps car body as a function of the parameters.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
The heating of the pantograph panhead of an electric rolling stock is caused by the removal of the traction electric current. The increase in temperature is due to the characteristics of the catenary and conductive materials of the suspension and current collector. Current collection low quality also leads to overheating of contact materials and limits the passage of the maximum permissible long-time current when the electric locomotive moves. The uneven distribution of temperature leads to local points of overheating and an inefficient use of the surface of the contact strips. The presented graphs of the density distribution of the position of the contact wire in the plan indicate their dependence on the profile of the path section and the type of the catenary, which determine the heat distribution along the panhead. The proposed methodology of the factor analysis of the effect on the current collector's panhead heating makes it possible to determine the causes of its uneven heating and propose measures to reduce the share of influence of each factors and to provide an increase in the removal of the traction current.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
In article examines the indicator of the energy efficiency of the locomotive as an indicator of the quality repair and use the power (energy efficiency) of the locomotive. This indicator is calculated for electric locomotives that have undergone current repair of MW-3 or repair of a similar volume, based on the predicted additional power losses in the limiting units and units of the locomotive, determined taking into account their technical parameters and characteristics obtained as a result of the repair. The application of the proposed indicator as an indicator the efficiency the use of electric locomotives will allow to influence the improvement of their technical condition through the management the quality of repairs and the use of power.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
The article presents the results of experimental researches of process of commutation in traction DC motors. In order to generalize the results of tests of low power engines for electric locomotive’s traction motors, belonging to high power engines, by using the theory of similarity and dimensions we defined the ranges of varying parameters of the operation mode in the experiments. In result of the conducted researches proved the effectiveness of the parameters of laws of distribution of intensity sparking to improve the reliability of the test as low power engines and high power engines.
Transport power engineering
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
The contact line is a special kind of power overhead line with multiple electrical connections of wires, which form a complex topology of the linear electrical circuit. Analytical models simplify the real topology of the contact line and it limits their functional application. It is possible to take into account the topology of contact line when using tools of computer simulation, but it entails complicating the computational algorithms of the model. The aim of this article is to determine the conditions for the application of current distribution models and the development prospects in this area. The article describes the existing models for calculating the current distribution in DC contact line: a model of natural current distribution, linear analytical models, model with an infinite number of droppers, a model with a direct application of Kirchhoff's circuit laws in matrix form, and a finite element model. The article contains the main provisions and calculation capabilities of each model. Contact line KS-250-3 acts as a calculation catenary for the comparison of current distribution models. You can use the results of the article to select the optimal design distribution model for the design of the contact line, thermal analysis, current-carrying capacity calculation, identification and elimination of «weak point».
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
In article the reasons of shutdowns of high-speed switches of a direct current are analysed and distribution of the disconnected currents is received. Such numerical characteristics as population mean and a mean square deviation of function of distribution of the currents which are disconnected by the high-speed switch are considered. The hypothesis of distribution of probability of refusal in operation of the switch is checked. Conclusions are drawn on applicability of the given calculation methods for definition of admissible number of shutdowns of high-speed switches on sites of traction network of a direct current.
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
The analysis of wave processes in the system including electric transmission lines, traction substations, AC traction network and electriclocomotives is necessary to accurately assess to energy performance of its work. This system contains concentrated and distributed parameters, consequently the analysis of such a system is difficult and the rolling stock which is also a part of this system represents a dynamic load. The proposed mathematical model of the alternating current traction power supply system allows us to consider electromagnetic processes at its various points taking into account wave processes.
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
The traffic speed increasing on the railways makes strict requirements to the supporting and supporting structures of the contact network, as well as to the parameters and indicators of the contact suspension. The presence of dry friction in the cantilever attachment points indicates a negative effect on the accuracy of adjusting the wires of the contact suspension and on its parameters. The article presents the results of studies of the dry friction value in the console fastening points depending on the type of the contact suspension and suggests a method for reducing friction in the console attachment points. The results of calculations of the effect of friction in the console attachment points on the tension variation along the length of the anchor section are presented.
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
The article analyzes the current state of electricity measuring on the electric rolling stock. The main shortcomings of the existing electric power measuring systems for train traction are shown. The technical requirements for information-measuring systems of electricity accounting on electric rolling stock are presented. The technology of electricity accounting on the rolling stock with the use of information-measuring complexes and the procedure for processing the measurement results are described. The minimum required list of fixing parameters during the trip is determined. The procedure for calculating the electric power consumption of electric rolling stock within the boundaries of an arbitrary electricity metering zone is given. The prospects of application of the proposed developments on the railway network are considered to provide monitoring of the transportation process energy efficiency.
Information technology, automation, communications, telecommunications
~~~Information technology, automation, communications, telecommunications~~~
The quality of a track circuit monitoring system is defined to the great extent by its ability to automatically analyse the acquired data, i. e. identify the state of a track circuit. Machine learning techniques can be applied to implement this functionality. Designing a machine learning algorithm requires a learning data set from the subject domain. In this article we discuss a basic principle of track circuit mathematical model design that could be used to generate such data set. We also apply this principle and a combination of some existing methods to design and demonstrate a mathematical model of the 25 Hz AC track circuit.
~~~Information technology, automation, communications, telecommunications~~~
In this article, a scientific approach to optimizing the electromechanical route for servicing the centralization and blocking devices at the station is considered. For this purpose, the authors propose to use the algorithm for solving the known traveling salesman problem. This algorithm is the basis for constructing technological maps of the movement of electromechanics around the station, as a component of technological maintenance cards for automation and telemechanics devices.
~~~Information technology, automation, communications, telecommunications~~~
We consider the concept and architectural aspects of the development of the corporate information sys-tem for monitoring and resources accounting. The relevance of improving automated systems is due to the intensification of the use of modern information technologies in industry. The aim of the work is to select the architecture of the distributed information system for monitoring and resources accounting (hereinafter - the system), which ensures prompt decision-making in the management of technological objects. We consider the current trends in the development of information systems and concepts that provide the requirements established for systems of this class and purpose. The system is based on previously designed prototype that has been put into operation, and differs from it in new solutions that allow to increase mobility and fault tolerance. We describe the basic implemented architectures and the system functionality.
Railway and engineering structures
~~~Railway and engineering structures~~~
The article presents theoretical studies of the interaction of the compacting machine with the soil of the road bed of the railway embankment. The results of the studies make it possible to establish the parameters of the sealant, which ensure an efficient flow of the compaction process of the ground environment. It is established that the rigidity of the working body of the roller must vary over a wide range. Experimental studies of a new sample of the working body confirmed the possibility of adjusting the rigidity in the required range for the effective use of vibrating rollers in the construction of railroad soil embankments.
Transport management
~~~Transport management~~~
Within the framework of the article, a study was made of the workplace of wheelchair washers for the purpose of determining the main occupational diseases and the causes of their occurrence. The theory of constructing rational modes of work and rest for working in the off-season in the open air is considered. The equation of integral index of cooling conditions is given. The risks associated with working in the cold are listed, as well as basic protection measures for workers, such as personal protective equipment and recommendations for restroom equipment. Within the framework of the article, the technological stages of manual washing of passenger carriages and a number of harmful production factors at the workplace of wheelchair washers are considered. In the process of analyzing the working conditions of the profession in question, a number of prof. diseases such as acute intoxication, dermatitis and dermatosis. The results of the conducted tests for the evaluation of the toxicity index and operational tests of samples of the detergent «Trans-Eco» with the aim of improving the working conditions of the passenger car wipers are presented.