Journal of Transsib Railway Studies V.1(37), 2019

Railway rolling stock
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
The article proposes a method of calculation the load between the rolling bodies of the swinging bearings and the bearings of the traction motor, which makes it possible to have the value of the radial clearance in the bearing, as well as the radial movement of the inner rings relative to the outer one. To determine the load perceived by the most loaded rollers, a solution of the equilibrium equation for internal elements is proposed using simple iterations. The implementation of the method is implemented in the Matlab software package. Using the proposed method, the load distribution between the rollers in the traction motor of the VL11K electric locomotive was calculated. To determine the load acting on the bearing, the “Sarga-Subic” section was selected, which has a mountain profile.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
Considered the features of modern automatic control systems of pantographs. The spectral density analysis of pantograph contact force at high speeds showed requirements for robust control systems, which allows to significantly improve the quality of the current collection. Proposed the ways to improve the automatic control systems for pantographs, aimed at improving the speed and reducing the inertia of the system.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
In the article the possibilities of improving the adjustment properties and technical characteristics of electric rolling stock with collector traction motors are considered. Semiconductor devices can improve the smoothness of the traction motors start-up due to a more even voltage increase, smooth regulation of the field current in the traction and braking modes. Variants of simplified power circuits of eight-axis direct current electric locomotives with a minimum number of switching electrical devices have been developed, allowing to reduce weight and size of the equipment, increase the reliability of power circuits operations. Circuit solutions for protecting the wheelset of an electric locomotive from boxing and skidding by enhancing the traction motors field are considered. The role of semiconductor converters in the improvement of rolling stock with a combined and dual power is noted. The ways to improve the efficiency of electric braking by collector traction motors are listed. The necessity of using adaptive microprocessor control systems for semiconductor converters for expanding their functional capabilities and realizing optimal parameters of direct current rolling stock is noted.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
Analysis of change of pressure in the main reservesof locomotive based on the results of train tests
The subject of this article is the pressure in the main reservoir of the locomotive. The purpose of the study is to obtain and analyze unique data on pressure reduction in the main reservoir of the locomotive. When carrying out train tests developed by the author of the train brake diagnostic system, pressure changes in the main reservoir of the locomotive were obtained depending on the driver's control effects in real time. This was achieved by installing a sensor measuring the pressure in the nutrient line of the locomotive and processing data using the software and hardware complex diagnostics system for the brake network of the train. In work methods of the mathematical analysis, a method of experiment, an analytical method are applied. As a result of the work, pressure reduction curves are described in accordance with the processes occurring in the main tanks of the locomotive during train operation. An explanation of the flow of pneumatic processes in accordance with the specifics of the braking equipment of the rolling stock of railways. An experiment was carried out to measure the density of the brake network of a train by a machinist and a system for diagnosing the brake network of a train, and the convergence of results was presented. Also, quantitative indicators of the measurement rate by the standard and proposed method are determined. The research results were applied to improve the methods and means of diagnosing the brake network of a train, modeling pneumatic processes of the train's brake system. Pressure reduction curves have their own gas-dynamic nature, which allows to determine the mode of operation of the braking system, as well as diagnose faults in the brake network of the train, such as shutting off end valves, leaks along the way.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
The article presents a method for determining the thyristor shoulders of the rectifier-inverter converter (inverter) of an electric locomotive, on which the control pulses are passed. The method is based on the analysis of the duration of the current switching of the thyristors of the inverter shoulders and the rate of rise of the rectified current in the inverter circuit of the electric locomotive. The implementation of the method is carried out by refining the software of the microprocessor control system of the electric locomotive. The simulation of electromagnetic processes of rectifier inverter Converter of AC locomotive series 3es5k "Ermak" in the mode of regenerative braking during emergency operation is carried out on the example of missing control pulses on thyristor shoulders VS2 and VS7. As a result of modeling, data are obtained that confirm the effectiveness of the method proposed by the authors
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
The article is devoted to the problem of improving the DC motor winding armature insulation technical condition diagnosing quality with regard to its frequency properties by forming the equivalent circuit of the electric motor rolling stock armature winding, which allows to determine the frequency numerical values of the parameters,the results of experimental studies of the armature winding oscillatory characteristics as a single-terminal pair are given; and the dependences of the impedance, reactance and active impedance are established. The dependences between equivalent circuits elements numerical values and turn-to-turn location for further formation diagnostic model based on the results.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
