Journal of Transsib Railway Studies V.3(23), 2015

Railway rolling stock
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
Article is devoted to mathematical modeling of heat transfer to the cooling system of locomotive diesel engine . The article presents the features of calculation of heat to the cooling system of a diesel engine when idling.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
The possibilities of improving speed and reducing the time of passenger trains on the Trans-Siberian railway, including through new passenger locomotives EP1, EP2K, EP20.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
Method of construction of mathematical models is offered for mechanical systems with additional feedback ties which formed of lever mechanisms of different kinds. It shown that mathematical models can be get by simplifying more complicated system in which lever ties are realized of rigid body with fixed pivot point. Lever ties at the preparation of a model formally appear at decrease inertial moment of intermediate rigid body to very small values. It shown that mechanical oscillation system can be reduced to equivalent scheme which matches estimation scheme of chain type. Equivalent estimation schemes can to differ of various kinds of between-partial ties. Possibilities of using quasi-springs in equivalent estimation schemes are offered and justified. These complicated compositions consist of elastical elements which interconnected of lever mechanisms. Coerced stiffness’s of quasi-springs defined on rules of transformation of structural mathematical models. Base of mathematical modeling is using method of transformation of Laplas with following construction of equivalent in dynamical attitude of structural schemes of automation control systems. Analytical ratios are given. They characterize possibilities of special dynamical regimes.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
The article proposes the use of Fuzzy Sets theory in decision-making support system of locomotive complex IT-control systems. For this purpose the method of translation linguistic assertions into the language of mathematical logic proposed, which will be introduced on a built-in quality in the IT-control system of monitoring of technical condition and modes of operation of locomotives service company «TMH-Service» and management company «Locomotive technologies».
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
In article on the basis of the analysis of design undercarriage locomotives of new generation built the design scheme and formed their mathematical model of the vertical dynamics. Using already known techniques simplify the mathematical models derived a mathematical model of the vertical dynamics of the conditional «uniaxial» locomotive of the new generation and the calculations of the dynamic and traction qualities of the train crew with parameters passenger locomotive EP2K.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
In the article there is the method of calculating the loss of water pressure in the water system of passenger cars, equipped with a cleaning system as a series of two filters installed and the flow of ultraviolet sterilizer screw design. There is the results of calculation of losses in the various water systems of cars with the maximum and minimum charging time and the water pressure in the water system station. The rational geometric parameters of the decontamination chamber flow ultraviolet sterilizer of the conditions to ensure complete filling of the tank car parking in the minimum time with minimum pressure of the water supply system of the station. The value of head loss does not exceed the nameplate values typical designs. The geometry of the sterilizer allows you to integrate the device into the car. Its design values are taken to develop the prototype of a UV sterilizer successfully tested. To be able to determine the loss of water pressure chamber decontamination sterilizer screw coil design is presented with a rectangular cross section, «wound» on the cylinder. Local loss of one turn calculated using the reference formula proposed by G.N. Abramovich.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
Each of the proposed circuits is composed of inverters. These devices are sources of non-sinusoidal voltage, whose frequency can vary within a wide load range of the test engine. Therefore, to measure the power in such conditions requires either the use of special complex of hardware-software complexes to perform the direct measurement or the development of indirect methods for determining capacity. Such methods proposed for each of the schemes. The essence of the developed methods consists in a preliminary experimental determination of the dependency of the losses in the rectifiers and rectifier-inverters circuits from the power supplied to him. These dependencies are further processed during the test, using only the General-industrial electric meters that measure power consumed by the frequency Converter, and the power consumed (generated) asynchronous motors is determined by the indirect (calculated) by. On the other hand, pre-experimentally received dependence of losses in frequency converters from power consumption trolled (generated) asynchronous motor energy, you can calculate the power consumed by the frequency Converter from the network in a wide range of loads that can be used in the design of testing stations for asynchronous traction motors.
~~~Railway rolling stock~~~
The article proposes methodology for assessing the power loss in motor thrust bearings, the nodes of box, traction gear transmission. Revealed dependence between the power losses, the diameter of the tire wheel pair and the speed characteristic of the wheel-motor block. The results can be used to assess the technical condition and energy efficiency of traction rolling stock of Railways.
Transport power engineering
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
Rheostat trials must be carried out after repairing of a diesel locomotive. As a rheostat it is used a complex of equipment and it is taken a separate building for the staff, which must be situated at a set distance from office buildings. In order to keep the building for the staff warm central heating is used. The net cost is extremely high and transit heat losses are often comparable with effective consumption of the heated building. In this work the possibility to utilize the secondary energy resources for heating the stations is considered where rheostat trials are supposed to be carried out. It is noticed in separate depots that the measures of heat energy utilization from load rheostats have already been applied, but they are not widespread. There are external restrictive factors which limit the adoption of heat-recovery installations and also technical and organizational factors as well. There have been proposed principal measures which could be considered in case of the adoption of heat-recovery installations. Calculations are performed by heat energy generation by a rheostat during typical trials of diesel locomotives TEM2 and heat quantity of heat-transfer agent in typical load water rheostats. It is proposed that the plan to utilize secondary energy resources in low temperature heating systems will be effective. It is also mentioned the utilization of low temperature heating systems has many advantages. The required heat energy generation of heat-recovery installation for each month of the year have been calculated, and Station Omsk depot is one of the example where these calculations have been performed. It is noted required quantity of trials for heat loss compensation coincide with station operating schedule of rheostat trials in the majority of depots and would like to apply the indicated trial method. The calculated economical cost of these measures along with capital costs for the speed of completing the building should be considered when calculating the total cost of the station over the open rheostat tank.
