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Scientific and technical journal established by OSTU. Media registration number: ПИ № ФС77-75780 dated May 23, 2019. ISSN: 2220-4245. Subscription index in the online catalog «Subscription Press» (www.akc.ru): E28002. Subscription to the electronic version is available on the «Rucont» platform.
The journal is included in the Russian Science Citation Index and in the List of Russian Scientific Journals .

Search results

  • V.1(13), 2013

    Experimental study of electromagnetic interference on traction substation

    The results of measuring the components of electromagnetic interference on DC traction substations and AC.
  • V.1(37), 2019

    Method of remote diagnostics suspended porcelaininsulator dc catenary

    A method for remote diagnosis of suspended porcelain insulators based on the pulse method is proposed. The form of test pulses for diagnosing isolators in the area of the DC contact network is determined. The main diagnostic parameters of the supplied and recorded pulses are given and calculated. The possibility of determining the distance to the faulty garland depending on the amplitude value of the diagnostic pulse has been revealed. The change of the peak value of the pulse decay depending on the resistance of the insulator string is considered. The proposed method allows localizing the position of a faulty insulator string at the DC power supply section, and subsequently reliably determining the faulty insulator in the festoon.
  • V.2(22), 2015

    Comparative analysis of fuzzy neural network structures for formation model of electricity consumption in the traction power supply system

    Nowadays fuzzy neural networks are widely used for modeling of complex industrial processes. The paper considers the application of fuzzy logic to generate a mathematical model of electricity consumption in rail transport for example, traction substation Dorogino. Algorithm for choice of the structure of fuzzy neural network including the species and number of membership functions for input and the number of training cycles is presented. Comparative analysis of the structures by evaluating the mean square error is made.
  • V.1(29), 2017

    Approbation of the method of reducing the specific expenditure and non-productive loss of electricity in the boundaries of railway account zones

    The article considers the current situation regarding the organization of control over the use of traction and energy resources of JSC «Russian Railways». The main provisions of the proposed method are stated. The influence factors on the specific electric power consumption of electric locomotives of series 2ES6 and VL10, as well as the evaluation of the quality of the constructed models of multiple nonlinear regression were estimated. New scientifically grounded technological solutions and developments are proposed that allow to reduce the specific consumption and unproductive losses of electric energy within the boundaries of the railway accounting areas.
  • V.3(19), 2014

    Electric power quality management in traction power supply systems on the smart grid basis

    Application intellectual networks (smart grid) technologies for electric power quality management in systems of alternating current railroads’ power supply are considered. The structure of intellectual traction power supply system is described. Classification of management technical means for electric power modes and quality is given. The algorithm of intellectual electrical power traction systems modes’ modeling is offered. This algorithm differs by sharing of imitating and dynamic models of the active smart grid elements in its basis. The modeling results confirm applicability of the developed methods for the solution of electric power quality management’s problems.
  • V.2(34), 2018

    Study of operation modes of the electrical power supply system for installation of electric energy storage drivers

    The article deals with issues related to theoretical and experimental studies of operating modes of the traction power supply system. The analysis of the comparison of voltages on the tires of traction substations with uncontrolled rectifiers and tires of traction substations with converter units equipped with a system of non-contact automatic voltage regulation is shown, the differences between them are shown. The modes of operation of the active partitioning post with the point of increasing voltage have been studied in detail. As a result of research, it was found that the observation time of maximum voltage values at substation tires above the average no-load voltage level is about 5 -10% of the time of day, about 7 - 8% at active posts, and 10 - 13% at passive posts. The maximum power in the active mode of the post sectioning with the point of increasing the voltage at lower voltage in the contact network is 2.9 MW. The average amount of electricity returned to the contact network point of increase of voltage, in one case is 170 kWh. The average duration of work in active mode for one case is 8,6 minutes.
  • V.2(18), 2014

    Model design electrical resistance concrete foundation supports contact systems

    The question of the possibility of using concrete foundations support of a contact network as earthing. The analysis of the impact of the construction of the foundation for the spreading re-sistance. The results of the calculation of spreading resistance of the anchor bolt foundation metal support on the proposed formula.
  • V.2(14), 2013

    Quality electricity distribution networks not consumers traction

    In this paper, the possibility of controlled shunt reactor (CSR) to absorb excess charging capacity in long lightly loaded transmission lines of 110 kV electric networks Nordic branch of JSC "IDGC of Siberia" - "Omskenergo." The emergence of excess reactive power leads to an increase in the voltage at the nodes of the power system and the emergence of significant power loss. The application of CSR, The calculation of the required power, the place of installation, pre-feasibility study.
  • V.4(24), 2015

    Standard legal support activities for energy saving in holding «russian railways»