With the purpose of providing capacity on the West-Siberian railway, in recent times, adjustable reactive power compensation devices have been introduced. The schematic construction and parameters of such devices on the market are significantly different. In connection with this, it is necessary to choose from the set of schemes the most effective, corresponding to specific technical and economic conditions. The article assesses the power losses in the main equipment of two devices from different manufacturers, namely static thyristor compensators of reactive power produced by "KER Holding" Kazan and "Aidis groups" Moscow, installed on the Alambay and Novaya Dubrava sectional posts of the West Siberian Iron roads. The power losses in the equipment are calculated taking into account additional losses from the influence of higher harmonic components. The analysis of the circuit design of both devices in terms of loss reduction is carried out. Dependences of power losses in their elements on the generated reactive power and the current of the thyristor-reactor group are constructed. Probabilistic functions of the distribution of the current of the titrator-reactor groups of devices are given at preset settings. The results of measurements of power consumption of devices for own needs are presented. The effect of reducing power losses in the traction network from switching devices with losses in their main equipment is compared. On the basis of the work done, the elements with the greatest losses are identified. The features of each device, affecting the power loss in the main equipment, are described. Conclusions are drawn about the effectiveness of the schemes under consideration. Methods for reducing power losses in basic equipment and consumption for energy consumption are proposed.
Transport power engineering
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
A method for remote diagnosis of suspended porcelain insulators based on the pulse method is proposed. The form of test pulses for diagnosing isolators in the area of the DC contact network is determined. The main diagnostic parameters of the supplied and recorded pulses are given and calculated. The possibility of determining the distance to the faulty garland depending on the amplitude value of the diagnostic pulse has been revealed. The change of the peak value of the pulse decay depending on the resistance of the insulator string is considered. The proposed method allows localizing the position of a faulty insulator string at the DC power supply section, and subsequently reliably determining the faulty insulator in the festoon.
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
The used liquid wash solutions utilization problem in railway depots of Russian Federation was overviewed. Postulated, that it is important to solve ecological and energy efficiency problem together on railways. Authors shows, that in this moment level of development and using resource saving technology in railway depots is too low. Economical, juridical and technological aspect of this problem was analyzed. Shows, that in present conditions we need to treat wash solutions in the closed water recycling process. Simultaneously waste products must be concentrated and then used, taking into consideration, that concentrated waste products contains flammable oil-products. Proposed to combust it and generate heat energy. Taking review of oil-containing waste products concentration and combustion methods. Shows, that heat energy can be used for grows up energy efficiency of railway depots. Described theoretical basics, results of carried experiments, and economic effect was estimated. It`s proved, that proposed technology is useful and can be realized. Preferred construction of washing machines and waste treatment facilities are recommended. Ways of next research work are selected and proved.
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
The article considers an approach that allows to reduce the asymmetry of consumed currents by traction substations of railways from a three-phase power supply system using a compensating device with an asymmetric structure installed at the substation. Reactive currents of the compensating device allow to redistribute between phases of the traction transformer active and reactive power of asymmetric traction load and to receive symmetric load of three-phase power supply system. The theorem is proposed to determine the conductivities and reactive currents of the branches of a compensating device with an asymmetric structure depending on the traction loads. The article presents the calculated expressions, which can be used to calculate the conductivity and reactive currents of the branches of the compensating device for any traction load of the feeders, in which the equivalent load, including the reactive currents of the branches of the device and the currents of the feeder zones will be symmetrical and active. As an example of the application of the theorem and the proposed expressions, a test problem is presented in which the secondary winding of a traction transformer with asymmetric traction load of feeders is considered, the conductivity of the branches of the device is calculated. With the use of vector diagrams shows the receipt of a symmetrical system of currents of the secondary winding of the traction transformer. Mathematical expressions allowing to realize the necessary law of regulation of reactive currents of the device are given. The necessary ranges control of reactive currents of the compensating device on traction substation on the set probabilistic laws of change of traction loadings are defined. Various options for the practical implementation of a compensating device that will provide the necessary inductive or capacitive current of each branch are considered.