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
The technique of parametrical identification of alternating current railroad traction network is offered. The technique allows receiving trellised equivalent circuits of a traction network which in the presence of measurements’ errors of voltage and currents vectors which aren't exceeding 0,5 % 0,5º give rather high precision of systems modes calculation of traction power supply, providing the correct solution of many practical tasks. Computer modeling showed that uniform traction network mode errors on voltages don't exceed 0,4 % and 0.2º , on currents - 0,9 %, 1.3º.
~~~Transport power engineering~~~
Various converters are operated at electric railways traction substations whose rectifiers design includes plug-in power rectifiers and pill ones. Such a variety of rectifiers design causes the problem of the power supply reliable operation unavailability both of volumes and of quality information concerning the characteristics and diagnostic parameters of power semiconductors rectifiers. For a possible prediction of the diodes and thyristors proper operation, new instruments as well as simple technologies of the preventive diagnostics, correspondent to the state and industry standards and instructions should be developed. One of the most accurate methods to determine not only the serviceability of rectifiers but also to forecast their wear - life, is the diagnostic method of recurrent peak backward current. This method is the basis for the design of a peak backward current meter which is used on the Western-Siberian railway. Using this device the screening of about thirty thousand rectifiers was carried out which resulted in the sorting of out-of-work rectifiers, predicting long term rectifiers conditions. The statistical analysis of the research allowed to determine the number of measures to improve the reliability of traction substations converters.
Information technology, automation, communications, telecommunications
~~~Information technology, automation, communications, telecommunications~~~
Is executed the analysis of the special features of the territorially distributed objects of rail transport for developing the systems of video surveillance and video registration. Is proposed the three-stage design procedure of such systems, at basis of which lies the separation of entire system into the zones of video surveillance, zones of video registration and the information clusters, which ensure the optimization of system on the criterion of minimum expenditures.
~~~Information technology, automation, communications, telecommunications~~~
The article describes the structural scheme, the algorithmic basis, functional composition and some technological characteristics of the hardware and software of information system of operating control parameters of the electric power in the traction power supply network, structural peculiarities of information-measuring complex, the hub characteristics of the data collection substation, type of equipment used in information and computational complex structure of servers for processing and storage, data volumes and characteristics of the necessary communication lines.
Railway and engineering structures
~~~Railway and engineering structures~~~
Data on corrosion fatigue damages of a sole of rails (defect 69) on the railroads of Russia are submitted. It is established that 69 the corrosion fatigue resulting from moistening of a sole in a zone of contact with subrail laying in combination with the high level of the stretching tension in a rail sole is the reason of breaks of rails on defect. The analysis of statistical data on refusals of rails on defect 69 in the West Siberian management of infrastructure showed that failure rate grows to an operating time of the tonnage of 800 million t gross and has fatigue character. On sites of a way with a complicated plan and a profile failure rate is 3 - 4 times higher, than on quiet Trans-Siberian to the course. Results of the analysis of data are shown and measures for increase of reliability of the rail lashes having tendency to formation of defects on a code 69 are offered.
Transport management
~~~Transport management~~~
The algorithm of constructing the confidence interval of the model estimating the reliability of liner-tamping-straightening machines. The basis for assessing the reliability of transport-technological process initiated the concept of reliability, as the probability of reaching a liner-tamping-straightening machines ultimate goal in the manufacture of track work. One of the main factors reliability of track machines is the utilization of their time and availability to work. The guidelines are outdated factor data used during the working time that must be updated, as the machines are constantly being improved. According to the results of field testing of the liner-tamping-straightening machines was established database of values of the coefficients of availability and utilization over time. The data base values were recorded, the last two stages of verification: logical and mathematical. In the article the example of constructing a confidence interval values of the coefficient of use of time depending on the complex index of reliability: availability. To create the model formed the sample values from the database. After sampling in accordance with GOST R 8.736-2011 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The direct measurement repeated. Methods of processing the results of measurements were tested for their adherence to the law of normal distribution using the goodness of fit Pearson. Then built a model of the utilization of time depending on the availability liner-tamping-straightening machines (regression equation) and the confidence interval of the model. The proposed model works liner-tamping-straightening machines allow us to predict the main complex organizational and technological performance of a specific machine at the design stage of technological processes of track work. This method is versatile and can be used to assess the technical reliability of any machine systems, complete sets and individual cars.
~~~Transport management~~~
In the article the analysis of safety when lifting one of the two cargo lifting cranes. Considered a method of increasing safety of works with the use of a radio channel for transmission and reception of information about the condition of the crane equipment, signals for controlling crane operations safety systems for cranes from crane operators and slingers, verbal exchange of information between the crane operators and slingers.