    Results of the analysis of normative and legal documents of the Russian Federation, and also the internal normative documents establishing the main target indicators and requirements to activities for energy saving in «Russian Railways» Holding are given in article. Need of carrying out updating of Power strategy of «Russian Railways» Holding and revision of the list is proved by the mechanism of its realization.
  • V.4(32), 2017

    Definition of admissible number of shutdowns of high-speed switches depending on the size and quantityof the disconne cted currents

    In article the reasons of shutdowns of high-speed switches of a direct current are analysed and distribution of the disconnected currents is received. Such numerical characteristics as population mean and a mean square deviation of function of distribution of the currents which are disconnected by the high-speed switch are considered. The hypothesis of distribution of probability of refusal in operation of the switch is checked. Conclusions are drawn on applicability of the given calculation methods for definition of admissible number of shutdowns of high-speed switches on sites of traction network of a direct current.
  • V.3(23), 2015

    The utilization of secondary energy resources during the conduct of rheostat trials

    Rheostat trials must be carried out after repairing of a diesel locomotive. As a rheostat it is used a complex of equipment and it is taken a separate building for the staff, which must be situated at a set distance from office buildings. In order to keep the building for the staff warm central heating is used. The net cost is extremely high and transit heat losses are often comparable with effective consumption of the heated building. In this work the possibility to utilize the secondary energy resources for heating the stations is considered where rheostat trials are supposed to be carried out. It is noticed in separate depots that the measures of heat energy utilization from load rheostats have already been applied, but they are not widespread. There are external restrictive factors which limit the adoption of heat-recovery installations and also technical and organizational factors as well. There have been proposed principal measures which could be considered in case of the adoption of heat-recovery installations. Calculations are performed by heat energy generation by a rheostat during typical trials of diesel locomotives TEM2 and heat quantity of heat-transfer agent in typical load water rheostats. It is proposed that the plan to utilize secondary energy resources in low temperature heating systems will be effective. It is also mentioned the utilization of low temperature heating systems has many advantages. The required heat energy generation of heat-recovery installation for each month of the year have been calculated, and Station Omsk depot is one of the example where these calculations have been performed. It is noted required quantity of trials for heat loss compensation coincide with station operating schedule of rheostat trials in the majority of depots and would like to apply the indicated trial method. The calculated economical cost of these measures along with capital costs for the speed of completing the building should be considered when calculating the total cost of the station over the open rheostat tank.
  • V.1(33), 2018

    Application of neural networks at simulation ofa system of current collection on electric railways

    The article deals with the analysis of methods for obtaining statistically reliable data on contact pressure, which are based on the results of inspection trips and data on the design values of the location of the contact wires in the vertical plane andin the path plan. A method for calculating contact pressing with artificial neural networks is proposed. The methods of obtaining statistically reliable data on the contact pressing of current collectors of electric rolling stock without the need for direct measurement, based on the video image of the current collection process and analysis of external factors (weather, operational) accompanying the interaction are considered.
  • V.4(28), 2016

    Decrease in number of not selective shutdownsof high-speed switchesfeeders of overhead contact system

    In article possibilities of decrease in number of not selective shutdowns of high-speed switches by use of the relay - the differential shunt are described at full removal of a package of steel on a branch of smaller section. Results of experimental evaluation of the work of the relay - the differential shunt are given at full removal of a package of steel in a branch of smaller section and its trial operation. Conclusions are drawn on earlier undescribed property of the relay - the differential shunt, at full removal of a package of steel on a branch of smaller section - with increase in speed of increase of current, the considerable time lag of operation of the relay appears.
  • V.1(21), 2015

    Controlling the irrational electricity consumption for train traction by the use of information-measuring systems of electricity metering on the rolling stock

    The article describes the types of irrational electric power losses for train traction and sets the annual planning levels of their improvement. Represented the basic methods of irrational electric power losses determination which are currently used in JSC "Russian Railways". Shown an example of the irrational losses determining algorithm in case of making up for train delay and given its description. Formulated technical results of the proposed method for determining the irrational electric power losses .
  • V.4(36), 2018

    The effect of pole’s angle inclination on contact wire position relative to the level of the rail head for speeds and highspeeds catenaries

    The article describes how the inclination angle of a pole affects the position of contact wire relative to the level of the rail head. It is proposed to take into account a change in position of supporting constructions on the static parameters of catenary in high-speed Railways.
  • V.2(26), 2016

    Systems of traction power supply of 2 ?25 kv with coaxial cables and transformers of woodbridge