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
The paper deals with the protection of the buried structures under the influence of DC traction network stray currents. The paper presents an algorithm for joint operation of drainage units for simultaneous protection of the grounding grid and two isolated underground conductors with priority protection of the grounding grid. The proposed algorithm of joint drainage protection of buried structures allows providing the possibility of optimal protection: simultaneous keeping of the protective potential of buried structures with the minimum required drainage current, which allows reducing energy costs, reducing corrosion damage and extend the operating life of buried structures.
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
The problem of emergency outages of power consumers due to the interruption of the wires of power lines due to ice formation remains relevant for today. As a solution to this problem, an electromechanical class device developed by the authors is proposed in the article. The principles of his work, the features of the design and placement on the wires are outlined. The functionality of the device in automatic mode is described. The substantiation of the maximum efficiency of electromechanical methods of struggle against icing is given in comparison with others, including thermal methods. It is necessary to search for optimal pulse parameters and the design of the actuator.
Information technology, automation, communications, telecommunications
~~~Information technology, automation, communications, telecommunications~~~
In the work completed a study of shape vertices a unimodel probability density function (kurtosis) on the output of the nonlinear converter «phase shift - code, which is the most important parameter for evaluating conditions of finding mode to this function. To increase the accuracy of assessment shifts phases when there is high level of random noise is defined not only quality, but also quantitative dependence of the kurtosis probability density function on the output of the nonlinear converter «phase shift - code» of Standard deviation phase fluctuations of the signal at its input. The mathematical model of the distribution function on the output of the converter «phase shift - code» for research and implementation of algorithms improve noise immunity measure phase shifts between harmonic components of voltage and current in traction power supply rail transport networks.
Railway and engineering structures
~~~Railway and engineering structures~~~
Increasing speeds on existing railway lines is one of the main challenges facing the Belarusian railway. Through the territory of the republic there are two transport corridors connecting Russia and Western Europe, as well as Ukraine and the Baltic countries. In all of the above countries, the increase in speed on the railways is very fast. Belarus can not stand aside. However, to increase the speed, it is not always enough initial information. To identify the necessary data, methods of decision theory are used. The integral probabilistic criterion method (CPI) allows one to substantiate the road parameters necessary for introducing high-speed traffic on existing lines. The proposed method of decision-making on the choice of technical parameters and equipment of the line, taking into account the uncertainty in the re-design for the high-speed movement of passenger trains. The initial data for determining the CPI is a risk matrix or a matrix of particular criteria. When using the risk matrix for each design decision option i, the dependences of the expectation of losses on the probability of realization of the design conditions p varying in the range from 0 to 1 are compiled. In the article on the proposed methodology, the reduced costs for the variants of design solutions are determined under all possible design conditions. Using these costs, a matrix of private criteria and a risk matrix are formed. A comparison was made of the design decision options for the integral probabilistic criterion, using which the recommendation of choosing the option is unambiguous and is accompanied by a quantitative assessment, which facilitates the task to the decision maker.
Transport management
~~~Transport management~~~
The article considers the task of controlling the quality of work transport hub taking into account the performance given by stochastically independent Poisson counter and quasiresonance traffic flows. The problem is solved with the use of analytical and mathematical apparatus of Queuing theory. The results obtained in the article are supposed to be used to determine the forecast of the total free capacity of vehicles waiting for loading, the queue length of loaded vehicles (trains) in anticipation of unloading, the coefficient of use of useful volumes of warehouse complexes.
~~~Transport management~~~
The article deals with the issues of analysis and risk assessment of the operation of the logistics infrastructure of Russian Railways. The relevance of the article is determined by the practical orientation and significance of the issue relevant to the operation of the facilities of JSC “Russian Railways”. The aim of the article is to develop a risk assessment algorithm based on the statistics available to JSCo Russian Railways. The subject of research is the risks arising during operation. The object is the logistics infrastructure of Russian Railways. An analysis approach is considered and a risk analysis algorithm is proposed taking into account the specifics of the operation of logistics facilities using statistical and expert assessments.