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V.1(37), 2019
54-63With the purpose of providing capacity on the West-Siberian railway, in recent times, adjustable reactive power compensation devices have been introduced. The schematic construction and parameters of such devices on the market are significantly different. In connection with this, it is necessary to choose from the set of schemes the most effective, corresponding to specific technical and economic conditions. The article assesses the power losses in the main equipment of two devices from different manufacturers, namely static thyristor compensators of reactive power produced by "KER Holding" Kazan and "Aidis groups" Moscow, installed on the Alambay and Novaya Dubrava sectional posts of the West Siberian Iron roads. The power losses in the equipment are calculated taking into account additional losses from the influence of higher harmonic components. The analysis of the circuit design of both devices in terms of loss reduction is carried out. Dependences of power losses in their elements on the generated reactive power and the current of the thyristor-reactor group are constructed. Probabilistic functions of the distribution of the current of the titrator-reactor groups of devices are given at preset settings. The results of measurements of power consumption of devices for own needs are presented. The effect of reducing power losses in the traction network from switching devices with losses in their main equipment is compared. On the basis of the work done, the elements with the greatest losses are identified. The features of each device, affecting the power loss in the main equipment, are described. Conclusions are drawn about the effectiveness of the schemes under consideration. Methods for reducing power losses in basic equipment and consumption for energy consumption are proposed. -
V.3(39), 2019
57-67This article presents the results of changes calculations in the energy efficiency indicators of the Moscow Central Ring, such as the specific consumption of electricity released for traction by trains of traction substation meters, specific recovery, technical losses of electricity in the traction power supply system when it is transferred to electric rolling stock, including technical recuperation energy loss, depending on various installation options of rectifier-inverter converters in traction substations part. -
V.1(25), 2016
60-70The article analyzes the components of the energy efficiency of regenerative braking and the factors influencing the effectiveness of the use of regenerative braking and energy recovery. Methods of evaluating the energy efficiency of recovery and the results of experimental studies of the effectiveness of recovery. Achieved justification for the use of the method of simulation modeling as a method for evaluating the potential of regenerative braking. It shows the sequence of the work. -
V.1(21), 2015
69-74The article describes the types of irrational electric power losses for train traction and sets the annual planning levels of their improvement. Represented the basic methods of irrational electric power losses determination which are currently used in JSC "Russian Railways". Shown an example of the irrational losses determining algorithm in case of making up for train delay and given its description. Formulated technical results of the proposed method for determining the irrational electric power losses . -
V.2(14), 2013
75-84The article sets forth the procedure for preparation of energy saving programmes for the system of traction electric supply. List of key measures aimed at reduction of losses of electric power in traction network and equipment of traction substations, and also on increase of carrying capacity of railway sections. Presents the results of studies evaluating the potential of energy efficiency of the system of traction electric supply of Railways. -
V.1(29), 2017
83-90The paper discusses the use of automated electricity metering systems to control parameters of the traction power supply system in terms of speed and heavy movements. As the main control system offered an automated system for monitoring energy efficiency of transportation process. The results of testing of the system considered in the measurement example, the boundaries of the active area of railways DC Shalya - Podvoloshnaya Sverdlovsk railway. -
V.3(19), 2014
87-91The presence of ever-changing electrical traction load, distributed not only in time but also in space leads to the complexity of the detailed monitoring of the energy efficiency of the organization trains JSC «Russian Railways». Therefore one of the priorities of the energy strategy of JSC «Russian Railways» is the introduction of innovative technical tools and technologies. The paper discusses the main provisions and some functionality created automated information-measuring complex accounting of electric energy in the electric rolling stock. Reviewed the processing of data for evaluation of energy efficiency of trains on the basis of the developed system. -
V.3(35), 2018
101-111The article discusses the traction parameters of a new generation electric locomotive. The existing schemes of service areas by electric locomotives and locomotive brigades on the studied railway test site are presented. A comparison is made of the main parameters of DC and single-phase AC electric locomotives, the operation of which is currently organized on sections of movement with trains of calculated mass in the long-term mode of thrust on the climbs of various steepness. The scheme of the proposed organization of operation of a double power locomotive and locomotive crews is presented. Calculated traction parameters of a two-system electric locomotive, taking into account the plan and profile of the track in the proposed areas of operation, specific resistivity to the movement of the locomotive and the composition of the train at the estimated speed, specific accelerating and decelerating forces of the train. When two-system electric locomotives are put into operation, it will be possible to reduce the fleet of locomotives in operation, the number of traction arms due to their lengthening and the number of locomotive change points, reduce the transit time of freight trains, increase technical and local speed, average daily mileage and average daily performance of the locomotive, reduce power consumption per traction . The operation of such electric locomotives contributes to the development of polygon technologies for managing the transportation process, improving the quantitative and qualitative indicators of various railway enterprises. -
V.2(22), 2015
101-109The article deals with measures to improve the energy efficiency of the transportation process. The necessity of creation of an automated system for monitoring the energy efficiency of the electric rolling stock. The algorithm, which allows to determine the reasons for non-locomotive crew specific rules of electricity on the trip. Developed form of protocols, reflecting the information on losses of electricity on the basis of a trip with the time and place of their origin. -
V.3(15), 2013
108-114In this article made a scan of a current situation in electric power measuring on the rolling stock, proposed a concept of Global automatic electric power measuring system for rolling stock, stated technical requirements for modern electric power measuring systems for rolling stock. -
V.3(31), 2017
132-143The article presents the results of measurements of electricity on active and passive sectioning posts the traction power supply system direct current sections of railways with III and IV path profile type. Basic characteristics of operating modes sectioning posts for the purpose of assessing the amount of electricity transferred and duration of work electricity storage in different modes are considered. The most observed voltage values, volumes of transmitted energy and duration of each case are defined. Choice of theoretical distribution laws, allowing to use the experimental values obtained in further calculations in modeling of operating modes electricity storage is completed. -
V.2(26), 2016
134-142In the article the questions of increase of efficiency of structural subdivisions, members of the directorates of the West Siberian railway - branch of JSC "Russian Railways", such as infrastructure Directorate, Directorate railcar rolling stock and the Directorate of buildings and structures. The aim of this work is to identify structural units with the lowest energy efficiency indicators. This requires estimation of an indicator such as relative energy efficiency over a period of time equal to one calendar year, based on data of annual consumption of electric energy and annual volume of enterprise work. The article also outlines the main provisions of the concept analysis and monitoring the energy efficiency indicators of stationary objects of the railway transport, which will identify inefficient structural subdivisions with the use of control actions to reduce irrational consumption of energy resources. Calculation of the relative energy efficiency is one of the stages of this concept. The result is a received charts of the relative energy efficiency of structural subdivisions of the West Siberian railway which allows to make a comparison of this indicator. According to the results of comparison found that 10 of the 65 structural units have a low indicator of relative energy efficiency. This suggests the need for careful study the reasons of the low values of energy efficiency in these structural subdivisions and proposals the measures to eliminate this situation. The method and sequence of these activities proposes into the third and fourth stages of the concept. The establishment and subsequent application of a unified approach to the analysis and monitoring of energy efficiency indicators for all departments will increase the energy efficiency of the territorial branches of JSC "Russian Railways" and the holding company as whole.