    Transfer of railway lines on the high-speed movement demands strengthening of traction power supply system.Such strengthening can be carried out on the basis of symmetrizing transformers and coaxial cables use.Means of computer modeling of such networks which can be realized on the basis of the methods developed at Irkutsk state transport university are necessary for the solution of practical application of traction networks with the symmetrizing transformers and coaxial cables.Complex technical solution including both from the designated ways of traction power supply strengthening is of interest. Strengthening provides the additional effects consisting in improvement of electric power quality in the feeding high-voltage networks and not traction consumers' power supply,and also in decrease in losses of the electric power and energy efficiency increase. Results of computer modeling of 2х25 kV traction power supply systems with Woodbridge symmetrizing transformers and coaxial cables are given.Modeling was carried out for three options: traditional scheme of 2х25 kV traction network; traction power supply system equipped with the modified Woodbridge transformers; the complex technical solution which is included the symmetrizing transformers and coaxial cables. Modeling results have allowed the following conclusions: application of coaxial cables promotes increase of contact net voltage; due to use of Woodbridge modified transformers it is possible to lower significantly negative sequence asymmetry factor on high voltage buses of traction substations; the greatest effect takes place at complex use of the symmetrizing transformers and coaxial cables.
  • V.2(22), 2015

    The wave processes study in the overhead system and power lines

    According to electric calculations, the overhead system and power lines being the part of the railway power supply are distributed parameters circuits. Wave processes in the overhead system have a negative impact on the power supply lines, laid in the vicinity of the railway, and increase the power losses in the traction power supply system. For the study of wave processes the method of mathematical modeling of non-sinusoidal signals transmission to the uniform two-wire distributed parameters line is provided. The mathematical model is based on the well-known line differential equations (telegraph equations) using Fourier series. The power line is a three-wire line. The paper presents an algorithm to bring the power line equations to the form of two-wire line equations. To assess the correctness of the mathematical model the research was carried out on the physical model of the line. Using the mathematical model there were given the findings of distributed parameters circuits various modes. The proposed method of mathematical modeling of different shape signals transmission to the distributed parameters line adequately reflects the phenomena occurring in the line and can be used for the analysis of electromagnetic processes both in the overhead system and power lines.
  • V.1(37), 2019

    Using the liquid oil-containing waste products of railway depots for heat energy generation

    The used liquid wash solutions utilization problem in railway depots of Russian Federation was overviewed. Postulated, that it is important to solve ecological and energy efficiency problem together on railways. Authors shows, that in this moment level of development and using resource saving technology in railway depots is too low. Economical, juridical and technological aspect of this problem was analyzed. Shows, that in present conditions we need to treat wash solutions in the closed water recycling process. Simultaneously waste products must be concentrated and then used, taking into consideration, that concentrated waste products contains flammable oil-products. Proposed to combust it and generate heat energy. Taking review of oil-containing waste products concentration and combustion methods. Shows, that heat energy can be used for grows up energy efficiency of railway depots. Described theoretical basics, results of carried experiments, and economic effect was estimated. It`s proved, that proposed technology is useful and can be realized. Preferred construction of washing machines and waste treatment facilities are recommended. Ways of next research work are selected and proved.
  • V.3(23), 2015

    Determination of traction networks parameters on measuring data

    The technique of parametrical identification of alternating current railroad traction network is offered. The technique allows receiving trellised equivalent circuits of a traction network which in the presence of measurements’ errors of voltage and currents vectors which aren't exceeding 0,5 % 0,5º give rather high precision of systems modes calculation of traction power supply, providing the correct solution of many practical tasks. Computer modeling showed that uniform traction network mode errors on voltages don't exceed 0,4 % and 0.2º , on currents - 0,9 %, 1.3º.
  • V.1(29), 2017

    Influence of parameters and operating modes traction power supply system on efficiency of energy recovery use

    The article analyzes the influence of parameters and operating modes of traction power supply system on the value of the useful energy recovery and the amount of electricity losses caused by the energy recovery through the traction power system to various consumers. The amount of energy lost in recuperation determines the degree of efficiency of its use. The approaches to the sequential determination of the recuperation energy efficiency and the calculation of the numerical values of the quantities characterizing the parameters of the traction power supply system, which are necessary for an adequate analysis of the energy distribution flow distribution, are proposed. It is determined that it is sufficient to use the regression analysis method to estimate the influence of the parameters and operating conditions of the traction power system on the energy efficiency of the recovery. The values of the relative resistance of the contact network are calculated depending on the type of the contact suspension, as well as on the traction network supply circuits. It is shown that the parameters and operating modes of traction power supply system affect the losses in the contact network, the losses in rectifier-inverter converters and traction transformers of direct current traction substations, the amount of energy recovery from tires of traction substations, as well as the relative change in losses in the system traction power supply with the use of regenerative braking.
  • V.2(14), 2013

    Evaluating the potential of energy efficiency of the system of traction electric supply

    The article sets forth the procedure for preparation of energy saving programmes for the system of traction electric supply. List of key measures aimed at reduction of losses of electric power in traction network and equipment of traction substations, and also on increase of carrying capacity of railway sections. Presents the results of studies evaluating the potential of energy efficiency of the system of traction electric supply of Railways.
  • V.3(19), 2014

    Determination of the optimal parameters of energy storage devices to manage railway's electrical loads

    The article describes a method for controlling electrical loads rail consumers using energy storage. Different types of energy storage devices used in rail transport were considered. Performed the optimization problem formulation, selected criteria and the method for its solution. As an optimization method used the method of Hooke-Jeeves. A method is proposed to determine the optimal parameters and the optimal control law of charging and discharging of the energy storage. The criteria and calculation expressions that can be used in the design and feasibility study of the effectiveness of implementation of the stationary energy storage for managing schedules loads rail consumers. The mathematical expression was proposed for the energy storage capacity determination. Two criteria were considered in the optimization problem: a minimum active power losses and minimum reduced costs, and a comparison of results. The form factor used to evaluate the changes in electrical loads. Control of reactive power in the AC mains can realize using semiconductor converters and an energy storage. As a variant the electrochemical cells (lithium-titanate batteries) could be used as energy storage for rail electric consumers. As a result, optimal control of electrical loads allows to get technical and economic effects.
  • V.4(28), 2016

    Analysis of applicability of external power supply equivalents for short circuit currents’ calculations in 1x25 kv traction network

    Researching subject which are presented in article is the emergency modes in 25 kV traction power supply systems caused by the short circuits (SC). The research purpose consisted in the analysis of calculation SC currents errors evolving from the reactances determined by SC power at the simplified modeling of external network. For achievement of formulated purpose comparative calculations of SC currents for a number of standard schemes of 25 kV system when using full models in phase coordinates and with use of simplified electric power system (EPS) reactances are executed. Modeling has shown that calculations of SC currents of contact network of deadlock substation by EPS reactances give the acceptable accuracy for feeder current of substation near which there is a short circuit. The calculation error of remote substation feeder current can reach +100% at SC power on inputs of substation about 300 MV·A, but decrease to values about 10% at the SC power of 2500 … 3000 MV·A. At food of group of traction substations from two 110 kV lines calculation error for equivalent reactances it is much less, however at SC power about 300 MV·A errors reach 35% and decrease to 10% at SC power on substation inputs more than 550 MV·A. Variant of traction substations power supply from two 220 kV power lines differs in small calculation errors of SC currents for equivalent external power supply reactances: differences from full scheme don't exceed 9% at SC powers of 1200 MV·A or more. The received results can be used at improvement existing and creation of new definition techniques for SC currents in 25 kV traction networks.
  • V.2(34), 2018

    The development and approbation technologies of increasing energy efficiency of production processes in service locomotive depo

    The article analyzes the results of the assessment operating time and power consumption of compressor equipment service locomotive depo Moscow West-Siberian Railway. The algorithms for data preparation for modeling and evaluating the efficiency of the production process are presented. The main factors influencing the power consumption of the compressor equipment are determined and the results of the assessment of their influence are presented. On the basis of the dependences obtained, a mathematical model of the process of power consumption of compressor equipment using fuzzy neural networks and its accuracy is determined. The interface of the developed program complex is presented at an estimation of influence of factors on process of power consumption of the equipment service locomotive depo Moscow West-Siberian Railway.
  • V.4(36), 2018

    Automation of the calculation of the distribution of electrical quantities in the system of three conductors with account their mutual influence

    The article presents the equivalent circuit of three conductors, taking into account their mutual influence. The equivalent circuit contains the resistance and inductance of each conductor, the conductivity and the capacitance of their insulation relative to the earth, as well as the mutual inductances, conductivities and capacitances of the insulation between the conductors. The mathematical foundations of calculating the distribution of electrical quantities in the system of three conductors are considered, taking into account their mutual influence. An iterative incremental model of the software life cycle was chosen as the basis for automating this calculation, taking into account existing approaches to software development. Specific features of specialized software are specified. A structural scheme of the software complex and a block diagram of the calculation algorithm are proposed. The algorithm is based on the iterative calculation of currents and voltages for three conductors, taking into account their mutual influence. In accordance with the chosen model of the life cycle of the software, three versions of software with different functionality have been developed. This allowed us to effectively organize the processes of testing, debugging and implementation. As a result, the software complex has a window interface containing four tabs and allowing to enter the initial data for the calculation, display the results in the form of graphs and tables. For saving the results of calculations, a connection with the database has been implemented.